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CasterMaster's avatar


Rank: Veteran
Rep: Esteemed (316)
Status: Offline
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CasterMaster's Mobafire Blog

01 Mar


Hey guys (and girls =P)! Recently I've been looking at myself and asking "What else do you enjoy that you haven't succeeded yet"? I love careers in arts, and currently do music, programming, video editing, and etc. One thing I haven't fully excelled at is using photoshop and making/editing photos. So naturally, I want to start a signature shop. HOWEVER, I feel my skills are still lacking something. I have made sigs for some of my friends and they enjoy it,...
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29 Feb


You can easily look at all my guides and say that I put little effort into them. I mean, they're all the exact same pretty much (layout wise), and so I was thinking. I need to make a new guide that's different. An extreme in-depth guide, but for which CASTER champion? I had an idea to do a complete remake of my Xerath guide and try to achieve higher, but now I'm asking you Mobafire.

This Week's Topic: Suggestions for a new guide or a remake guide?
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28 Feb

Views: 921 A Signature Center?


Hey guys! Haven't posted a "true" blog yet but here comes something I want to discuss. I'm gonna make a Mobafire Signature Center, where people share sigs, view them, test them, etc. Basically it's like a location where people can make sigs for others, view and use some sigs, maybe even trade them. I think it can sound like a bad idea, but sometimes it's good to be more social and have the community working for itself. What do you guys think?

Today's Topic:...
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17 Feb


Hey guys! I'm in need of a good anime to watch and I want some help in finding a good one (ever since watching Sora No Otoshimono there's nothing alike it). Simply put my favorite genres are: Action, Comedy, Fantasy, (maybe Ecchi), and Romance. <<Mainly all of them in one *cough* but rammus said ok


Today's Topic: Help me find a good anime to watch that may include the above genre(s) =D
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