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11.15 High Elo Kaisa detailed AD carry guide for bot lane

11.15 High Elo Kaisa detailed AD carry guide for bot lane

Updated on July 25, 2021
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8,033 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Cover Build Guide By Cover Updated on July 25, 2021
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11.15 High Elo Kaisa detailed AD carry guide for bot lane

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My name is tilTruth and welcome to my season 11 Kaisa AD carry guide. She is one of the strongest carries this season right now. I am sure you have seen her a ton, but here is how you can learn to master her. Her different build styles and mixed damage make Kaisa a formiddable foe.

I have been playing League of Legends since season 1 where I achieved Gold rank. Since then I have maintained a high Elo (Diamond) since then. With 10 years of League of Legends experience, I still love the game. There is just a satisfying feeling when you outplay your opponents.

I create content on lots of platforms. I live stream, create YouTube tutorials, tier lists, and even offer coaching. Feel free to check them out too! Now - let's get to it.

- Truth

Kaisa is really strong right now into a lot of things. You would think her lack of mobility would hinder her, but her E really helps reposition after the upgrade. That combined with Galeforce and her ultimate she is quite mobile. I could spend lots of time diving deep into her passive and how each ability upgrades, but I am confident you can figure that part out on your own.

I want to keep this guide to truly learning the fine details of her as a champion. She really is my go-to blind pick champion right now. I hope you learn through this guide how she can be that for you too.


- Really a well rounded carry that you can confidently pick early.

- Strong burst potential with her passive and current build path.

- She does a mix of AD and AP damage. That makes it hard to itemize against her.

- Lack of true "jump" or "blink".

- Lower attack range.

- Depends on synergy of teammaates at moments in the game.


With Kaisa you really cannot go wrong with either of these keystones at face value. You can however really benefit from the domination tree by taking Hail of Blades as your keystone.

If you have a hard scaling support like Lulu (my personal favorite), Janna, or Karma. Then going into the yellow tree would make more sense. Most games you will end up taking hail of blades, but learn both and be flexible!

One thing I will always say about runes is that you need to adjust them on a game by game basis. What works for one game may not work for another. Sure you can set and forget, but if you truly want to improve be active. Adjust, learn, maximize the potential of your champion!


Hail of blades: There is nothing SUPER crazy about this, but the extra attack speed does help her with her passive. More autos = more stacks of damage.


Legend: Bloodline: If you need more sustain. Take this to heal through the whole game.


Sudden impact: Once your E is upgraded you can abuse this one. It helps synergize well with your dive galeforce build too.


Coup de Grace: Again, this works well with your all in play style on her.


Eyeball Collection: More damage is good here - also the damage bonus can be AP too.
10% Attack Speed
9 Adaptive Force
6 Armor


COUP DE GRACE: The health back is huge for you here. Especially with our dive play style.


Press the Attack:The damage buff you get from this synergizes well with your passive .



Overheal:Take this if you have a healing support or plan to itemize with a lot of healing.

Triumph:Take this in about every other lane.



Alacrity:You want the attack speed buff here for more passize procs.
10% Attack Speed
9 Adaptive Force
6 Armor


Coup de Grace:

This gives Kai'sa a bit more mobility. It helps her reposition and dive in for those kills. Again, this plays well with her all in playstyle here. This item is huge as it helps her unlock he bonus W and E from a stats perspective.

If you want to scale optimally and shred tanks. Take this! Need to survive poke or burst? Take this one. You often need to keep your distance as an ADC. This compliments that well.
Healing is STRONG this season. Often this does not even feel like enough, but do your part and cut down that healing. This can help you go get a few more kills. The slow with your autos really helps. Good old GA just helps you live. Often that revive time is what your team needs to come help.

Kaisa can play really well into most matchups. Make sure at level one you take your to hit the first three creeps when they are low. That is a pretty strong push for your team for lvl 2. Then I would take your W or E depending on the location of your enemies. You could burst with W or speed up with E to get your passive damage off.

As you continue to level up take smart trades with your passive procs. Play with your support accordingly. If you have a scaling support you want to sit back and farm. If you have an aggro support look to ult in with R.

You can be sneaky with your W. Look for opportunities to snipe people from a distance to get your passive damage, to farm, or to ult in. Often you should be able to reposition with a W and R combo. Use this to your advantage!

Make sure you are farming well. Kaisa scales really well into the late game. This starts with the lane and your CS early on. She needs gold and items to scale, and nothing is guaranteed for you in this game. Often you need to create your own lead in a game and CS is your way to do that.

Teamfighting is really where Kaisa shines. Generally, like any ADC you need to make sure you are positioning well. Look for opportunities where there are multiple enemies in front of you so you can use your on them. She really can pump out the DPS with this ability and something like a RunRunaan's Hurricane. Work with the strengths of your support too. I often say that an ADC is only as good as their support. Be sure to keep this in mind!

If you need to reposition in a fight be sure to use your E. This can be a huge tool especially when you have the stealth active. Play mind games with whomever you are after or if they are after you. Similar to a Vayne tumble, use this in odd ways. Stealth on an ADC is rare - so abuse it!

Look for chances to perhaps pick an enemy with your W. You can nearly play like an assassin at points with this and ulting in. Most people are caught off guard or just do not pay attention to this flying in. Make sure you are calculated in this as this is how most players can throw a game. Similarly, you can use your to run away if needed. If you are being chased by someone you can use this to reposition. This takes some practice, but you can get there.

Stay calm and work front to back with your team. Bait out the CC of the enemy champions and try to calculate out when it is best for you to fight. It is often a hard balance where you do not want to die, but you do not want to leave your team hanging either. Learning this is what really separates good ADC’s and bad ones.

As always play with your support. An AD carry is really only as good as their support. At times you do not have this luxury, but if it is not for them find another teammate that has CC or can buff you. Work together and get those all in kills.

Use your lane pressure to your advantage. If you are pushed up and your opponent is farming under the tower. Roam and help your jungle gain priority. Help them take the dragon, scuttle crab, and gain vision.

After you have taken your bot lane tower. Move to other lanes and pressure. Use your pushing power and tower-taking abilities to your advantage. Do not just sit bot and farm away, create a larger global lead for your team.

I really hoped that this guide helped you learn a bit more about the play style of Kaisa. I truly think that she is a top-tier pick right now for ADC. Her versatility is strong and she is pretty darn fun to play. She is uniquely posited right to put in a mix of damage sources too. Often in my solo queue games, I have a lot of AD damage already and she brings in some AP.

Aside from this guide, I would encourage you to check out my YouTube channel and live stream. There you can gain further knowledge about how to play AD carry as well as other roles in the game. I have been playing for a long time and have a vast knowledge of the game. I aim to always be encouraging and positive in an often toxic game!

Credit to Sleepinthegarden for her wonderful design work in this guide.

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