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Runes: MID - damage
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Threats & Synergies
Hooks you - you're dead
Build Banshee asap
Your E can knock up enemies - if you land it yasuo can cast his R.
You also slow enemies so he can land his tornado and catch enemies easier
Your E can knock up enemies - if you land it yasuo can cast his R. You also slow enemies so he can land his tornado and catch enemies easier
Champion Build Guide
Right after you land your W+E and successfully knock up the enemy then you should cast your R as soon as they are knocked up
(IMPORTANT NOTE: W does damage 2 times, if they get both damages they also get 2 passive stacks that's why you can also land W+E and still do a lot of damage because they will get 3/3 passive stacks)
(IMPORTANT NOTE: Remember that when someone is in your R then you will apply stacks over time so if they stand in your laser beam you will apply stacks on them over time.
Another important thing is that your R is a channel so it can be cancelled with any CC like Stun, Hook, Knock Up)
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