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+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Highest Winrate level order
Love Tap (PASSIVE)
Miss Fortune Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Swain is by far the worst matchup to go into as Miss Fortune. He out pokes you, out dmg's you in extended trades, has incredibly high sustain with his ultimate and high enough burst damage to one shot you if you aren't careful. In the current meta, this is Miss fortunes only high threat counter pick.
Leona and MF are disgusting when paired together. Leona provides great CC and compliments your damage so well with her passive. If Leona manages to land a double stun while you are in range with your ultimate who ever got stunned regardless of their hit point value is just dead. In lane this is also a great synergy. You can set up amazing kills and snowball incredibly hard together.
Leona and MF are disgusting when paired together. Leona provides great CC and compliments your damage so well with her passive. If Leona manages to land a double stun while you are in range with your ultimate who ever got stunned regardless of their hit point value is just dead. In lane this is also a great synergy. You can set up amazing kills and snowball incredibly hard together.
Champion Build Guide
Welcome! I am Kewllkiddo a Diamond bot main. I stream daily on my twitch where you can see educational and entertaining content. On todays guide we will be focusing on Miss Fortune, a personal favorite of mine. Miss Fortune in the current meta is an excellent pick if you are looking to hard carry. She has amazing dps and burst damage, with great snowball potential. I put A TON of work into this guide... So please follow my twitch linked to show some appreciation! It would mean the world to me. Much thanks!!! Here's my OP.GG (Sakfeelup) |
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Starting Items
Doran's Blade I’d say on Miss Fortune, you practically always want to start Doran’s blade with 1 potion. |
Doran's Shield These items aren’t bad if you are against a heavy poke lane. Some examples are Caitlyn and Zyra. Your range is really low, so high range poke champions can punish you very hard. |
Doran's Ring I’d say on Miss Fortune, this is starting to be my new favorite start. You get some added damage to make it rain and you also are granted great mana sustain early. Allowing you to spam Make it Rain |
Core Build
There is one core build I like focusing on with Miss Fortune, it provides great execute, great playmaking ability, fantastic sustain and amazing damage. Personally at this point and time I think going anything else isn’t ideal.
Manamune Manamune gives you great spamming ability, allowing you to constantly harrass and poke your enemies out of lane |
Berserker's Greaves Very gold efficient attack speed for cost. |
Eclipse Eclipse provides you with great damage, armor penetration and sustain! |
The collector The Collector executes enemies, and provides extra gold for snowball |
Ravenous Hydra Ravenous Hydra Applies on hit with all your abilities, and each wave of bullet time. This is incredibly strong for teamfighting |
Situational Items
Guardian Angel Great against high burst comps, if you see a Zed or a Fizz definitely consider this item |
Edge of Night This is a great item to build against heavy mage compositions Champions like Xerath will have a much harder time dealing with you if you get this item. |
Maw of Malmortius This is actually a really great item on Miss Fortune. Build this when the enemy team is stacking AP champs. The spell vamp and the CDR are very useful on Miss Fortune as well. |
Mercurial Scimitar This is fantastic against super high CC comps, if you see an Ashe, Leona, Skarner, or a Mordekaiser consider this option |
Why is Make it Rain max better then Double Up max?
When I first started playing Miss Fortune I was a strong believer that Dark Harvest with Double Up max was by far the best rune choice. However upon playing her further and testing out what professional esports players were doing in NA, EU, and Korea alike I found that maxing Make it Rain and using Arcane Comet was far better. Here's why:
First off let's start with level 1, in the initial stages of lane when you first arrive in lane and you start Make it Rain with Arcane Comet you have a guaranteed form of poke damage that essentially will give you over 150 damage per cast on your opponent in lane, Arcane comet will hit over 90% of the time after you use your Make it Rain and it provides a great 40% slow for your support to either get auto attacks off or land an ability winning you the lane from level 1.
When we compare this so Double Up with Dark Harvest at level 1 there is a huge difference. Double up generally only lands if your opponent lines up with a minion allowing you to cast your ability and get a bounce crit or a regular bounce. Which will do decent damage, however its extremely unreliable. You will find as you are matched against players who understand how to play against Miss Fortune they won't make the mistake of lining up with minions for they understand exactly what you will be trying to do. Making this ability max not the greatest for laning phase.
Doesn't Dark Harvest with Double Up max scale better?
The simple answer is no.
While it may seem counter intuitive to say no considering Dark Harvest quite literally scales off of every stack throughout the entire game while Arcane Comet doesn't Arcane Comet actually scales better! Here's why:
Once again we are going to talk about reliability and consistency. Over the course of a 30 minute game while using Dark Harvest on average players will get 27 stacks (stats taken from
While using Arcane Comet you will be landing a comet every 10 seconds guaranteed with your E. Chances are you will be hitting around 110-120 comets in the same 30 minute game (calculation done based off of 100 Miss Fortune games that lasted within a 30 second interval of 30 minutes).
It doesn't take a genius to figure out the math, but I can guarantee you that Arcane Comet is in fact dealing a much higher amount of damage in the same game, considering comet has higher scaling ratios, is hit on targets of all HP levels, and can hit MULTIPLE ENEMIES!
I hope now we can all agree that Arcane Comet is in fact a better choice in terms of runes when considering these ability leveling orders. Now lets dive into the ability Make it Rain itself and why the ability itself is also much better then Double Up through the entire game.
I hope at this point its obvious why Make it Rain is a better option in laning phase then Double Up but just in case there are any doubters still lets dig in a little more.
When we consider what Miss Fortune wants to accomplish as a champion we can very easily understand, she is a poke centric champion, that gains advantages in lane by forcing their opponent out of lane and gathering a cs lead, OR she can also of course gather kills if the opponent is greedy and refuses to back. With this in mind its obvious that Make it Rain accomplishes this pre set goal better then any other ability! Consistent. Poke. That. Forces. Your. Opponents. Out. Of. Lane. Not even to mention that Miss Fortune's Make it Rain when paired with a champion like Xerath or Zyra makes it even hard to dodge poke! Imagine being slowed by 60% getting smacked in the face by a comet you can't dodge, getting slowed again by a xerath W you can't dodge, and then stunned and Bullet Time'd right after. Its oppressive to say the least and extremely powerful if used correctly!
When maxing Make it Rain not only does the damage and cooldown go down, but the slow percentage goes up! More CC for easier comets to land and easier skill shots for your ally's to hit! It's fantastic utility, and awesome for your Bullet Time as well.
What kind of combo's should I practice for laning phase?
On Miss Fortune I'd say her combo's are very simple and easy to use. Generally, if safe to do so, after using Make it Rain you will want to walk up to your opponent and auto, Double Up , auto. Make sure you are cancelling your auto attacks and using Strut to ensure you get your bonus attack speed to make your auto cancellations smoother. This combo maximizes your damage potential with cheap shot as well.
Another very simple combo is to use your Make it Rain into your Bullet Time The reason you use Make it Rain first is to provide a nice slow, which allows your team to follow up with more cc on your Bullet Time you cast shortly after and it also of course slows your enemies forcing them to take more damage from your Bullet Time. Most of the time this will force out a flash from your enemies, or if they don't have flash they will most likely just die.
How do I ensure I'm using my passive optimally in team fights?
When first playing Miss Fortune it may seem daunting at first, but using her passive optimally in team fights is quite simple. Generally you want to be spamming Double Up every couple of seconds and ensuring that you are completely maximizing your passive damage, its ok to auto attack the same target multiple times, but do try to auto and ricochet your abilities whenever possible to get those love taps in.
I hope after this in detail run down everyone can agree Arcane Comet is the better run on Miss Fortune if there are any doubters at this point and time hit me up lets debate!
When you hit level 6 Bullet Time can very easily net you some kills in lane. Try to hard engage on the enemy bot lane and look for a 2v2 at this time. Your ultimate does an absurd amount of damage and can take any champion at this stage from 100-0 easily. Your goal should be to set up some crowd control on one of the enemy squishy champions and try to one shot them with your combo.
Try your best to utilize Miss Fortune's insanely high movement speed to avoid getting picked off. Do your best to juke enemy skill shots by constantly moving around. You will find that enemies will find it very challenging to line up skill shots on you if you constantly move unpredictably.
Miss Fortune really shines in team fight settings around objectives. Whenever there is a choke Bullet Time really threatens the enemy team aggressively. Try to wait for the enemy team to stack in a choke and use Bullet Time to stop them from contesting the objective and shredding them forcing them to back.
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Thank you again, please give this guide a like, and comment your thoughts. Your feedback is much appreciated, and I'd love to keep updating the guide as the meta shifts and we discover more about this awesome champion!
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