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It's difficult to fight Draven in lane and trade versus him.
She does a lot of damage and has a high range.
His combo makes it difficult to lane.
Great for the early kill pressure with her W root, also provides great escapes with her E and good sustain with her Q. Her R provides damage and a good shield. She's overall just a great champion right now.
A good Seraphine is a great support pick for Kai'sa with the sustain and Crowd Control she offers.
Great for the early kill pressure with her W root, also provides great escapes with her E and good sustain with her Q. Her R provides damage and a good shield. She's overall just a great champion right now.
A good Seraphine is a great support pick for Kai'sa with the sustain and Crowd Control she offers.
Today I will be showcasing a Kai'sa build that is focused on being burst AP damage for your team. I play her in the mid lane and win my game by allowing myself to get carried however you can also play her in the bot lane! This video will show all you need to know on how to start your beginning phases as Full AP Kai'Sa.
Auto Attack to win trades when they come up and hit
Q Icathian Rain when they walk up and you when the trade. It prioritizes champs or low target enemies. Auto-attack then Q Icathian Rain to make sure they're in range. Use your passive Second Skin stacks to get 3 (4 if possible) stacks and proc it with W Void Seeker to do most damage and secure kills early, and win trades every time.
When going for an extended trade, when you guys are fighting, always look early game to get a W Void Seeker proc with your passive. Don't always go for a W Void Seeker proc with your fourth auto attack, so a lot of the time go for 3 auto attacks then go for a W Void Seeker and proc your passive. This is because at level one, the difference between hitting W Void Seeker before getting four auto attacks off is nearly the same damage as getting four auto attacks and then hitting your W Void Seeker. Another thing that I see bad Kai'Sa players do is that they are auto attacsking a champion and in the middle of them auto attacking they will ht their E Supercharge. Never hit the E Supercharge in the middle of a fight. IF you hit your E Supercharge, there's almost a two second window when you're not auto attacking. You get an attack speed boost after you channel your E Supercharge, but during those two seconds you could've been auto attacking. Once you get comfortable with Kai'Sa, dont get scared of assassinating with her. She has a lot of burst with the W Void Seeker proc and your Second Skin passive combined with your and Q Icathian Rain; that's at least half of an enemy's health depending on how tanky they are. If you hit your W Void Seeker you can use your ultimate ability R Killer Instinct to dash in and do this ability combo. If you proc your passive Second Skin with W Void Seeker, it does more damage than procing it normally with auto attacks. If you proc passive then hit W Void Seeker, you are missing out on so much damage. Another thing to do when assassinating is sit in a bush, E Supercharge towards them with upgraded E Supercharge, and you're already attacking them and in position without their knowledge while you're invisible. Once your W Void Seeker is at max level your auto attack speed is already so high. Kai'Sa will be dominant all season long.
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