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+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Hextech Affinity (PASSIVE)
Heimerdinger Passive Ability
SERIOUSLY, I learned heim this season. LEGIT 1 month into FIRST TIME heimer**** 64% Win rate D3 .
So if you want to climb, trust me on this. This champ is STUPID OP...
You need to learn why it works and what this champ does. I'll explain in details, bare with me.
Just invest the time of few hours for the most freelo climb to diamond of your life.
Get Q first. Go straight into leash bot as soon as you load, put 3 turrets at where exactly the buff will spawn. You'll get the 3 turrets + mana back before the laning starts.
Don't attack the red/blue buff with autos, it'll clear too fast for your jungle. (you might take it by accident)
Stack 2 turrets parallel to each other.
E lvl 2 to protect your turrets, farm with auto/turrets. Harass with W at lvl 3. Don't use your E too much; save it for enemy jgler ganking you. Let your support poke with you as well.
Push cannon wave fast and go back before 6 for mana crystal or lost chapter. YOU NEED MANA ON THIS CHAMP.
At lvl 6: You should be getting your free stopwatch from your runes. Use ULT+Q -> Stun enemy at turret range with E -> StopWatch. (probs will save you or get you a free kill(s).
Get Q first. Go straight into leash bot as soon as you load, put 3 turrets at where exactly the buff will spawn. You'll get the 3 turrets + mana back before the laning starts.
Don't attack the red/blue buff with autos, it'll clear too fast for your jungle. (you might take it by accident)
Stack 2 turrets parallel to each other.
E lvl 2 to protect your turrets, farm with auto/turrets. Harass with W at lvl 3. Don't use your E too much; save it for enemy jgler ganking you. Let your support poke with you as well.
Push cannon wave fast and go back before 6 for mana crystal or lost chapter. YOU NEED MANA ON THIS CHAMP.
At lvl 6: You should be getting your free stopwatch from your runes. Use ULT+Q -> Stun enemy at turret range with E -> StopWatch. (probs will save you or get you a free kill(s).
1. Zhonya's Rush (build zhonyas from stopwatch, against heavy ad team) if zed/kayn is in the enemy team, DEFS RUSH IT.
2. Rylai's <- OP. Every turret that hits a little bit slows the enemy down. Works almost every situation
3. Lost Chapter Finish -> Luden's Echo .. (only if you feel like finishing a core first. Some people don't like having items unfinished)
1. Zhonya's Rush (build zhonyas from stopwatch, against heavy ad team) if zed/kayn is in the enemy team, DEFS RUSH IT.
2. Rylai's <- OP. Every turret that hits a little bit slows the enemy down. Works almost every situation
3. Lost Chapter Finish -> Luden's Echo .. (only if you feel like finishing a core first. Some people don't like having items unfinished)
Every champ needs mechanical practice.
For heim, the most important are SKILL SHOTS.
1. ULT + E. Learn to see a good lining where you can mass stun, or pick at least 1 stun for your team.
2. W skillshot , straight forward . Be careful of shooting close, it spreads the shots instead of a straight focus.
3. E - It shoots further than ppl think, predict slight back steps of enemy champions. Even if it hits slightly in the hitbox, it won't stun BUT DO A SH** Ton of DMG on adcs.
For heim, the most important are SKILL SHOTS.
1. ULT + E. Learn to see a good lining where you can mass stun, or pick at least 1 stun for your team.
2. W skillshot , straight forward . Be careful of shooting close, it spreads the shots instead of a straight focus.
3. E - It shoots further than ppl think, predict slight back steps of enemy champions. Even if it hits slightly in the hitbox, it won't stun BUT DO A SH** Ton of DMG on adcs.
Definitely best with Poke Heavy AP SUPPORTs.
1. Zyra
2. Fiddle
3. Soraka (tbh just stupid broken champ. I'll make a guide on her later)
4. Morgana
5. Sona
6. Karma
7. Brand
8. Velkoz
9. Nami (You'll see ALOT of egirls in plat-d5 climb with this champ. Gonna give you cancer, pull through brother, don't rage.. and don't expect anything from them)
10. Lux
1. Zyra
2. Fiddle
3. Soraka (tbh just stupid broken champ. I'll make a guide on her later)
4. Morgana
5. Sona
6. Karma
7. Brand
8. Velkoz
9. Nami (You'll see ALOT of egirls in plat-d5 climb with this champ. Gonna give you cancer, pull through brother, don't rage.. and don't expect anything from them)
10. Lux
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