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Kha'Zix Build Guide by TestTheLimit

Jungle [11.8] TTL's Challenger Kha'zix guide to Climb!

Jungle [11.8] TTL's Challenger Kha'zix guide to Climb!

Updated on April 25, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TestTheLimit Build Guide By TestTheLimit 8,235 Views 0 Comments
8,235 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TestTheLimit Kha'Zix Build Guide By TestTheLimit Updated on April 25, 2021
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Runes: Electrocute Lethality

1 2 3 4 5
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Ravenous Hunter

Nimbus Cloak

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[11.8] TTL's Challenger Kha'zix guide to Climb!

By TestTheLimit
Hello, I go by TTL and have been a Kha'Zix main for multiple seasons, Peaking in Challenger. I am streaming daily at twitch here and am uploading videos daily on youtube here.

I also do coaching and make tier lists for the jungle every patch. If you are interested in either of those, you can click here

I hope you enjoy the guide, and feel free to add me on discord TTL#4557 with any questions!
The Pro's and Con's of Kha'zix


→ High Mobility
→ Easy to assassinate opponents
→ Great at dueling in the jungle
→ Easy to play and learn
→ Easy to carry games
→ Scales very well into late game


→ Very squishy when going lethality
→ Very bad vs CC champions
→ Without isolation, he does very little damage
Ability Evolution Rundown
| Q Evolve |
Q Evolve gives a larger range on Kha'Zix Q, aswell as increasing the damage. It gives 45% cdr on Q when using it against an isolated enemy, and gives you better clear speed and Objective damage. Evolving Q is good for Conqueror Kha'zix, and is good for Strong dueling power, and to make sure you get Dragons and other objectives.
| W Evolve |
W evolve makes 3 void spikes get shot, rather than just 1. Evolved W slows enemies for 60% if they are non-isolated, and slows them 90% (basically a root), if they are isolated. This makes W evolve really good for peeling the carries, and makes it great for teamfighting. W evolve is the only evolve that I think you most definitely need in every single game, whether first, second, or last.
| E Evolve |
E evolve makes your jump turn into a massive leap! This increases the range of your E by a lot, resets the cooldown after a takedown, and allows you to jump in and out of a fight after assassinating your target. E evolve is good if you are already fed, and think you can get many kills in a teamfight. It allows you to snowball way faster.
| R Evolve |
R evolve adds 3/4 of a second to its length, aswell as adding another charge of invisibility. R evolve allows you to outplay the enemy a lot more often, and allows you to gank a lot easier, allowing you to save leap for when the laner flashes or uses a dash.
Summoner Spell Choices

FLASH: Flash is the summoner spell that I prefer 90% of the games that I play. Flash is a key summoner spell for 99% of the champions to date, because it gives instant mobility. Flash is a spell that makes it easy to get away, and really can be a live safer in many situations.
SMITE: Smite is an obvious spell to take on Kha'zix, as you're in the jungle and need to have smite to takedown Objectives.
IGNITE: Ignite is what I have more recently started taking on Kha'zix to theory craft. I use ignite ONLY if I take phase rush and have nimbus cloak aswell. Nimbus cloak and phase rush give you enough mobility to hunt down kills, especially with red smite and Ignite.
Conqueror Runes

Conqueror is most definitely the best rune for tank-destroying Kha'zix. I take this rune when I'm up against 2 or 3 hard tanks, and know that I can kite them around with Conqueror. Conqueror as a rune is really good right now, and if you decide to go the bruiser build, definitely take it. Otherwise, if you decide to go lethality, take a look over at the other Rune options for Kha'zix in this guide!
Triumph is pretty much the only option on this row that I deem worthy of taking. The other options Overheal and Presence of Mind just aren't for Kha'zix, and don't really help him much. Presence of Mind can be debated for, especially for people that love manamune, but on Kha'zix jungle... I just can't take that seriously.
I really like Legend: Alacrity in this row, but if you are against a team with a lot of CC, you could always go for Legend: Tenacity aswell. Both are really good options, and I think that alacrity is the better choice, but have been going tenacity more recently just because of how often CC champions have been played in the current meta.
Coup de Grace and Last Stand can be debated here. I've taken Last Stand for most of the time I've played conqueror Kha'zix, but have more recently looked into doing Coup de Grace for the extra damage. On kha'zix especially, this could be the difference between a kill or the enemy getting away.
Adaptive damage and Shield go BRATATA. Do it.
Dark Harvest Runes

Dark Harvest is a very scaling rune. If you see a team comp and think that you are going to be able to easily scale and get many kills in the early game, feel free to take it. Dark harvest and Electrocute are pretty much polar opposites, Electrocute is for early game extra damage, and Dark Harvest is for late game, you get kills early game to snowball the DH into doing TONS late game.
Sudden Impact is pretty much the only good option here for Kha'zix. Kha'zix has a jump and has a stealth, and there is no reason to not take sudden impact and get the extras that it gives.
Eyeball Collection is definitely the best rune choice in this row. Eyeball collection allows you to snowball even easier on Kha'zix, and allows your late game to be insanely strong. Eyeball collection gives you adaptive damage for takedowns and champion kills.
Ravenous Hunter and Relentless Hunter can both be chosen from this row, but Ravenous seems to be the much better option to me. Ravenous Hunter works really well with your Q, especially when you have evolved Taste Their Fear.
Adaptive damage and Shield go BRATATA. Do it.
Electrocute Runes

Electrocute is really strong in the early game. I would much rather have Electrocute than I would Dark Harvest, but that's just because it allows you to get those early game bursts, and allows you to make sure that the enemy does not get away. Dueling and Ganking goes a lot more successful in the early game when you take electrocute over dark harvest.
Sudden Impact is pretty much the only good option here for Kha'zix. Kha'zix has a jump and has a stealth, and there is no reason to not take sudden impact and get the extras that it gives.
Eyeball Collection is definitely the best rune choice in this row. Eyeball collection allows you to snowball even easier on Kha'zix, and allows your late game to be insanely strong. Eyeball collection gives you adaptive damage for takedowns and champion kills.
Ravenous Hunter and Relentless Hunter can both be chosen from this row, but Ravenous seems to be the much better option to me. Ravenous Hunter works really well with your Q, especially when you have evolved Taste Their Fear.
Adaptive damage and Shield go BRATATA. Do it.
Phase Rush Runes

Phase Rush is over powered in the current patch 10.16 that's all there is to it. Phase rush gives you so much movement speed to stay on the enemy team, along with having nimbus cloak for extra speed aswell. This makes it so that you don't need the extra damage from other lethality keystones, because you are able to stay on the enemy. This also gives you the option to take Ignite if you so choose, because flash is not needed when you have this much movement speed and mobility.
Nimbus Cloak is a very key piece to this rune page. Nimbus allows you to catch enemy champions with smiting a camp, or flashing and getting the extra move speed, or even if you decide to go the Ignite path, and you get that extra speed to catch up.
Transcendence is definitely the best rune in this row and I'll elaborate. Most people that take Phase Rush just default to taking Absolute Focus, even me. But after doing the math and talking to some other Challenger players, I realized that Transcendence with the lethality build, allows you to get 24 extra AD, or even 36 extra AD if you get to full build.
Waterwalking is definitely the best rune chance here. This really allows you to get to lanes faster when walking through river, and allows your gank potential to rise exponentially.
Adaptive damage and Shield go BRATATA. Do it.
Early Game
The Early game is extremely important on Kha'Zix. Kha'zix is the type of champion that needs to scale to be extremely good. The best way to get that early snowball going, is to just full clear your jungle until you see a clear and easy gank on a lane. Make sure to constantly check your lanes while clearing your jungle, and don't make too many risky moves, just work on taking the clear-cut simple and easy ganks that will definitely come out with a kill.

Kha'Zix is extremely good at getting objectives once he has his Taste Their Fear evolved. Try and get your mid lane and bot lane ahead, and get them priority so that you can go get these early dragons and get your whole team ahead.

This is also really good for Stealing Dragons, if you jump into the pit and Q/smite at the same time, you almost always can steal the dragon.
Team fighting on Kha'zix is key. If you are going Conqueror and going the bruiser build path, it is much much easier, but the lethality build path can get rough.

As bruiser Kha'zix, you just want to spam your Void Spike at the enemy team, and get some damage/slows on them. Your main goal is to peel for your team, but that doesn't mean that that is ALL you can do. Feel free to jump on an isolated ADC, or squishy. Anything to make your team in a 5v4 situation, where you can rush a baron, or push a lane.

As Lethality Kha'zix, you can't really just spam W and let your team do the work. As lethality Kha, you have to put more effort into getting someone isolated and wreaking havoc on them. If you notice 4 people in a lane, wait around in a bush for that 5th person to show up and kill them. Anything you can do to turn it into a 5v4.
If you want to learn Kha'Zix, the easiest way is to follow me on twitch, my youtube, and to join my discord.
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