Build Guide by Pusi Puu
S14 [14.13] Rengar guide (MULTISEASON CHALLENGER) Pusi Guide (IN-DEPTH)

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Recommended Items
Runes: Bruiser/meele comps
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Threats & Synergies
No counterplay besides EoN. Wait for her W to run about before you engage or make sure your EoN blocks it, otherwise she cc locks you to death.
Champion Build Guide
Table Of Contents
Welcome to the most in-depth ![]() ![]() ![]() I’ll break down everything you need to know about ![]() ![]() I started playing ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Personal Links: Follow me on Twitter Check out my Discord Subscribe to my Youtube My OP.GG Accounts Check me out on Twitch |

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Pros & Cons
+ Extremely fun to play + Versatile with item builds and playstyle + Very rewarding when mastered + Mechanical and fast-paced + Unique playstyle + Very strong in skirmishes and duels |
- Really hard to master - Needs a lot of practise - Limited gank potential pre 6 - Bad vs tanks - Hard to play from behind - Hard to play when enemies grouped |
All in all, ![]() "Comfort breeds weakness." - ![]() |
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Core Items
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You benefit from ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Jungle Clear
How to path
When it comes to jungle pathing, it is very important to know that there is not one path you go every game. You want to adapt your pathing depending on the enemy team comp, the matchups and your win condition. There are 4 main paths

The first two are either full clear starting on Blue and the other is a full clear starting on red.
Key points:
> Ward over the wall at the Golems to jump over them.
> Before a camp spawns, get Ferocity stacks before your first camp spawns.
> Make sure not to waste your Ferocity stacks.

The third and fourth paths I use are:
Red > Blue > Gromp into invading the enemies buff. The other Blue -> Gromp -> Red into the enemies jungle. As I mentioned the path you take depends on the matchup and your win condition.
Key points:
> Before a camp spawns, get Ferocity stacks before your first camp spawns.
> Make sure not to waste your Ferocity stacks.

The full clear paths are the more consistent ones since you can clear all your camps in time for the Scuttle, and you’re not at risk of losing tempo by ganking or failing an early invade.
When should you start Red buff and when Blue? You always want to start on the opposite side of the map to which lane you want to play for, or which lane will most likely have priority to secure you the Scuttle Crab into maybe invading enemy jungle and get the second respawned camps.
For example: If your playing on blue side and your matchups are the following:

So in this example, your jungle path should be a full clear starting on Blue Buff, so you end up level 4 on bot lane and can secure the Scuttle, or preferably dive the enemy bot lane. If you know

Now an example of when you should be pathing to the topside to understand the concept of win conditions and matchups/priority. Lets say the matchups are the following:

When it comes to invading the enemy Junglers, you must consider certain factors, and for that invade to be successful, you want most of the factors to be in your favour. The most important factor is you must be able to beat the enemy Jungler in a straight-up 1v1 in every scenario- even if you can’t get all of your 4 stacks. Also, vision is very important, ask your teammates to ward the enemy Raptors at 1:23 so you know the enemy’s Jungler pathing the moment you see them at Raptors. Another important factor is lane priority. In general, you can say that the champions with range and poke are supposed to have priority on paper, so if its a ranged into melee matchup the ranged champion has prio. If your Mid laner can’t move, because they have to catch the wave, but the enemy mid laner does, you’ll fail the invade and lose way too much, so you flipped your way out of the game at level 3. You must think about the play result in your head before even doing the play.
What happens if my Mid laner moves first, but the enemy Top or Bot moves first. Do we win the skirmish? Can we stall until they catch up? You need a lot of experience; that’s why knowing your limits is so important. The good thing is that

In conclusion; never autopilot your pathing. Always look at the wave-states, where your team has vision, which lanes have prio, what matchups you’re in/your allies are in and adapt your pathing based on those factors. Sometimes it’s best to full clear due to having high tempo or invade at level 3 or even counter gank a level 3 dive vs for example

Early Game
In the early game, it is very important for

When it comes to ![]() In the early game, make sure to always track the enemy Jungler’s pathing and spam-ping their position. It helps you to keep track of it and can help your teammates not die to ganks as frequently. After full clearing your jungle, try to impact the lane that you deem will be the carry. Try and get an early gank off in that lane if possible, and monitor it consistently. Look for gank opportunities and repeated gank opportunities to get yourself/your ally ahead. Once you have that side of the map ahead, you can freely invade the enemies jungle and take away the enemies camps. |
Try to monitor your laner’s wave states as much as possible and analyze it to determine the right gank timing. If your Top laner preparing a huge wave for a dive, make sure to be there and punish the enemy laner so they lose all the minions. If it’s a slow pushing wave towards your bot lane try to sit in the first bush and lane gank them, because they want to crash that wave into the turret. If your Top laner just crashed the top wave but doesn’t want to reset yet, look to lane gank and wait until the enemy laner walks up so you can punish him.
However, avoid over forcing ganks. Over forcing ganks is terrible for your tempo and

Try to look for around 1100 gold base so you can get a ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() In games where no one has priority or you can’t find any gank opportunities, focus on arming and getting level 6 as quickly as possible. Then look for easy ganks with your Ultimate. While you may not be able to get ganks off in the early game, make sure you’re playing for objectives. Get every drake if your bot lane has priority and make sure to get Herald whenever you can. You win the game not by getting kills, but by getting objectives and overall gold. Herald is really good in Solo Queue since it enables you to get an insane amount of platings (gold) and from getting the first turret on a lane you can generate more vision around the map. |
Depending on your lead in the game you should realize how strong you are and what you can force. Your first Mythic item is a very huge spike, so you should make sure to use that spike. It enables you to look for even harder skirmishes and you can start looking to pick off targets who are out of position.
Mid Game
The mid-game usually starts around your second item. It’s is probably the hardest part of the game since it’s hard to keep your lead and your tempo when the enemy team starts grouping and not leaving their turrets. At this point in the game, you should make sure to keep sticking to your winning lane. If your bot lane is really strong hover around them as much as possible and force fights or invades with them. Don’t let them crumble under the pressure of the enemy trying to force onto them. If you enable them they will help you invade the enemy Jungler and get their camps to keep a solid lead. But at the same time, you have to make sure to keep clearing your camps otherwise you will easily fall behind.
It is also really easy for ![]() ![]() ![]() With your second/third item you will be really strong. You can one-shot almost any squishy target and shred objectives/camps. Try to get every objective in the mid-game. One way of securing these safely is by looking for picks before an objective spawns or you can simply zone the enemy team away by casting your Ultimate. Crit ![]() |
Late Game

When being in the late-game state with ![]() Always have a sweeper and try to get some cheesy picks if possible, don’t risk you dying though. You even shred tanks at this state of the game so know your limits and don’t underestimate your damage. But at the same time, you shouldn’t lose track of your win condition in the game. Do you need the Dragon Soul to end the game? Do you win the game by team fighting because you have an insane team fight comp? Or do you win the game by sidelining because the enemy team is stronger in team fights? Play around that win condition. |

When it comes to team fighting with

You also don’t want to be the one engaging, unless you can get a pick on an out off position target. Make sure your team engages first- wait out the main CC, and then you follow up. As

Make sure to use the right Ferocity spell in team fights. If you know the enemy still has CC tools available to them once you’ve jumped in, do not use your 4th stack until the CC has come through. You can then cleanse it with your

Tips and Tricks
Here are some

> Keep your Ferocity up by auto-attacking plants, minions, jungle camps or let minions, turrets or enemies hit you as they refresh Ferocity too.
> You can use your empowered

> Make sure you use your

> You can use the Blast Cones in combination with Flash to escape. If you jump to a Blast Cone, you’ll get thrown up. But if you Flash mid air to the opposite side, you can escape.
> You can use enemy wards as a gapclose tool. If an enemy is 2 jump ranges away and there is a ward in a bush between both of you, you can use that ward as a gap close. Jump onto the ward, then instantly use

> playing vs champions with a dash or a spell that makes them untargetable, don’t instantly jump onto them. Bait the spell by running into meele range onto them. Most of the times they use the spell (Zed R/ Fizz E / Ezreal E) as a reflex and you can jump afterwards.
When to use your Ferocity:
> Use your empowered

> Use your empowered

> Use your empowered

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