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She will outpoke you in lane and make your life awful.
If you can trade with him early, make sure not to do so on his fourth shot. However for all ins, this is fine as he would have to reload.
He will hit a 10 death power spike and still one shot you.
Miss Fortune
MF is quite strong at the moment, and can poke out with her Qs and Arcane Comet.
She can poke you out with her W and win sustained trades with her Q. However, with a good support you can easily kill her in lane and snowball harder than she does.
She can outrange you and be a big threat late game. Farm safely and wait for ganks and it should be a won lane.
Big lane bully, farm safely.
Not a big issue as long as you can play around his axes, but the lane will change depending on skill.
Her early game is weak, but if you cant keep her shut down, she will dominate the late game. Punish her for as much CS as you can with Q + Auto
His turrets are a pain, especially with your small auto range. However, taking advantage of his weapon rotation is not hard.
Don't underestimate him and play around your support who hopefully can engage on him. If you get close range you should win an all in.
Gonna be honest, sometimes I win lane and sometimes Samira dominates I don't know.
If you can win all ins against him early on, the game should be as good as won, but don't underestimate him.
Watch out for her level 6 depending on the support, as the all-in will be strong.
Don't underestimate her early game, as her E will take out a lot of your health. Play around it.
Strong early game, but you scale much better than he does.
Might bully you early on a bit with her Q+Auto+Q, but any extended trade will be easily won with Kai'sa.
Don't get hit by three+ feathers and you should be fine.
Should not be hard to beat at any point in the game, unless he gets very ahead.
She can poke you but that's about it.
His knock-up and tankiness are extremely helpful for both peeling and stacking passive.
So many stacks of your passive and can peel very well.
Many stacks of passive and can peel.
W and R both stack passive. Can also peel very well.
His hook and knock-up will provide two stacks for you very well.
Root and Ult helps stack passive.
Q and Ult help stack passive, and can give sustain.
Can help stack passive on stuns, helps mobility, and can peel a bit.
Can stack passive with hook and stun.
Passive, although only one, can be stacked easily.
Can stack passive once but easily with knock up.
Her only cc is very unlikely for anyone to stay in long enough to actually get cc'ed. However, in late game, you and Soraka can 2v5.
Only helps stack if he hits two abilities.
Only Ult stacks passive and her early game is also weak, resulting in a weak early bot lane.
Can peel, but does not help stacks.
Her bind stacks one passive.
Does not synergize, but she's strong.
His knock-up and tankiness are extremely helpful for both peeling and stacking passive.
So many stacks of your passive and can peel very well.
Many stacks of passive and can peel.
W and R both stack passive. Can also peel very well.
His hook and knock-up will provide two stacks for you very well.
Root and Ult helps stack passive.
Q and Ult help stack passive, and can give sustain.
Can help stack passive on stuns, helps mobility, and can peel a bit.
Can stack passive with hook and stun.
Passive, although only one, can be stacked easily.
Can stack passive once but easily with knock up.
Her only cc is very unlikely for anyone to stay in long enough to actually get cc'ed. However, in late game, you and Soraka can 2v5.
Only helps stack if he hits two abilities.
Only Ult stacks passive and her early game is also weak, resulting in a weak early bot lane.
Kai'Sa, Daughter of the Void
Hi, my name is Regal and pretty much since I've started playing League, my main has been Kai'Sa. After a lot of research, I've found multiple builds, most of which have been confirmed or used by high elo players.
I'd like to share all the knowledge I've learned both from playing and experimenting with Kai'Sa, as well as what I've learned from other player's performances.
+ Strong Trading + Can Carry Late Game + Lots of Potential Outplay + High Mobility + Lots of Variety
Kai'Sa is a very strong champion and is built to not be too weak at any point in the game, and she has a huge variety of builds that you can choose from. Her evolves and abilities help her scale well into the game, and can allow you to put yourself into a better position. Unlike most ADCs, she has two forms of mobility. Her ult Killer Instinct and her E Supercharge allow for high mobility and high potential.
- Weak Early Game - Low Auto Range - Weak When in Waves - Reliant on Support
Although she can become extremely strong, early game she is reliant on her support to set up kills and get her ahead, as any sustained fights she will likely lose early on. Not only this, but her short trades are weakened due to her short range and her q, Icathian Rain. In order for her to win most trades early on, it requires her to use a q+auto when in a smaller wave in order to have more missiles lock onto the enemy adc or support. Not only this but her short range means she can be poked out by many of the other ADCs, similarly to Vayne.
All in all, I believe Kai'Sa is an extremely fun champion to play, especially with all the different ways you can play her. You can play as a hypercarry ADC or as an AP assassin, ruining that ADCs day. I hope you enjoyed and learned from this guide. Good luck in your games!
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