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Runes: just enough attack speed
+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Mosstomper Smite
Ability Order W into E
Relentless Assault (PASSIVE)
Jax Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
the only thing that affects whether or not this build works is your own skill level, get gud
if you get fed early you can snowball into making your enemies want to permaban jax at the least
if you get fed early you can snowball into making your enemies want to permaban jax at the least
Champion Build Guide
start your bottom buff because draft players are generally too dumb to coordinate starting your top buff with pings alone
Red Start:
get leash on red buff
skip krugs
kill raptors
smite wolves
kill frog
health potion and 2nd smite blue buff
Blue Start:
get leash on blue buff
kill frog
smite wolves
kill raptors
health potion and 2nd smite red buff
skip krugs
Always head straight for top scuttle crab or gank if enemy top is pushed up
I personally like to gank by walking behind them and cutting off their escape so you always get their flash at the very least
if top isnt pushed up then get your krugs and bottom scuttle in whatever order you please but I highly suggest using your brain to determine in what order
or in case you dont have one:
red start: bottom scuttle then krugs
blue start: krugs then bottom scuttle
from here look for another gank and dont recall until you at least have 1300 for noonquiver
from here on you just gank when someones pushed up and clear as soon as your camps spawn
take a wild guess at the enemy team's biggest threat (usually adc) and look for a dive on them wth your q and e
focus them until they either die or manage to get away from you
now just chill where you are and hit a tank or their 2nd highest damage if possible
wait for the adc to re-engage because they are dumb and usually somehow think they are safe and then leap onto them a second time after which they definitely die
from this point on just go down the line of who does the most damage until every person on their team doesnt pose any threat to you
now you just win the fight
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