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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Dirty Fighting (PASSIVE)
Akshan Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
One of my hardest matchups, Anivia's stuns, slows and walls prevent Akshan from using most of his kit and her burst will take you down hard. Dodge her Q and R at all costs.
Neeko big good with Akshan. Neeko hold while Akshan swing and blast. Good Neeko.
Neeko big good with Akshan. Neeko hold while Akshan swing and blast. Good Neeko.
Champion Build Guide
First off, you'll want to use your Q,

Initiating as Akshan should be started with your Q, not your auto. If you auto first, there's no guarantee you'll hit your Q. Your Q range is actually quite short, so open with it to get at least 1 stack of your passive and then get your 2-tap autos in, which should proc your passive damage burst. You'll kite a lot better that way.
Use his W,

His Ult,

His E,

For his ability order, honestly, as long as you max your Q first and have at least 1 point in each ability, you're basically sorted. You'll want to max your Q,

You'll also want

If you wish to swap Press the Attack,

On your first back, your priority will be Greaves, but if you've decided to run with Magical Footwear, or just wish to prioritise damage over movement speed (which you might, depending on the matchup), grab

You'll need these 2 items if the enemy tank(s) is/are running heavy AD protection. Remember that your passive + BotRK 3rd hit runs off AP damage, so while you can still deal damage with those, without these 2 items you're going to be slow taking them down without the added AD penetration.

These 2 items + BotRK make it so the enemy ADC/Mid/Supports are going to really struggle getting away from you, especially when used in tandem with your E,

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