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I personally choose Ravenous Hunter and Taste of Blood for sustain as I have priority to farm in early game and be ready for Mid-Game dominance.
Even with Sorcery and Scortch it is proven to be hard to kill a tank solo in early.
Unless he miss-play a lot.
By choosing this runes you loose lane sustain which is really beneficial not only for early game laning phase but also for Mid and even Late game.
In my opinion it is best to be safe than sorry.
Wait for jungler to active you, set up lane in the right position so the enemy top laner has a disadvantage in the positioning and it is easy to gank him, by doing that you snowball yourself, your lane and armor will not save him from getting ganked.
By getting more sustain you will be able to farm more efficiently and it will be harder to kill you.
If you have a successful early game and decent farm, you will be able to cut through midlaners,adc and junglers.
In my opinion you should not be worried about enemy top laners build and armor, as renekton is not best champ for scaling against heavy armor tanks.
I really hope this helps.
However if you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you and have a nice rest of the day.
Kind regards,
Have a nice day.
Best regards,
I will do my best to edit and improve this guide even more in future.
Have a nice day.
Kind regards,