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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order
Berserker Rage (PASSIVE)
Olaf Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
About Olaf
An unstoppable force of destruction, the axe-wielding Olaf wants nothing but to die in glorious combat. Hailing from the brutal Freljordian peninsula of Lokfar, he once received a prophecy foretelling his peaceful passing—a coward's fate, and a great insult among his people. Seeking death, and fueled by rage, he rampaged across the land, slaughtering scores of great warriors and legendary beasts in search of any opponent who could stop him. Now a brutal enforcer for the Winter's Claw, he seeks his end in the great wars to come.
Olaf is a bruiser with godlike early with decent jungle camps clear.
Olaf is also good in 1vs1 skirmishes thanks to his
W and
Olaf also got his
ultimate to cleanses himself of all crowd control effects and he becomes CC immune for few seconds allowing you to run down on enemy carry no matter what and killing him. Even tho
Olaf starts the game off very good he progressively falls off in the late game.
Good and weak points
+ Can not be CC'd while on R + Insanely good early game + Healthy jungle clear thanks to his W + Build-in AS/MS boost, lifesteal, True damage in kit + High base damage + Good duelist |
- Can get kited easily if R is on cooldown - Lack of hard CC - Immobile - Hard to engage with - Dependent on hitting Q for a successful gank - Falls off in late game and if behind |
Tips & Important informations
Q briefly grants you vision upon landing, use it to check if enemies are hiding in a nearby bush.
Q slow based on traveled distance (1.5 − 2.5 seconds)
★ Remember that your
W enhance healing from all sources eg. if there is coming heal from
Redemption use
W to get more healing from
Reckless Swing heals
Olaf for its health cost if it kills target and cooldown is reduced by 1 second for every
Olaf basic attack.
★ As with all abilities with health costs,
Reckless Swing will not reduce
Olaf health below 1 and he will be able to cast it for free at that value
★ Remember that
Ragnarok gains bonus movement speed when moving towards nearby enemy
★ If
Camille will
R you
Olaf can't escape the area with
Ragnarok unless he uses
Flash to get away.
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