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Shen Build Guide by ChaseMorePlz

Top [11.7] Shen Abilities Guide! (Youtube Explanation Video) *WI

Top [11.7] Shen Abilities Guide! (Youtube Explanation Video) *WI

Updated on April 3, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ChaseMorePlz Build Guide By ChaseMorePlz 1,746 Views 0 Comments
1,746 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ChaseMorePlz Shen Build Guide By ChaseMorePlz Updated on April 3, 2021
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[11.7] Shen Abilities Guide! (Youtube Explanation Video) *WI

By ChaseMorePlz

Learn about how Shen's abilities deal damage in this video explained by myself and two other players in a live, entertaining commentated game. His abilities scale off of Ability Power and the percentage of Maximum Health an enemy target has. We use a Blade of the Ruined King reference to emphasize how his abilities have multiple uses.

Hello all, my name is Black Halo and I reached Platinum I in League of Legends in 2018, which was the top 3% in the entire North American region at that time. I have extensive knowledge about LoL; thank you for clicking on my guide. Shen deals AP and percentage health damage and he is a lane bully, like some kids were fortunately or unfortunately forced into during school. To overcome this, simply fight back after your farm and become stronger than the lane bully.
The Blade
If you aim this ability within your teammates, there will be a circle around it that you can utilize for you and allies to prevent taking damage from auto-attacks or known as when you get close enough to a target and right-click them. Using abilities will cause your blade to interact with champions in different ways. If you use the blade to cast back to your champion from a distance, and it collides with an enemy champion, you will deal damage to them and gain an attack speed bonus for a short duration.
Conclusion (Work In Progress)
Today in this speech I am going to talk about the new, worldwide dream. What we call living the laptop lifestyle. Where you can live from anywhere and just shake your computer and money comes out. I sell all my educational content, turn it into money, and invest in my business and cryptocurrency. I run my channel like a business, I have a plethora of guides and informational content revolving around what I am interested in. This guide is a work in progress and will be concurrently updated with better ways to play Shen top lane. Play the champion and get a feel for him in normal games to have fun.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ChaseMorePlz
ChaseMorePlz Shen Guide
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[11.7] Shen Abilities Guide! (Youtube Explanation Video) *WI

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