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Recommended Items
Runes: Max DMG Poke
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Threats & Synergies
A good enemy Ashe is a nightmare to play against for Janna. Everything she does slows you, so you'll deal less damage and never win trades. At 6 she'll try to hit you with an arrow, and you can't peel yourself if your stunned.
Janna is good with most ADC's, I've picked the ones that stand out to me on the best and worst spectrum to add some information on.
Janna is good with most ADC's, I've picked the ones that stand out to me on the best and worst spectrum to add some information on.
Champion Build Guide
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Hi, I'm Sunay and welcome to my Janna guide. In this guide I'll be explaining to you how to play a more aggressive support Janna. I've peaked Masters Elo, and have recently started streaming, you can catch me on there if you have any questions: |
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Every champion needs a reason to be picked and played. Janna is a poke mage that transitions into a utility enchanter the longer the game goes on.
-Amazing Disengage -Good Poke DMG -High Movement Speed -Strong Shielding and Bonus Attack Damage -Squishy -High Early CD on Shield |

The "MAX DMG POKE" build is here to optimize the highest amount of damage you can do in trades and team fights. Janna can easily proc cheap shot by hitting her Q, or using W then autoing afterwards. This small damage can add up in lane, and will be the small damage difference between killing an enemy or not.

The "Safe Poke" build will have you still be playing aggressively early, but quickly transition into a utility enchanter post level 6. You'd want to go this build into matchups that are harder to force trades that way you can scale faster.
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Ardent is good with Attack Speed Based ADC's to boost their damage output, and allow for faster objective/tower takedowns. |
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Redemption is good to mitigate Poke DMG, and a well timed one can save an ally from a burst. This item can also be used once your dead. |
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Mikael's Blessing is good for countering heavy CC teams or to protect from one particular CC. |
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Staff of Flowing Water is good with AP damage dealers to increase the damage you both deal. |
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Boots of Swiftness enables you to do more damage and rotate around the map faster. |
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Ionian Boot's of Lucidity grant additional ability haste can help you scale faster, and enable more spell cast. |
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Chemtech Putrifier this new anti-heal item is cheap, has good stats and is efficient for you to apply grievous wounds against pesky healers or self healers. |

On recall timers try to look mid or jg for a roam. Janna is good at catching enemies out with her Q, and countering enemy ganks. Due to her high base movement speed Janna is one the fastest supports to rotate around the map.
Below is an sample lane against an Alistar, you'll see me get a health lead early due to poking his poor positioning. This will stop him from ever engaging on us. At 1:10 I make a roam mid, and force the enemies mid's summoner spells.
-Shield Low HP allies, or grant Bonus AD to a carry
-Disrupt kills/engages with your ultimate
Below is an example of two teamfights that happened in the game. Watch for how I did the listed points to ensure I did my role in these teamfights.
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Always make sure to keep a good mental even if games are going poorly. If you need to, make sure to take a break if you feel titled. Feeling tilted will just lead to you losing more games and not focusing properly. I hope you enjoyed learning more about my favorite champion and that this information will help you in future games to be more aggressive on this floating queen. If you have any questions, or wanna watch me play come and stop by my twitch stream: I stream league on Tuesday/Thursday with some variety on Saturday. |
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