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CasterMaster's avatar


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CasterMaster's Mobafire Blog - Tag: The

22 Sep

Views: 2475 The

WHAT IS UP IN THE MOBATOWN CITAY! Welcome to another fricken episode of The CM Channel. I hope you all enjoy yourselves because technically nobody is going to read this anyways. But for those who WILL read it aka. nobody will get.

FIRST OFF! The noobmaster has updated his guides. Yeah I had some time and I figured that since they became yellow I said "Why not?", and so my guides are updated. It's ok nobody cares though so we will...
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06 Sep

Views: 2746 The

Welcome to another episode of the FRICKEN CM Channel. Is everyone like dead or something? I had a good 48 views on my last episode lol. I hope this episode can score more views and hopefully you guys are leave your comments. THE CONTEST IS STILL UP FOR A GOOD WEEK REMEMBER! Anyways, I'm not sure if I will continue doing this if I'm not getting enough views and comments. Therefore I encourage everyone to tell your friends and everyone who...
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06 Sep

Views: 2746 The

Welcome to another episode of the FRICKEN CM Channel. Is everyone like dead or something? I had a good 48 views on my last episode lol. I hope this episode can score more views and hopefully you guys are leave your comments. THE CONTEST IS STILL UP FOR A GOOD WEEK REMEMBER! Anyways, I'm not sure if I will continue doing this if I'm not getting enough views and comments. Therefore I encourage everyone to tell your friends and everyone who...
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