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+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Surging Tides (PASSIVE)
Nami Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
My #1 Ban. He's a hook champion with too many supportive abilities.
I love playing with Jinx because ya'll help each other become your best. Jinx does really well with Tidecaller's Blessing on her. Your bubble with her traps are great. Plenty of poke in the laning phase, love watching Jinx use her ulti. Tons of fun!
I love playing with Jinx because ya'll help each other become your best. Jinx does really well with Tidecaller's Blessing on her. Your bubble with her traps are great. Plenty of poke in the laning phase, love watching Jinx use her ulti. Tons of fun!
Champion Build Guide
I often try to play to my allies strengths, ask them in champion select or early game how they would like to play the lane out. Sometimes it's better using Ebb and Flow on your ally to bounce onto the enemy or I can play aggressive early then back off a little once I have a good amount of mana and they're half-ish HP.
Did you walk up too close to try poking the enemy and get jumped on?
Were you out of position trying to ward and then died? or maybe you were warding and your ADC died?
Did you miss the bubble? Keep practicing! :)
Did you not check the scoreboard to see what enemy (or ally) was fed?
Who is their jungler and what can you picture in your head happening? Kayn flying through walls? The new morgana jungle throwing out a snare? Volibear running at you? Nunu flying with a snowball? Viego's invisi-wall thing?
Remember that every game matters, you're getting better each time you play/practice just like any other game or sport.
You got this!! :D
You know that saying, "If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all."? Well, I like to live through the opposite. If you have something nice to say then always say it.
If you like someone's name in champion select then let them know! :)
If you like their champion choice, let them know. I had a poppy jungle pick and I let them know and they did some pretty awesome plays in-game (and I let them know about how I felt about those too).
If someone does something in-game that you like then tell them, "GJ Olaf/Jinx/Gnar/etc" or something encouraging. "That was great", "that was amazing", "ayyyy lets go!!".
In the past, I had gotten so used to being flamed that my playstyle would go drastically down after just one death and that's not cool. Don't be a jerk to others. Not only are you being rude but you're also hurting your chances of winning.
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