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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Backstab (PASSIVE)
Shaco Passive Ability
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Champion Build Guide
twtv TKPStefan
Name: Stefan
Age: 23
Country: Denmark
Region: EUW/EUNE
I've been playing Shaco for about 3 years now and had my peak with him in season 7 900lp.
I'm streaming on ""
x Red x Krugs x Wolfs x Blue x Scuttle x Gromp
x Red x Krugs x Wolfs x Blue x Scuttle x Gromp |
x Red x Krugs x Enemy Blue (cheese bot) x Vertical JG / Reset
x Red x Krugs x Wolfs x Blue x Scuttle x Gromp |
x Red x Krugs x Enemy Blue (cheese top) x Vertical JG / Reset
x Red x Krugs x Wolfs x Blue x Scuttle x Gromp |
x Red x Krugs x Wolfs x Blue x Scuttle x Gromp
x Red x Krugs x Wolfs x Blue x Scuttle x Gromp |
After ur basic pathings always look for counterganks & try to track enemy jungler by placing a ward between RED & RAPTORS (your teammate do have to place this ward) if they wont u can most likely see where enemy jungler starts regardless since they most likely will leash and people don't fake leash before in high elo atleast it will be a rare case then.
- a few videos below to somewhat explain how u can cheese lanes that will hardpush early but also show you how to get a free redbuff with ur botlanes help (really good if your in a bad early game for example vs elise you can gte lvl 4 before scuttle if you have a botlane leashing ur redbuff)
Lane Prio
VS ASSASIN JUNGLE✦ Kha'Zix If you and the enemy jungler in this case is pathing towards the same side make sure to try to get ur lanes prio as scuttle is spawning. If you dont have prio on lanes you can't fight for scuttle either! |
VS TANK JUNGLE✦ Sejuani If Sejuani starts on her blue buff it can most of the times be a good idea to contest her on raptors after red & krugs (make sure you get the camp) and the kill should almost be free unless you play it mechanically awfull. This is a good way to get yourself ahead since tanks can be very hard to deal with for shaco in this current patch.. (if they have a tank toplaner as well you should get the attack speed jungle item as the third item to do decent skirmishes as well |
VS BRUISER JUNGLE✦ Udyr If playing vs udyr, graves or nida (especially udyr) you HAVE to avoid fights since udyr can 100% 1v2 there is just nothing you can do so in this case you just have to outjungle him and get your lanes ahead so they can help you to deal with udyr. If you see udyr walking up inside your jungle try to take his side of that jungle as well since there is nothing you can do about it unless your lanes have prio. |
Electrocute is the best option for shaco right now since Dark Harvest has worse scaling. Hail of Blades can be used vs omega tank teams where you basically just want to be in long fights since your clone never loses the prog from Hail of Blades and it also is the best for early game so if you really dont need the scaling and cheese dmg later on from Electrocute then Hail of Blades is the way to go (i personally prefer Electrocute in most cases though. Conqueror can be used if the enemy team has 4+ of same dmg type BUT let's say enemy is full AD but they pick elise jg then Conqueror can not be used and Electrocute would be the best rune regardless then. (just an example) |
personal preference.. Cheap Shot can be used as well. |
the very last rune between Shield & Tenacity and Slow Resist is completely different to each game depending on what you need vs the specific champs. |
+ 25% to 1shot carry with Shield + able to 1shot someone with Ninja Tabi - adds rng to the game - no shield to block cc/dmg |
+ Low cooldowns - Lack of burst damage with electrocute compared to Stormrazor |
Essence Reaver Is really good if you don't need the extra quick burst cheese combo from Stormrazor and just need the consistent dmg and the cooldown. Essence Reaver is typically taken with Hail of Blades since that's all about consistent dmg with the clone and so on. |
+ Burst dmg + Combos faster for an extra auto (very cheesy) |
Stormrazor Is really good if you need a quick burst dmg with a fast combo "auto, tiamat prog, e & an extra auto in the end" (the attack speed from Stormrazor helps with getting this combo off very fast so ur enemies has no way of reaction since ur last auto will already be "locked" onto them if they decide to try flashing it |
+ Able to zone enemies + Able to do a mistake |
Guardian Angel is taken before Trinity Force usually so you are able to make a mistake and after it's use you are then able to sell it for Trinity Force (might give you a soft lead since you are able to zone enemies with it and come back to life once) |
+ Good burst very lategame + More mobility + Harder to kill |
Trinity Force is taken after Guardian Angel has been used since that usually gives you a soft lead and afterwards gives you a full item build so you're harder to kill and makes you more mobile |
Pros vs Cons
INNATE: Shaco's basic attacks deal an additional 10 − 25 (based on level) (+ 15% bonus AD) bonus physical damage when striking a non-Turret icon structure from behind. This damage can Critical strike icon critically strike.
Deceive and Two-Shiv Poison Two-Shiv Poison also have additional effects when striking an enemy from behind.
Deceive and Two-Shiv Poison Two-Shiv Poison also have additional effects when striking an enemy from behind.
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