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Ahri Build Guide by RockitoAhri

Middle [10.9] Ahri Guide! Climb Ranked Tips S10! [D1 AHRI OTP]

Middle [10.9] Ahri Guide! Climb Ranked Tips S10! [D1 AHRI OTP]

Updated on April 30, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author RockitoAhri Build Guide By RockitoAhri 4346 136 6,768,921 Views 153 Comments
4346 136 6,768,921 Views 153 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author RockitoAhri Ahri Build Guide By RockitoAhri Updated on April 30, 2020
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slimus10tv | April 5, 2020 12:20pm
Did anything change from patch 10.5 to patch 10.7?
Moonkale | February 28, 2020 4:08pm
I've really been practicing Ahri more often and been loving how she can play. The choices of runes that you give work really well and I love how well you explain things. Thank you for your guide!
sd92sk | December 6, 2019 6:03am
Hi, noticed that you are still mentioning speed boost of Q spell, but it was removed ~1,5 years ago in 8.8 (
Thanks for the guide!
Just made an acc to post about it :D
RockitoAhri (5) | December 6, 2019 6:08am
No, I am not mentioning that. Read carefully.
Gageowago | November 25, 2019 8:24am
Hey Rockito, good to see your guide finally being updated. Just wanted to point out two things in your guide that are broken/outdated as well as give a rune suggestion. It looks like your Runes page image code broke and it now just shows a link instead of an embedded image (I think you were doing code anyways but you may just have it that way.) The other thing is that your description of charm still has the extra damage duration at 5 seconds instead of 3. For the rune suggestion I would say that Ultimate Hunter is better than Ravenous Hunter because Ahri is not someone who needs lifesteal, and her ult getting lower cooldown allows her to play a lot more aggressive a lot more often. Ahri ult gets down to 36-21 second cooldown depending on the amount of cloud dragons gotten with Ultimate Hunter. Great guide as usual nonetheless.
Fruxo (334) | November 25, 2019 8:43am
Electrocute + Ravenous Hunter is more for winning lane. If you are roaming a lot, you will be using the Glacial Augment build with 45% cdr (i.e. you won't need Ultimate Hunter at all). Your Spirit Rush is already on a low cooldown that gets even lower as the game progresses and at the moments when it's on CD, you won't be making any plays anyways.
Gageowago | November 25, 2019 9:01am
This may be a regional/rank difference thing, but in NA Gold especially the game heavily relies on constant teamfighting throughout the game. So in this situation it is very beneficial to you to have ult up as often as possible. I also find that ravenous isn't necessary to win lane because you have a decent amount of healing from your Q passive alone.
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Fourty2 | October 25, 2019 1:41am
Hi bro, nice review. I just noticed you dont have veigar listed to champ comparison :s
Shacnedo (4) | October 22, 2019 6:09am
Just tried it out it was crushing them so hard they ff after 15 min^^

Luv Shacnedo
RockitoAhri (5) | October 22, 2019 6:13am
Glad it could help!
TheNineTailed | July 15, 2019 5:12pm
Is it just me or is the "ability order" missing? I suppose it is the same as usual (q, w, e - r whenever)
RockitoAhri (5) | October 22, 2019 5:10am
It's there. Maybe I put it in after this comment was made though.
VladCraft | June 17, 2019 12:33pm
even if i don't play ahri, i find her fun sometimes. This guide has everything you need to become a good ahri player! :D
RainbowRiver54 | June 3, 2019 6:57am
This guide have helped me so much, i love the simplesity in the layout, Thanks for the help
Revassin | May 25, 2019 4:23pm
Hey anybody got some advise laning against neeko?
She always seems to push my wave extremely quick with her Q and E. She does it so fast with her abilities giving me no chance to trade because she backs off right away. This allows her to push the wave into my turret and makes me miss a lot of my CS.
TheNineTailed | July 15, 2019 5:18pm
Other champs have better clear than ahri early, but as soon you one shot caster minions with q (and prob even before that), you won't have to farm under tower anymore. Pre that, try to land q's on her if she stands on her minions and in generally just look to poke her down - she wont be able to shove safely after that.
Kakkorin | May 21, 2019 5:10am
I have a question: how do I import this build into LOL?
Chromuro (47) | May 21, 2019 5:50am
Unfortunately the only way is manually doing the item set
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[10.9] Ahri Guide! Climb Ranked Tips S10! [D1 AHRI OTP]

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