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Zeri Build Guide by NotAragami

ADC [14.17] It's About Being Inventive (Off-Meta AD Zeri)

ADC [14.17] It's About Being Inventive (Off-Meta AD Zeri)

Updated on August 28, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NotAragami Build Guide By NotAragami 13 4 55,939 Views 1 Comments
13 4 55,939 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author NotAragami Zeri Build Guide By NotAragami Updated on August 28, 2024
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Zeri
    Self-Propelled Artillery
  • LoL Champion: Zeri
    Objective: Be Annoying (Support)

Runes: Arcane Poof

1 2 3
Arcane Comet
Manaflow Band

Presence of Mind
Legend: Haste

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[14.17] It's About Being Inventive (Off-Meta AD Zeri)

By NotAragami
Hello, I'm just a random hardstuck Silver that keeps looking for new things to try out in League without straying too far away from what I'm used to. Take this guide however you want, whether to have fun or take it into ranked games.
Lethal Tempo gone and Zeri is now left at a rather weird state, she is equipped with Fleet Footwork... which is garbage, in my honest opinion. So garbage that it's her only option when playing as your usual ADC Zeri.

Zeri suffers from not having a real viable rune, Fleet Footwork feels more like a band-aid to a deep cut.
This whole rambling section is entirely from my experience and testing, please do tell me if anything is wrong.

Zeri's Q has a buffer system. When you press Q while she's doing something, most of the time during her other abilities' animation, causing her to immediately shoots a Q right after the animation ends. You might also know this as auto-cancelling. This exists in a lot of other abilities of other champions as well, mostly on fast-tempo mages like Cass, Ryze and yep, Ezreal. So what do we do with this information, we make it a small combo. Is it rewarding? Probably not. But it helps a bit here and there, especially with early game combat where every bit of extra damage matter.

A problem, or intended design, with HoB is it only activates the moment your Q registers an enemy, which causes you still having to wait the regular "cooldown" of your original attack, then only transforms into the HoB attacks for the next 3 hits. This is when your auto cancelling comes in. It might, ignores that cooldown and immediately jumps into your HoB attacks.

Your usual combo should look like this: W > Q > E > Q > Charged Auto > QQQ

Yes, there's a 4th Q. Due to how her Q works, the HoB ASPD buff won't end until your Q registers with the target, but your Q cooldown will come online first, so it still benefits from ASPD buff. This combo yields about ~600 damage, could be higher with a charged W. You can weave in R whenever you want to, preferably after getting close to enemies to make your bursts comes out even faster.
Magic Resist
This used to be something like 50k+ words essay on "how to play" Zeri, though after several months I think it's rather unecessary as the amount of people that would take this guide seriously is close to zero, me included. But mostly because I'm too lazy.

I decided to omit AP Zeri guide entirely. AP Zeri is too reliant on her ult, yeah you can burst someone unlucky enough but she's very clunky to play. Sure, if you really want to, build whatever you think an AP assassin would build and you're good.
I wonder if this guide is any help. Have fun.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NotAragami
NotAragami Zeri Guide
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[14.17] It's About Being Inventive (Off-Meta AD Zeri)

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