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Draven just runs you down if he knows what to do-- I permaban him. Most ADCs that rely on only auto attacking (and empowered aa's) hurt Sivir the most. If you are stuck against him, play safe and try to Q him when he goes for his stacks.
What you can block: His E and one part of his R.
For the majority of the game, Vayne will be able to duel you. She ults and you're gone. Keep your distance.
What you can block: Her condemn.
Lucian is also a primarily auto-attacking champion (surprise) so his passive is devastating for Sivir. He can dash your Q easily, so I would reccomend a support with CC to lock him down (or bait his E so you can hit him).
What you can block: His Q, W, and one bullet of his R.
I don't get these sites saying that Sivir's a good counterpick to Trist (maybe I'm just bad?). Since this build is about keeping your distance, Trist has a huge gapcloser to burst you. You can only block one of her abilities, and even if you block her fully stacked E, Trist still gets her W reset off. If she uses all her spells at once she'll just burst you.
What you can block: W damage, E, Ult.
Kaisa is really good this season (praying for nerfs), with her double evolve after two items. You can't block her passive proc either. She also may E around your Q. One positive is that her aa range (525) is closer to yours (500), so you may be able to weave in some autos if she gets close.
What you can block: One bolt of her Q, her W.
This depends on how good the player is. If she doesn't respect your Q damage you will be able to beat her. Your Q is also a significantly shorter cooldown than her W, so you either bait her W out or poke her down. If she gets on you try to ult away, and all-in her during her ult before she gets her E resets off. She's pretty easy to burst if you get anti-heal.
What you can block: Q, W damage, E damage, one R "bullet/burst."
Miss Fortune
MF does too much damage to you, and she's one of those champions where you can't really block her abilities. Block her Q in lane, and try to cancel her movespeed passive to easily hit your Qs. She stands still when she ults so you can get a free Q off. If she's taking comet, you can block the comet when she spams E on you.
What you can block: Q, you can't block her ult at all.
Again, this guy auto attacks you to death. He's very squishy though. You can try to predict his E, but it's pretty difficult. You can't block his W.
What you can block: E, one R bullet.
Jinx will poke you with her rocket. Her passive with minigun is also scary as she runs you down. Fortunately, you have many things to block for her.
What you can block: W, E, R. Careful with her R because your E doesn't cancel the surrounding damage for other allies.
Again, if the player is experienced with Jhin you may have a hard time. Poke him while he uses W, since he's standing still. You can also try to Q him while he's ulting to scare him off.
What you can block: Q, W, E (initial slow as well as the explosion), R bullet.
You can't block his 4th shot.. :(
You can bait and farm mana off his Q, and you can literally block every single ability of his. He usually won't E your Qs, and if he does, punish him for it. He outscales you though, so respect him.
What you can block: Q, W (cast and damage), E bolt, R.
I'm putting this in Even rather than Major because most Kalistas don't know what they're doing. Pray she's bad and Q her to death, as Kalista is pretty squishy. You can also try to predict her rend, but it's hard.
What you can block: Q, E, R knock up.
I still don't understand this champion so I'm debating whether to put him in even or major. He's in the same place as Kalista, pray he isn't good. You can block many of his abilities, but personally it's hard because I can't even tell when he's casting it.
What you can block:
Calibrum - The missile. For the followup damage, you have to E BEFORE he casts it.
Severum - I don't reccomend blocking this ability because you only block the one damage when he casts it.
Gravitum - E right when he "slams" down, which is the animation for the root.
Infernum - You can block the off-hand weapon damage, but again you'll have to predict the cast.
Crescendum - I'm not really sure but I know you can block part of the damage from the chakrums.
You can block his ult entirely (which is huge).
Again, a skill matchup. You can farm free mana off her traps if she's dumb. She outranges you by 100 units (a lot!) and can just auto attack you to death. Q her when she Qs, as she's standing still. You can chase her down easily by blocking her E. Careful as some Caitlyns may "double-trap" in the same spot, so your E will only consume one trap.
What you can block: Q, W, E, R.
I stomp every Ashe. Always block her W (unless she has ult up). She's extremely immobile so it's easy to hit Qs on her. Careful of her Q since she can apply a lot of damage without you noticing. Keep your distance and you'll be fine.
What you can block: W, R.
I would put her in Tiny if not for the stupid "bug" that happens with Xayah's root and Sivir's E. Blocking Xayah's E is nearly impossible, since the game treats every "feather" of Xayah's as a spell. So if she pulls the feathers out from under you, it WILL root you even if you "block" it (you'll block the damage of her E, not the root). Xayah is immobile and her attack range is tiny so you'll be able to beat her. You also get a free Q if you time her coming out of her ult.
What you can block: Q, E damage, R initial damage.
Senna is very immobile, and her attack speed is very slow. You can't block her passive. You get a free Q whenever she walks up to you, since she has to stop to auto attack you.
What you can block: Q damage, W (right when it hits you as well as the root if you already got hit by it), R damage.
You block every ability of his. This champ kinda sucks right now.
What you can block:
Q damage, E slow, R.
I'm putting the Kraken senna here because since she has more attack speed she's harder to deal with. What I would recommend doing is to try and burst her. Do NOT take sustained fights and if you run away she'll just AA you. (She is like Caitlyn, you have to play aggressive if you want to dominate lane).
This Sivir build is perma-fight poke lane, so Morgana is perfect for her. Not only does Morgana's E make Sivir untouchable, her Q also synergizes with Sivir's Q as well.
Blitz's Q also helps to set up Sivir's Q as well. Sivir's ult also helps Blitz chase people down.
I absolutely despise Soraka on Sivir, as Soraka's E-snare is hard to hit, and the slow is pretty weak. Soraka and her damage tend to fall off late game as well, as Sivir scales.
Imperial mandate and her E is just so broken on Siv Q.
This Sivir build is perma-fight poke lane, so Morgana is perfect for her. Not only does Morgana's E make Sivir untouchable, her Q also synergizes with Sivir's Q as well.
Blitz's Q also helps to set up Sivir's Q as well. Sivir's ult also helps Blitz chase people down.
I absolutely despise Soraka on Sivir, as Soraka's E-snare is hard to hit, and the slow is pretty weak. Soraka and her damage tend to fall off late game as well, as Sivir scales.
Imperial mandate and her E is just so broken on Siv Q.
This build is specifically catered toward a poke lane. Typically Sivir is played to scale, perma-farming and picking up kills when it's easy. By taking tear and Manamune, as well as using your E, you're able to spam your Q endlessly. You'll eventually have infinite mana, and pressing Q is the main playstyle. It's different from normal Sivir which focuses on maxing her W second and auto-attacking. Racking up the Dark Harvest stacks will help you to scale late game.
One of the main concerns I had about this build was doing damage to tanks (which is what the ADCs are supposed to do). I noticed that taking Serylda's Grudge helps to penetrate armor early, and you can also build LDR for that extra armor pen.
In team fights, you'll need to position yourself to hit as many of the enemy champions with your Q as possible, especially late game where you proc your Hydra. When you have your items late game, you will absolutely OBLITERATE squishes and the backline.
Unfortunately, none of the ADC Mythic items synergize well with Sivir, which is why she's stuck in a hard place in S11. She deals with getting one-shot by anyone on the enemy team as well. This build focuses on centering her damage on her Q- which can help with her positioning far away from the enemy. Instead of her playstyle focusing on her mere 500 attack range, she can play more like a poke-mage.
Hopefully, there will be changes in the future to Sivir or the ADC items, but until that, I believe that this is not only a fun build but one of the most viable ones.
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