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next game unless you are literally Jesus Christ himself and can dodge everything
Keep to farming and look for quick combos and get out before he can retaliate. When he ults you save your empowered for your E so he can't get as many Q's on you
Try to trade with her as much as you can to get a lead early but don't over-extend. She can CC you fast and kill you faster. Save your E for her ult.
bully him all you want pre level 6 but after that you might need a friend or two to help
He can rack up damage on you pretty quick since he has a silence, leaving you to just walk away but might as you'll be tempted to use it for his E, save your E for his ult.
get executioner's and when he tries to poke you with his Q, dive in with W so he doesn't get the sweet spot. use your E when he casts the third part of his Q
He can easily dash past your E. Stick to farming.
Malzahar is one of your worst matchups midlane. Free spellshield blocks your stun and he can easily poke you out to death.
Oranges get him out of your combos and he can whittle you down easily in lane with his Q.
Try and W him while he is winding up his Q before it hits you. Don't try to trade too much or his passive will drain your health quickly.
Do your best to dodge his Q, after that its pretty simple.
**** this *****
Same as Malzahar but for jungle. Free spellshield knocks out your combos.
His Q negates your empowered W's free auto attacks. Don't get baited if he goes into a bush after you get a combo on him. He most likely has mushrooms set up in there after level 6.
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