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Recommended Items
Runes: Best Utility Runes
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Main Spells
Ability Order Ability Sequence
Glory in Death (PASSIVE)
Sion Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
Why Play Sion?
+ Can soak up massive damage + Can provide pressure even after death + Great waveclear with his Q + High roaming and engage with R + Great zoning with Q + Has infinite scaling + Rarely banned |
- Has very little mobility outside his R - Many bad matchups - Weak to damage based on max health - Q is easily disruptable by CC - Weak if behind - High cooldowns early game - Has mana problems in extended fights |
Why These Runes?


Why These Items?
Starting Item



Legendary Items


Tips On Playstyle
Knowing When To Die
Sion has one of the most powerful passives in the game if you know how to use it right. It allows you to put pressure even after you die and catch up on XP, gold and kills. If you know that you're in an unescapable position in lane, set yourself up for success when you die. Choose your target. Usually, the closest enemy or enemy that has the least amount of health or no escape option is the best target. Before you die, use your E to slow them down so its easier for you to chase. If killing an enemy is too out of reach, focus on farming your wave so it is in a good position for when you get back to lane or taking a turret. Its always a good idea to think before going into a risky position, don't die in vain. This prevents you from inting and will overall make you a better Sion player.
Using Bushes
If you're in a bush, Sion's

Timing Your Q
Knowing when to release your Q is a great way to get better at Sion.

Coming Back to Lane
Many players are unaware of the sound your ultimate makes. Use this to your advantage to get back to lane and suprise your opponent while they try and take your tower, thinking you're gone. Start your ulitmate further down the lane and give yourself enough room just in case they do notice your ult sound or try to escape. Stun them with your R,follow up with a fully charged Q and then use your E towards the end to slow them if they're still alive. This is a really nice way to get an easy kill and many players don't expect it.
Sion has a lot of bad matchups. There are many enemy champions that can destroy Sion early on and make you fall behind if you're not careful. If you're against a bad matchup such as

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