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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

Awesome ****in night in LoL

Tonight has been an amazing freakin night. I haven't kicked back and relaxed like this in awhile. So, me,my bf and his friends were playing. I was LuLu,my bf was Kass, and the rest were Lux,Ashe, and Teemo. We were like screw it,let's all go mid this game. We did freakin awesome. I went machine gun LuLu. I kept spamming my W and letting myself to auto attack. This post probably doesn't make sense,but idc. It was such a great time.

Ranked Day 13

Game 34: Taric Support

What a stupid game. Last pick is ADC, so he picked Jarvan IV of course. Wants to find all lane because we running half bruiser, so I get beat up all game because they target me. Have a decent mid game but they have way more damage.

End Result: Defeat 0/1 in Gold III Promotional 210/178

Game 35: Zed Mid

Laning against a Fiddlesticks, and it was really lame. Could never go aggro on him. I outfarm him but rest of team loses lanes. Oh well back to Gold IV.

End Result: Defeat 0/2 5/5/4 in Gold IV Promotional 210/179

Game 36: Jarvan IV Jungle

Enemy team has a mid Soraka, so I focused that lane. Good teammates, forced them back, but they ninja'd a Baron at about 22 minutes. Do a great job of defending, then with 20 seconds left on Baron Cassiopeia gets hooked, end with a 3-3 fight. Baron dance ends when enemy Thresh facechecks us and Cassiopeia gets a 5 man Gaze, I follow up with my combo for an easy Ace and win.

End Result: Victory +14 LP 74->88 3/2…

F**K THIS S**T!!!!

Tried to duo with someone else yesterday... i know why i was bad at lol... the dudes i used to play with suck epic time... lost 2 ranked in row. Yea got told to change my attitude, but every game i run with those who generally called me back to lol when i quit are lost games, if i go solo i can carry. Conclusion = they suck...

After that i went on solo to get back the points i lost... ****in fed jungle Jarvan searing trough the sky raping any gods of the old world that's in the way.... aaaand ISP thinks turning off the internet from 12pm-5am would be fun...

Calling them that the service went off, they actually said: "We don't see any problems, checking any malfunction would take 24 hours.." so **** this.

In just 1 day im back at 19 points from 82 -_-

Almost level 30!

Hello! ( ゚д゚)
My name is Charlie or Deathraymustache and I've been playing league for god knows how long. I finally reached level 29, which brings me one step close to the eternal goal: Ranked. Ranked may not seem like the best fruit on the tree (I get it, I used to play starcraft) but in league it seems like an oasis in a dry, dry desert.
Like many people, I played normals early on: Once I had finished tutorials and got a sense of the game through bots. My arms were spread open to normals, to feel the warmth of the loving league community over l;wool but then I realized that normals is disgusting and filled with people who have never played this game. Insta-lockers, trolls, the scum of the internet cause the games to go on for 2 hours. Normals are madness.

Solo Queue Tier list 4/09/13

Tier 1: Hecarim, Xin Zhao, Jarvan IV, Volibear
Tier 2: Nocturne, Zed(^), Lee Sin, Elise, Maokai, Amumu, Zac
Tier 3: Fiddlesticks, Dr. Mundo, Shaco, Kayle, Udyr, Cho'gath, Nautilus, Pantheon, Trundle, Taric, Rammus(v), Olaf(v), Vi(v), Skaner(v), Warwick(v), Jax(v)
Tier 4: Sejuani, Rengar, Master Yi, Kha'zix, Shyvanna, Shen, Malphite

Tier 1: Rumble, Nidalee, Shen, Elise, Renekton(^)
Tier 2: Olaf, Lee Sin, Jax, Kayle, Riven, Yorick, Xin Zhao, Jayce, Akali, Nasus, Teemo, Singed, Vladimir, Zed, Irelia
Tier 3: Garen, Katarina, Kennen, Pantheon, Malphite, Darius, Kha'zix, Wukong, Fizz, Jarvan IV, Rengar, Tryndamere(AP)(v)
Tier 4: Cho'Gath, Volibear, Vi
Fiora Tier: Fiora, Poppy, Gangplank, Tryndamere(AD)

Tier 1: Anivia, Ryze, Twisted Fate, Lux, Akali, Kassadin, Zed, Diana(^)
Tier 2: Ahri, Cassiopeia, Karthus, Gragas, Katarina, Orianna, Kha'xiz, Rumble, Nidalee, Jayce, Fizz(^), Kayle(v), Xerath(v)
Tier 3: Annie, Kennen, Pantheon, Swain, Veigar, Zyra, Evelynn, Syndra, Master…

Bronze I

Found some random dude for duo partner... he isn't bad, just too **** to be good...
Honestly he needs lots of practice but it's not futile.

Ended up winning one and losing one. Could carry the 1st match with Wukong, was pretty hard to do, but made it to top 3 Wu guides for a reason :D. The second one i had to support (started it not long ago, but doing good) but we had such a useless jungler, and top, and mid... and duo partner forgot rune page... AP Draven!!!! Yea was a pretty obvious loose when everyone was focusing

NA All-star Selection

So I'm putting together this Blog to talk about my choices for the NA all-star team, who I'd like to see go, and who I think should go. this should be a good blog for talking and I hope you guys give some good feedback and your personal opinions on who should go.

Top Lane

My Choice

Voyboy - He's probably the best top laner in North America at the moment, perhaps even the world. He draws a tremendous amount of pressure to his lane,in 1v1 scenarios he's a mismatch to every player in the world. The Koreans even feel that he is a mismatch and are often forced to 2v1 him or camp his lane with a jungler. He's often called inconsistent, but I think thats a very minute detail. Whether or not Voyboy is on his game is not the issue, you still have to apply a tremendous amount of pressure to his lane because of the possibility that he is on his game, he can single-handidly win for his team, it also frees up aggression for other lanes. Because of other choices for my team, I think Voyboy i…

Vayne AD Carry powerful Build Guide

Vayne Build;

Boots > 3x Health Pots > 2x Doran's Blade > Either Berserkers Greaves, Mercury Treads or Ninja Tabi dependent upon enemies (Tabi for Heavy AD enemies) (Berserkers for More damage dependent upon that of the enemy teams current gold and in game lead) (Mercury Treads against a heavy AP enemy Team). > Phantom Dancer > Frozen Mallet > Trinity Force > Zonya's Hourglass in the prder displayed is the order they should be bought.

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide