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Ivern Build Guide by Dark0asls

Jungle [10.7] Full AP Ivern Jungle

Jungle [10.7] Full AP Ivern Jungle

Updated on April 1, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Dark0asls Build Guide By Dark0asls 51 6 163,415 Views 3 Comments
51 6 163,415 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Dark0asls Ivern Build Guide By Dark0asls Updated on April 1, 2020
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Hey there!

My name is DarkOasis. I am a Gold IV jungle/support main. I have been playing League of Legends for over 4-5 months now and have been in love with the game since I have started playing it. One thing that has gotten me to love the game are the interesting champions and lore that come with them.

One of my favorite champions of all time has to be Ivern, as I am making a guide for him. His playstyle is much different than most other junglers in the game which gave him a quite special space in my heart. On Ivern I am Mastery 7 and have over 220k Mastery points with over almost 500 games played.


This build is very useful on Ivern if you want to hunt down your enemies and suck out their SOULS!!! Just kidding, this build does a lot of burst damage from Ivern's Triggerseed just to his Rootcaller. I only reccommend you try this build on Ivern if you have had some personal time with the champion and are able to play him well in this season of the madness that we call the jungle.
Starting Items
*Based on if you are safe or not in your jungle, starting items may differ

Hunter's Talisman
Hunter's Talisman is the jungler starting item that you are going to take. Due to Ivern's passive draining a lot of his mana, Hunter's Talisman is best as it restores your mana at a faster rate within the jungle. I recommend selling this item at 8-10 minutes into the game as is isn't necessary to fully build the jungle item on Ivern, since he is seen as more of a support.
Refillable Potion
You are going to want to take Refillable Potion's as one of your starting items if it is safe within your jungle. Meaning that the enemy jungler will most likely not invade you early into the game leaving you safer than you would be against another jungler. These matchups can be seen in the matchups chapter in the guide.
Health Potion
If you are NOT safe within your own jungle in the beginning, I recommend taking a single Health Potion and a Control Ward instead of Refillable Potion's as the control ward will provide you with more vision in your jungle if you know that the enemy jungler is going to early counter-jungler you.

Boots Options

Boots of Mobility
With you first back, you are going to be able to afford Mobility Boots which will allow you to get around the map much easier. Since of the unique passive with Mobility Boots, if not in combat you gain more movement speed, this allows Ivern to set and free his friends within the forest much faster.
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
I don't recommend taking Ionian Boots of Lucidity as your first boots. I usually swap these out later in the game for my Mobility Boots as it gives Ivern even more CDR making him more beneficial within the team fights with his Triggerseed cooldowns.

Core Items

If you rush this item as Ivern, you will be the most powerful person in the game around 10 minutes in. This gives Ivern a bunch of AP, CDR, and Mana allowing him to sustain way more within the early game. As long as you max your Triggerseed, you should be dealing damage to enemies like there is no tomorrow.
Ardent Censer is a great item for Ivern as it allows him to provide attack speed to himself and another player just by shielding them. This will allow for you to deal extra damage and to help your other teammates deal some extra damage as well.
This is where Ivern becomes scary. If you have Rabadon's Deathcap right after your Ardent Censer everyone should be scared of you. The boost in your AP is scary since you can easily throw in Daisy! with a Triggerseed and unleash havoc on the enemy team.
Mejai's Soulstealer is a great item for the late game as it provides Ivern with a lot of AP when stacked all the way. If my Dark Seal is fully stacked around 25-30 minutes into the game, I usually build it into Mejai's Soulstealer. But if I have a Dark Seal with no stacks, I just sell it and buy an item that can actually help my team.
Friend of the Forest (Passive): Ivern cannot attack or be attacked by non-epic monsters. Ivern can create magical groves on jungle camps which grow over time. When the grove is fully grown, Ivern may free the monsters to receive gold and experience. After level 5 Ivern can share jungle buffs with allies.

Rootcaller (Q):Ivern conjures a vine, dealing damage and rooting enemy targets hit. Ivern's allies can dash to the rooted target.

Ivern conjures a vine dealing 80/125/170/215/260 (+0) magic damage and rooting the first enemy hit for 1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8/2 second(s). Allies can click on rooted enemies to dash into attack range.

Brushmaker (W): In brush, Ivern's attacks deal bonus magic damage. Ivern can activate this ability to create a patch of brush.

Passive: In brush, Ivern's attacks deal 30/37.5/45/52.5/60 (+0) bonus magic damage.
Active: Ivern grows a patch of brush for 30 seconds. For 3 seconds the area in and around the brush is revealed.

Tiggerseed (E): Ivern places a shield on an ally which explodes after a short duration slowing and damaging enemies.

Ivern shields an ally, absorbing up to 80/115/150/185/220 (+0) damage. After 2 seconds, the shield bursts dealing 60/80/100/120/140 (+0) magic damage and slowing enemies by 40/45/50/55/60% for 2 seconds.Can also be cast on Daisy.

Daisy! (R): Ivern summons his Sentinel friend Daisy to fight with him. Daisy will send out a shockwave if she attacks the same champion three times in a row.

Ivern summons his sentinel friend Daisy for 0 seconds. If Daisy attacks the same champion three times in a row, she will create a shockwave knocking enemies up for 1 second (3s cooldown).

Thank You
Thank you so much for reading my guide on Ivern. I had so much figuring out the coding and making my guide look nice. I hope you were able to take something away from my guide.

I would like to thank those who helped make this guide possible:
  • Kalrex for keeping me sane, telling me how my guide looked, and talking to me while I was working on my guide
  • Ivern Mains Discord for having information about Ivern and for being a great community (feel free to join).
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Dark0asls
Dark0asls Ivern Guide
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[10.7] Full AP Ivern Jungle

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