Somewhat squishy. Low DPS, highly reliant on W to do most of her damage output. Missing W in an all-in combo can be fatal.
Nobody really plays him anymore thanks to the amount of nerfs Riot threw at him. If there is, imagine Quinn but always has a perma-stealth.
Watch out for his combo as it is nearly undodgable. Keep distance from your support as he can knock up both of you at the same time.
200 YEARS. He has everything in one kit, and anyone able to master his kit should be diagnosed with autism.
Extremely annoying to deal with. Same principle with everyone, bait his abilities first then you go in.
People often pick Ashe as a support for whatever reason. Stay behind minions as she will want to poke you with W and superior attack range. The slow is incredibly annoying and you might have to press your E to disengage.
Her Q got a huge buff in 12.18, making her even more dangerous.
Good Bards are extremely unpredictable, your E will help you dodge his stun but not by a lot as he can just smack you with empowered autos and it actually hurts a lot once those chimes start rolling in. Ping your mid laner if you find him missing as Bard can gank a lot more effective than other supports. After you get a few items, clear out minions as fast as possible so he can't hide behind them to get safe pokes on you.
Blitz usually goes with a strong ADC, e.g Draven and Lucian. Steer clear from his direct sight because you never know if the hook gonna hit you.
Also known as "La Creatura". Playing Yuumi is putting 100% of your faith on the ADC so pray that you don't see her latched on a hard matchup.
Mage support. Dodge all of his skillshots and you're good. Brand will likely to drop E on you first then use his abilities.
You only see Braum in high level plays as he's practically useless in low elo where people hate each other. This dude will turn all your DPS into zero if you want to all-in. Just poke him with autos.
She's the premium lane bully. You can't really touch her in lane at all, unless she overextends.
Probably the strongest early game out of all ADCs. Once he got a few kills he will snowball extremely hard and your team will flame you for feeding. Though you can make use of his weakness being he has to catch his axe, while also catching your W.
Ezreal will want to poke you as much as possible in laning phase and still want to poke you once he got Sheen. He will be a pain in the *** to deal with, regardless of build.
Rarely ever seen in low elo. The whole idea of Janna is disengagement so you will want to poke her. Even if she shields up you can still poke her as your passive drains shield from people anyway. Beware: bushes contain tornadoes.
He hits like a truck and run just as fast as you. A good Jhin will snowball out of control and will wipe your team unless your assassin is equally fed.
Hypercarry that scales better than you in late game. Pray that your support don't recklessly die first as she will either run away very fast or kill you as well.
Tiny buff in 12.19 for her early game.
Short range ADC functions like an assassin more than a regular ADC. Trade a lot with her as Kai'Sa has very limited trade options. Watch out for her passive proc as it hurts a lot.
AP Kai'Sa got tiny buff in 12.19, too bad most of the time you won't likely to see any Kai'Sa ADC building AP in a serious game anyway.
If you are horrible at predicting movement, you will not hit Kalista. If she gets a few kills you will have no chance against her as her mobility in early game is much better than yours. Keep in mind that her DPS appears not to be so high, she's stacking a bazillion of spears on you before you even notice.
I see people picking Kalista top lane recently. What is wrong with this season?
She walks up on you and kaboom. That's her only trade tool, if you can dodge she doesn't have much left to dish out. Some Karma might play aggressive by shielding themselves and run up on you to root, be mindful about that.
Very immobile hyper carry. Kog needs a lot of babysitting in early game to actually kill people, trade with charged zap and dash out if he tries to engage on you with the slow goo.
Grab Cleanse if you aren't confident enough. Her only engage tool pre-6 is E and as long as you can dodge her R epicenter, you're good.
Black man is exceptionally strong and fighting him at close range is a complete no, he has good mobility, good at both short trades and all-ins. Keep your distance.
Her W sends your DPS down the drain as enemy ADC starts dumping damage on your dead body. She also has a point-and-click instant poke damage with E, depends on how aggressive the Lulu is. Very hard to engage on.
Her W got nerfed in 12.18, a bit less dangerous now but she's still one of the few supports that has a point-and-click CCs.
Mage support with small emphasize on shield. Her Q is very easy to dodge, her W is way more annoying as its hitbox is huge. Take Doran's Shield.
If he throws Q at you, shoot him back and get free damage negation and MS boost. After lv6 stay away from him as his signature R will likely to ruin your day. Make sure to check their item since some weirdos like to build AP Malphite.
Same goes as Malphite, albeit more annoying. His Q is a bit hard to dodge and silence will shut down most of your damage and E is a point and click harassing tool.
Stay away from bushes as Maokai loves stacking saplings in there. The point and click root might ruin your day as you have no way to dodge it.
Miss Fortune
Piss easy to play, piss easy to master. Once you see Dirk on her you know your health bar will vanish very fast. Your team do not enjoy a fed Miss Fortune so stay anywhere except behind your minions.
She is extremely annoying for your support, not so much for you. For some reason when you attack her magic shield, it turns into regular HP shield for you. Her E might be annoying to deal with but hey, might as well send her mana pool down to the drain.
Nami has an unbeatable trading tool and her E will dampen your agility. You can tell the difference between good Namis and bad Namis based on how often they land their Qs. Don't trade with her unless you are ahead.
Lalali~ lalalu~
Extremely tanky in early game. His hook isn't as dangerous as Blitz's but will still screw you up. Once he hits 6 avoid pushing too far as his ult is undodgable.
200 years. Even if she's feeding hard you will die to her full combo because Riot thinks it's a great idea to give a ranged champion the ability to ignore basic attacks. If you somehow survive her burst, kite the living **** out of her as she ran out of dashes.
I have no idea why this champion is in the support list. Point and click stun, dangerous, stay away. That's it.
Poppy will make you regret using E on walls. Her W stops you from dashing and her E slams you into walls. Not a lot of people play Poppy support but if you see one, she heavily relies on people making mistakes to punish them.
Has a lot of mobility and crowd control, he will chase you down regardless of distance. I hope you get an enemy Pyke so stupid that he doesn't know how to tap Q.
Something like Pyke and Leona combined. She can chain CC you if you are slacking and her abilities, unlike Leona, actually hurts. Good thing is her engage has a huge delay so best to use E to avoid.
Renata Glasc
Her Q and W has very long cooldown, she mostly relies on her E as an all-in-one ability. If you manage to kill anyone that has her W, make sure you can bail out before you die. Good thing her ult doesn't really work on you as your basic attacks are very weak on its own.
Katarina but ADC and Riot's attempt to attract DMC fans.
She's a gamble. Either she sucks hard, or wipe your entire team with a couple sweeps. Good thing she sucks hard against tanky guys with guaranteed CC.
She will want to poke you and both harassing and heal her ADC with Q. Dodge her skillshots and remember to poke her back when she's either trying to poke your support or picking up souls.
Rakan faded away from the current meta and nobody really picks him anymore, he needs his partner. His knockup is delayed so you have a brief window to dodge.
He got buffed in 12.19, nothing worth noting.
Pretty much a beefed up Sona. Her E won't root you on its own, she will need the double cast passive or someone to apply a slow first. Hit her with everything you got. Zeri even has voicelines to tell Seraphine how suck she is.
Keep your distance as Shen usually engages with E first while using W to protect both himself and his ADC. Try to kite him if you can.
Sivir usually try to both shove lane and poke you with Q + W. Her E outrights deny your W but has a very long cooldown of 18 seconds, you can spam more W. Get a Doran's Shield for sustain.
Point and click poke, your agility won't help much here. Her healiing ability is pretty weak in early game so try to poke them.
Small buff in 12.19. Seriously, I'm waiting for a game with Sona support. It has been so long.
Her E will shut down your DPS and root you if you stand there for too long. Good luck dodging her Qs as it has a very short cooldown and huge area.
Dodge his stun and you're good. Not a lot of people play Taric these days as he is incredibly hard to play right and the current meta isn't helping either.
You have good Thresh that lands every hooks like Madlife or bad Thresh that only throws lantern when people are already dead. Depends on how sweaty the Thresh is, you might not have a very peaceful laning phase.
Hyper carry that heavily relies on bursting people with E. Some people likes to bring Hail of Blade on her and combined with that fire rate steroid to guarantee a winning trade because the burst so disgustingly hurts and sometimes even one-shot you. Farm at maximum Q range and you're good. If she isn't bringing HoB, murder her before she gets her items.
Also a hypercarries, though his early game is much stronger.
She's a free win. Short range, weak early game. Smart Vayne will stuck you into the wall the moment you exit it, so be mindful of that.
Edge of Night renders her E completely useless against you.
Same as Rakan, she need her partner. Be mindful of her feathers as it doubles as poke and CC. Not exactly dangerous as her DPS is just average.
Scripter's wet dream. Dodges everything and you're fine - not exactly the case here. His Q is certainly intimidating and can deny you from farming too much. Jump on him requires extra calculation as his stun can flip the fight very fast.
Be mindful of his Time Bombs as it can reliably stun both you and your partner. Nobody really plays Zilean these days either as dude is very hard to master.
She pokes a lot through her plants, remember to prioritize her plants first before going in. Be mindful of her root as it is a bit harder to see compared to other root abilities.
Not a lot of people play Teemo support but when they have a Teemo support, prepare to eat mushrooms. Early game he just run up and throw Q and autos at you. Blinded Zeri makes her shoot... sideways? Good thing is your left click can't miss.
He spams a **** load of skillshots and all of them are relatively easy to dodge. You can tell good Vel'Koz apart from bad Vel'Koz based on how often they land their Qs in the most mathematical way possible.
Weak early game just like you but scales better and often appears out of thin air. Avoid 1v1 with him if you can, once he gets 2 items and his ult will murder everyone.
No, we have Dota 2 Invoker at home.
All you need to pay attention is the AoE circle and his ult. Both hurts very hard.
A champion 👤 with 4700 HP 💪 329 Armor 🤷♂ and 201 MR 💦 has Unstoppable🚫, a Shield🛡, and goes over walls 🧱, has Airborne 🌪, and cooldown is only 1 second too🕐 It costs 15 Mana🧙 The W CD is even refreshed when he transforms 💫 He has true damage 🗡 on his Passive. Then, when he stacks 📈 Armor and MR 🥋 he gets Ability Haste too ⏰ Ability Haste to his Q ⏰ and his spell casting speeds up 🚀
Then, he has an AD ratio 🗡 so he has W... W is like eee 😡 aaaaaaaaaaaa 😱😱
Yeah… this piece of ****. During lane he won't do much, just don't let him spank you with Q. Smart Garen would build Stridebreaker + Phantom Dancer and 100 to zero anyone happens to get targeted by him. Those two items make you unable to kite him and you get ulted.
Dude excels at bursting anyone that can't sidestep his abilities, especially his knockups. In lane, he can exceptionally strong trade combo that literally everyone hates.
Ah ****... this Disney character. He's supposed to play like a hyperscaling ADC like Jinx, but recently people are adopting Comet + max W for extreme harass. Guess who also has the same harass ability? You, but your wall W requires a whole second to actually hit anything while he just spits out a big projectile that is impossible to sidestep.
You will lose lane against Comet Smolder, I highly recommend getting a Refillable Potion.
Flexible playstyle, spam W to provide suppressive damage and going all-in when needed. Has pretty much the same carry potential as meta builds.
I don't get why people see Ashe as a viable support as people building Imperial Mandate while none of her abilities scale with AP expect her ult.
Ashe got buffed a bit in this season, don't expect her to help you in lane though.
Alistar is much better with hypercarries as his playstyle is all about murdering people. I got an Alistar literally too angry to die and 1v1'd the enemy Jinx.
Bard can help you pressure the enemy with his Q and auto attacks. DO NOT pick up his shrines right after he places them down like a dork unless it's emergency. Most Bards prefer to roam around deep warding or looking for ganks so make sure you can hold on your own.
Blitzcrank prefers an early strong ADC to begin with as this dude has the best hook skill in the game. You aren't one. Also most Blitz players have zero idea which target to hook in as they just spam Q until it hits something that isn't a minion.
Support mages have one job: poke the enemy until they either recall or just die.
Braum has some nice peeling and your kit can proc his passive quite well. Sad thing is there are very few Braum players around as he requires good understanding with the ADC.
I don't know her lore, Zaun's God or something. I have never seen a good Janna so I have no idea where to put her.
You will need to land your W on whoever she's tethering with to secure that root. She doesn't have a lot of pressure in early game, you will have to make up for it.
Leona is best paired with someone that can do decent damage in early game as her Lv2 can make your enemy blow a Flash or just die. Best friend with Ezreal and Draven, not for you.
Shield & DPS buffer, she can slow the enemy if you get close enough too. Her ult is a no you to every single assassins that wants you dead. You might wanna maintain within her reach through as Lulu doesn't have a lot of mobility and she's also very squishy.
Mage support, decent pressure output. Her root is long enough to allow you reposition and dump everything on them. Very easy to play and a common sight in low elo.
Very little pressure in laning phase without ult.
Does abo****ely nothing before Lv6.
Miss Fortune
Her job is to make the enemy cry as she spams E on them and build full AP. Her E slow allows you to dump free damage while your enemy are trying to run away. If she's building AD, the synergy level is down to 1 as now she's just a second marksman.
Magic shield doesn't proc your shield passive but most Morgana runs Aery anyway. If she hits her Q, that's your cue to engage. Her ult can help disengaging assassins trying to gang up on you, pray that they don't have an untargetable ability.
Greatly depends on how many Qs your Nami can land. Her trade is still unbeatable though.
He mainly serves as your walking sandbag. Good peeling, he still wants a strong partner to come along and murder people.
Same goes as Nautilus, he wants a strong partner to murder people. Zeri isn't on his list, though very rarely a good Pyke can just murder people on his own without any of your help. These guys are really slick.
Going away from your wife is actually a great idea for once. Rakan is quite overloaded if used properly as he can both engage, substain and cover your pathetic ADC ***. And he gives you a shield. Twice. Post-Lv6 this guy becomes even more dangerous because now he has a nearly undodgeable charm and the movement speed will help him to keep up with you, should you decide to engage first.
Renata Glasc
Once she hits you with the drugs, go nuts on the enemy.
Senna players can excellent at harassing their enemies. Most of the time she serves as a part-time ADC so you have more leisure to build weird stuff.
If you manage to hit your W, her E turns it into a root or a stun. She does gives you a shield but due to low mobility, she can't follow you to chase down people.
Gameplay-wise she scales better than Sera but she has minimal to okay pressure in early game depends on how good the Sona player can use her passive. She's one of very few champions that has a mini Exhaust in her kit.
Helps you through early laning phase as Soraka has a lot of mana to heal and harass people. She also runs Aery so you get a shield every now and then.
He doesn't need to babysit you too much as you run around as green Pikachu. Since you're building a lot of HP, his shield on you also scales with your max HP as well. That said, good Taric players are very rare.
A good Thresh can change the whole game. He has a lot of CCs and the lantern are more useful with immobile ADCs, maybe ask the Thresh to keep his lantern and throw it at you when you want to retreat as Zeri has really good all-in trade.
Support mages have one job: poke the enemy until they either recall or just die.
Support mages have one job: poke the enemy until they either recall or just die.
People still think the Yuumi Zeri combo would wreck people but both got nerfed so hard they just function like a regular champion.
Me personally, she feels like adding another 300G bounty on yourself. Yuumi is basically a deadweight in laning phase and the cat never buys shoes, so if you die, she dies. Think of it as a gamble.
He's uh... he's cool but this dude is a jungler champ, not a support. You aren't getting anything from him.
Very short-range battle mage and Swain's only reliable CC is a single target root. Good thing he has decent early game pressure and very strong mid game so if you aren't against a heavy poke matchup, he is okay to have around.
An enchanter that does... nothing special. His ult is an AoE cleanse, which isn't that helpful considering he rarely gets to cleanse more than one ally. The good part about him is his E allows you to get the same benefits of old Zeri passive, ******* Q range. Ahh, nostalgic.
He loves bushes. Just fight for those bushes for him and he can scare off enemies. Otherwise, he's sort of tanky...ish with the drain, but not by a lot.
Support mages have one job: poke the enemy until they either recall or just die. Zyra does have a lot more pressure and lane control due to how her abilities work, play around with her plants and helps her poke the enemies.
Flexible playstyle, spam W to provide suppressive damage and going all-in when needed. Has pretty much the same carry potential as meta builds.
I don't get why people see Ashe as a viable support as people building Imperial Mandate while none of her abilities scale with AP expect her ult.
Ashe got buffed a bit in this season, don't expect her to help you in lane though.
Alistar is much better with hypercarries as his playstyle is all about murdering people. I got an Alistar literally too angry to die and 1v1'd the enemy Jinx.
Bard can help you pressure the enemy with his Q and auto attacks. DO NOT pick up his shrines right after he places them down like a dork unless it's emergency. Most Bards prefer to roam around deep warding or looking for ganks so make sure you can hold on your own.
Blitzcrank prefers an early strong ADC to begin with as this dude has the best hook skill in the game. You aren't one. Also most Blitz players have zero idea which target to hook in as they just spam Q until it hits something that isn't a minion.
Support mages have one job: poke the enemy until they either recall or just die.
Braum has some nice peeling and your kit can proc his passive quite well. Sad thing is there are very few Braum players around as he requires good understanding with the ADC.
I don't know her lore, Zaun's God or something. I have never seen a good Janna so I have no idea where to put her.
You will need to land your W on whoever she's tethering with to secure that root. She doesn't have a lot of pressure in early game, you will have to make up for it.
Leona is best paired with someone that can do decent damage in early game as her Lv2 can make your enemy blow a Flash or just die. Best friend with Ezreal and Draven, not for you.
Shield & DPS buffer, she can slow the enemy if you get close enough too. Her ult is a no you to every single assassins that wants you dead. You might wanna maintain within her reach through as Lulu doesn't have a lot of mobility and she's also very squishy.
Mage support, decent pressure output. Her root is long enough to allow you reposition and dump everything on them. Very easy to play and a common sight in low elo.
Very little pressure in laning phase without ult.
Does aboslutely nothing before Lv6.
Miss Fortune
Her job is to make the enemy cry as she spams E on them and build full AP. Her E slow allows you to dump free damage while your enemy are trying to run away. If she's building AD, the synergy level is down to 1 as now she's just a second marksman.
Magic shield doesn't proc your shield passive but most Morgana runs Aery anyway. If she hits her Q, that's your cue to engage. Her ult can help disengaging assassins trying to gang up on you, pray that they don't have an untargetable ability.
Greatly depends on how many Qs your Nami can land. Her trade is still unbeatable though.
He mainly serves as your walking sandbag. Good peeling, he still wants a strong partner to come along and murder people.
Same goes as Nautilus, he wants a strong partner to murder people. Zeri isn't on his list, though very rarely a good Pyke can just murder people on his own without any of your help. These guys are really slick.
Going away from your wife is actually a great idea for once. Rakan is quite overloaded if used properly as he can both engage, substain and cover your pathetic ADC ass. And he gives you a shield. Twice. Post-Lv6 this guy becomes even more dangerous because now he has a nearly undodgeable charm and the movement speed will help him to keep up with you, should you decide to engage first.
Renata Glasc
Once she hits you with the drugs, go nuts on the enemy.
Senna players can excellent at harassing their enemies. Most of the time she serves as a part-time ADC so you have more leisure to build weird stuff.
If you manage to hit your W, her E turns it into a root or a stun. She does gives you a shield but due to low mobility, she can't follow you to chase down people.
Gameplay-wise she scales better than Sera but she has minimal to okay pressure in early game depends on how good the Sona player can use her passive. She's one of very few champions that has a mini Exhaust in her kit.
Helps you through early laning phase as Soraka has a lot of mana to heal and harass people. She also runs Aery so you get a shield every now and then.
He doesn't need to babysit you too much as you run around as green Pikachu. Since you're building a lot of HP, his shield on you also scales with your max HP as well. That said, good Taric players are very rare.
A good Thresh can change the whole game. He has a lot of CCs and the lantern are more useful with immobile ADCs, maybe ask the Thresh to keep his lantern and throw it at you when you want to retreat as Zeri has really good all-in trade.
Support mages have one job: poke the enemy until they either recall or just die.
Support mages have one job: poke the enemy until they either recall or just die.
People still think the Yuumi Zeri combo would wreck people but both got nerfed so hard they just function like a regular champion.
Me personally, she feels like adding another 300G bounty on yourself. Yuumi is basically a deadweight in laning phase and the cat never buys shoes, so if you die, she dies. Think of it as a gamble.
He's uh... he's cool but this dude is a jungler champ, not a support. You aren't getting anything from him.
Very short-range battle mage and Swain's only reliable CC is a single target root. Good thing he has decent early game pressure and very strong mid game so if you aren't against a heavy poke matchup, he is okay to have around.
An enchanter that does... nothing special. His ult is an AoE cleanse, which isn't that helpful considering he rarely gets to cleanse more than one ally. The good part about him is his E allows you to get the same benefits of old Zeri passive, schlong Q range. Ahh, nostalgic.
He loves bushes. Just fight for those bushes for him and he can scare off enemies. Otherwise, he's sort of tanky...ish with the drain, but not by a lot.
Support mages have one job: poke the enemy until they either recall or just die. Zyra does have a lot more pressure and lane control due to how her abilities work, play around with her plants and helps her poke the enemies.
Hello, I'm just a random hardstuck Silver that keeps looking for new things to try out in League without straying too far away from what I'm used to. Take this guide however you want, whether to have fun or take it into ranked games.
Lethal Tempo gone and Zeri is now left at a rather weird state, she is equipped with Fleet Footwork... which is garbage, in my honest opinion. So garbage that it's her only option when playing as your usual ADC Zeri.
Zeri suffers from not having a real viable rune, Fleet Footwork feels more like a band-aid to a deep cut.
This whole rambling section is entirely from my experience and testing, please do tell me if anything is wrong.
Zeri's Q has a buffer system. When you press Q while she's doing something, most of the time during her other abilities' animation, causing her to immediately shoots a Q right after the animation ends. You might also know this as auto-cancelling. This exists in a lot of other abilities of other champions as well, mostly on fast-tempo mages like Cass, Ryze and yep, Ezreal. So what do we do with this information, we make it a small combo. Is it rewarding? Probably not. But it helps a bit here and there, especially with early game combat where every bit of extra damage matter.
A problem, or intended design, with HoB is it only activates the moment your Q registers an enemy, which causes you still having to wait the regular "cooldown" of your original attack, then only transforms into the HoB attacks for the next 3 hits. This is when your auto cancelling comes in. It might, ignores that cooldown and immediately jumps into your HoB attacks.
Your usual combo should look like this: W > Q > E > Q > Charged Auto > QQQ
Yes, there's a 4th Q. Due to how her Q works, the HoB ASPD buff won't end until your Q registers with the target, but your Q cooldown will come online first, so it still benefits from ASPD buff. This combo yields about ~600 damage, could be higher with a charged W. You can weave in R whenever you want to, preferably after getting close to enemies to make your bursts comes out even faster.
Magic Resist
This used to be something like 50k+ words essay on "how to play" Zeri, though after several months I think it's rather unecessary as the amount of people that would take this guide seriously is close to zero, me included. But mostly because I'm too lazy.
I decided to omit AP Zeri guide entirely. AP Zeri is too reliant on her ult, yeah you can burst someone unlucky enough but she's very clunky to play. Sure, if you really want to, build whatever you think an AP assassin would build and you're good.
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