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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order
Darkness Rise (PASSIVE)
Mordekaiser Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
About Mordekaiser
Twice slain and thrice born, Mordekaiser is a brutal warlord from a foregone epoch, who uses his necromantic sorcery to bind souls into an eternity of servitude. Few now remain who remember his earlier conquests, or know the true extent of his powers—but there are some ancient souls that do, and they fear the day when he may return to claim dominion over both the living and the dead.
Mordekaiser is a really good duelist and tank shreder thanks to his
Morde is really good pick into tank teamcomps and champions that fights in melee range.
Mordekaiser has built-in bonus movement speed from
passive basically allows you to stick close to enemy but if it's not enough
Mordekaiser also got his
ultimate to lock down opponent.
Good and weak points
+ Manaless + Decent at all stages of the game + Great duelist especially vs tanks/melee range champions + Removing enemy champion from fight for short time + Built-in bonus ms, % dmg, maginc dmg on-hit, shield, heal, magic penetration + Statistics buff during ultimate |
- Ult can be QSSed - Kinda immobile - No real escape besides Flash - Lack of hard CC - Often bans - A bit clunky skillshots animation |
Tips & Important informations
★ Basic trick on
Obliterate +
Flash. Classic
Flash trick where you Q and then
Flash in the middle of the Q.
Q damage is increased if it hits only one enemy.
★ Basic combo is to pull enemy towards you with your
E, while in the middle of your
E cast
Q and then auto attack to instantly trigger your
★ If you are stucked in
R her and it will free you from her
W as it will not come with you into the
Death Realm.
★ Always try to
R the biggest threat from enemy team, even if you won't win 1vs1, you will buy enough time for your team to make them clean all enemies when there will be no threat to stop them.
★ You can pull enemies away by using
E if you aim it in front of your champion.
E can cancel any channels in the game eg. when enemy is using
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