if you dont get cheesed lvl 1 its fine, try to not get hit by his q so he heals, avoid his e at all costs, try to gooflip if he uses ghost/goes all in
save e for when he uses q towards you, dont let her get free vital procks, auto a lot in trades, if he ults make sure to have one vital pointed to wall and w urself so he cant use q, go early bramble
u can beat her early if you dont get hit by her w too much, play around her q auto resets and the q dmg in general. singed w can stop the second part of her e and her ult, try not to take fights where she gets the engage on you, if she uses e towars you flip her right before she hits you, you dont outscale her, but you wont need to if you play the earlygame correct
try to avoid her tentacles, try to fight when she is oom and when her spells are down. can proxy here if the jung/mid cant kill you easily. BUT DONT DIE WHILE PROXYING
he pokes really hard, he can knock you away with his e, try to not fight unless lvl 6 all in with tabis or a gank from the jungler. you can e him while he knocks you away if you buffer the e. play for the team here
dont fight her, just relax dont die and play for team, either hardshove or let it shove into u
either stomp early and snowball, or chill go roam alot.
dont fight unless u have the advantage, go for team plays and try to stop his engage in fights
dont get hit by his spells, dont get baited by his w shield, if he ults u just gooflip him, save your ult for after his ult
if he goes three beads just go next, otherwise just kill him earlygame
dont fight him lvl 1, dont fight him after six, dodge his q and try to pre-prock conq
play safe, play around his passive and w and q range, dont let him all in, try to goofliphim if he goes for the all in, play for team, you outscale, peel him away from carries and u can win
dont fight him focus on sustain and pushing the wave out, go play for team, you can stop his r with your w and e
Tahm Kench
take care with his passive and grasp dmg, wait for him to waste q before trading, your w stops his ult, flip him when he eats someone
DONT fight lvl 1, get tabis fast, dont get poked out and be carefull when he hits six. play for team here and try to go for roams
just survive lane, your E can cancel his Q but doesnt put it on cd, be carefull with his W dmg, just wait till after six, he is useless in fights anyways.
try to not int early, its hard to kill him, play for team go roam maybe proxy and just scale.
try to kill him early game, need to play aggro, juke forward, get armor early, look for good roam timers, and possibilities to help the jungler/midlaner, can proxy if enemy mid isnt a roamer and the enemy jung isnt an earlygame snowballer
try to gooflip under turret, her autoes are most of her dmg, stay out of her q range, care for lvl six all in
dont lane into this, you will regret it, if u want to lane it, go for roams, either hardshove or let the wave come to you, never fight her.
Dr. Mundo
kill him earlygame, get healing reduction, stand in wave to dodge his q, dont trade autos when he uses his e
dont trade with him when he has grasp, dont take free q's or autos that prock his grasp or passive hardshove a lot dont itemize for 1v1, go roaming helping jung, feel free to proxy if enemy mid/jung cant kill u
flip him when he uses q on u, dont stand in his e, and remember to auto alot
dont 1v1 unless he uses abilites, dont get poked out, all in or nothing, play around his r and passive, gooflip him whenver you can, play for team and roam alot
be carefull with his burst potential, play slow and try to avoid taking his q poke, if he goes to fight w on top of self to lower his movespeed and his extra dmg, get early jung help if u can
dont fight in his turrets, try to wait for him to go oom before you fight, dont get poked out try to get jung gank, feel free to pxory if the enemy jung/mid cant kill you easily
play around her passive, the matchup revolves around you dodging her e and gooflipping her when she goes for the all in. dont trade autos when she has passive stacked.
dodge his q and play around his w timing, dont use e when he is about to dismount
play around her w range, trry to go for all ins after baiting her w, dont get poked out and use w to cancel her e
she is really hard to lane vs, can proxy if needed play for team here!
just farm and scale, your midgame is stronger play for team, dont give him grasp stacks
try to not waste your e into his w, use your w to make him unable to hit the second part of his ult, you can flip him while he is in e, try to dodge his q
just survive the earlygame and you can woop his ***
you can e her out of her e, play it safe until lvl 6 and tabi.
dont int the trades, she deals a lot of dmg, dont let her get chip dmg and escape with e , you can use e on her third q to cancel it, w counters all of her abilities except w and ult, dont be scared after lvl 4
his dmg is nuts, try to let him shove into you wihout getting chunked, also just play for team, might be good idea to propxy if mid/jung cant kill u
so if its the bauss, just duel him and hope he has a disastor game, for tank sion try to proxy him and play for team, for ad sion just murder him. u win lvl 1 but then u lose after, dont get hit by his q or e, after proto it gets easier.
play around his abilities, take good trades with lots of autoes and get early antiheal, never take longer fights without antiheal, use w effectively to stop his mobility/healing
his burst is nuts, but make him waste w and its a free dub.
wait for lvl 6 all in, dont get poked out, might consider dshield start, play for team
be carefull with his dmg, he does a lot and u wil be surprised, also his ult is a dot. play for team and dont int early and it should be fine.
you should beat him earlygame, play around his passive, then snowball into midgame, dont let him outscale you and win by autoattacking turrets
standard ranged opponent, dont let her poke u out, try to go for all ins and play around jung. dont int and u should be fine after six.
standard ranged opponent be carefull and try to play for the team , he scales superwell.
Xin Zhao
gooflip him when he goes all in and you win the trade, dont let him utilize his keystone if u can.
dont get poked out, try to bait his e, try to gooflip early under tower, look for roams whenever wave is good for it
kill him early, use your w to stop his q and e, be carefull with his burst
you need to kill him before he gets 45% cd, after that you can never 1v1, play for team not ego
you need to stomp early, if he scales its pretty doomed, play for team if u cant stomp him
dont take dumb trades, play for team, and dont let him auto u to death
just kill him, 4head
be carefull with his burst dmg, and his spellshield dont waste e or w and play around his keystone timings
just win the lane, he legit does nothing...
dont let him beat u up, play for team, and just try to win lane with jung ganks
dont get kited into boxes and u chilling, your w stops his q
you cant really beat him in lane, play around grasp and his q, try to gooflip under turret, your w can stop his r.
just kill him on repeat with conq ignite, dodge his e and its so free
can be hard, dont let him attack you with bear or tiger, after tabi its pretty free just wait till then
bodyblock him in fighhts, use w to cancel his ult fight him alot u win with conq
kill him, play around minions to avoid autos, dont be scared
flip him when he uses e, dont take dumb trades, use autos alot, try to keep conq stacks up. Take care after he completes bork
just dodge his w, your w stops his q e and r. just fight him, you win
Lee Sin
dodge his q, play around his passive autoo attacks, and care for his e, it deals a lot of dmg, trade accordingly
earlygame is rough play safe just try to farm go for tp plays and roams, play for team.
Master Yi
just murder him, use w so he cant q you when he is on top of you
wait for her to go cougar form and w her, then all in
Nunu & Willump
murder him...
dont walk near walls, dont stand in the q, and just dont int early.
dont let him take trades when he has passive, play around his w knockup and try to w him so he cant use e or r to escape
dont let him get his passive stacked and you can beat him, your w can stop his jumps and just try not to waste e into his w heal
just kill her 4 head
dodge her e, dont fight her alot after six, try to abuse her earlygame, especially when she wastes her e or w. prestack conq for most effect
if she doesnt freeze the wave we shilling, play for team and wait jung or all ins, dont get poked out
so two options, either go support build and help team while permashoving every wave, or just go ap and proxy her, she cant really do nothing about it.
dont let him auto you and ur good to go, get jung help or get liandrys/proto before fighting him.
just kill him, bait his e and ur shilling
standard ranged opponent, be carefull and try to play for team, he scales superwell
dont trade autos, he heals too much, dont e him while he is using q, you just waste e cc then, try to peel him from team in fights.
just kill him, dont take ****ty trades and dont use e on his clone
just dodge his q, play around his w timing and use ur w to stop him using e prematurely
just kill him, stop his e with w and just relax, pretty free lane.
beat him early, be wary of his e autos, and try your best to dodge towards him when he uses q, use conq and focus on autos.
just kill her...
just dont int and u win here, i mean its a skarner....
just kill her, your w stops her q even if she is charging it up.
just dont get poked out and try to weave in as many autos as possible, w him when he tornados u to stop his r
might wanna dodge the matchup if not just go full engage and play for team.
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