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Sett Build Guide by BoilTheOil

Top [14.3] Challenger Sett Top Lane Guide

Top [14.3] Challenger Sett Top Lane Guide

Updated on February 8, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BoilTheOil Build Guide By BoilTheOil 2495 116 2,807,340 Views 55 Comments
2495 116 2,807,340 Views 55 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BoilTheOil Sett Build Guide By BoilTheOil Updated on February 8, 2024
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Runes: Standard

1 2 3 4 5
Legend: Alacrity
Last Stand

Second Wind

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2
Early game kill pressure
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[14.3] Challenger Sett Top Lane Guide

By BoilTheOil
Sup, I'm BoilTheOil and I'm here to teach you how to play Sett (or at least teach you some new things.) I've been playing Sett since his release and have over 1 million mastery points on him. My peak rank is challenger 1092 Lp, and I've also been ranked the #1 Sett in the world by league of graphs at one point.

Sometimes I stream on twitch at so if you want to see some Sett gameplay or ask questions feel free to come by!
Why play Sett?
"Why should I play Sett?" Well, there are many reasons why you should play him, he's satisfying to play, has massive playmaking potential, can turn the tide of a fight, bombs tanks into the enemy team, knocks people out, and he rewards aggressive play. If any of these sound up your alley I would recommend trying out Sett. Also if you are a Jojo fan he is made for you.

"When would be the greatest time to pick Sett?" The best time to play Sett is if the enemy team has a big beefy frontline that you can ult into their backline for a massive combo.
Pros & Cons
Before you play Sett you need to know what his Strengths and Weaknesses are.


+ Good teamfighter
+ Tanky
+ Tank bombing
+ Good counter-engage
+ Resourceless
+ Solid crowd control
+ Massive AOE damage
+ Easy to play
+ Good early game
+ Good peel


- Slow
- Long cast times
- Short Ranged
- Easily Kited
- Easy to gank / no escapes
- Long cooldowns
- Spells aren't consistently useful (W requires high grit, Q and R scale off HP, E requires stun)
- No safe way to farm
- forced to overextend to utilize kit fully
- No Poke
- Mediocre side laning / slow rotations
- Falls off in 1v1
Here I will explain the runes that I take. I have basic pages at the top of the guide.


This tree is always good on Sett and many other bruisers due to it giving you a ton of extra power in extended trades.


This is the rune Sett and many other bruisers take the most. It's generally good and gives you what bruisers want which is more AD and Healing for extended fights.

Lethal Tempo

Good to take when you're able to beat down people with auto attacks. Don't take into ranged champions.


Another rune that is generally good, Sett is a great teamfighter and this can give you just enough health to survive a teamfight or a 1v2 gank. Also, the other two options are useless so you don't have a choice either way.

Legend: Tenacity

I only take this in games where the enemy team has a ton of crowd control where I'm also unable to buy tenacity boots.

Legend: Alacrity

Generally good, having this makes Sett feel a lot less clunky.

Last Stand

This rune synergizes with Sett because his W shield and passive health regeneration will keep him alive at low health which means he gets better use of this rune, and if you build Sterak's Gage it's even better.


Every Resolve rune is great on Sett for a secondary tree other than Font of Life and Shield Bash, you have to be flexible with this tree.

Grasp of the Undying

Take this rune against tanks such as Malphite. The Max health you get from the rune is very underrated and is extra good on Sett because it makes your W better with the extra health you gain.


Good in matchups where you are able to walk up and hit the tower for free.


Take this into scaling lanes or lanes where Second Wind and Bone Plating aren't useful. You can take this into champions such as Nasus and Dr. Mundo.

Second Wind

Take this into poke lanes or lanes where they can easily get rid of Bone Plating, such as Volibear or Teemo.

Bone Plating

Good into melee champions that do a quick burst of attacks, such as Fiora and Jax.


Good against champions where you farm out the lane, such as Singed, Cho'Gath, and Ornn. It's also a good scaling combo with Conditioning


Really good when you build items that heal or shield you, and it's also good in lanes where you fight a lot early game, such as Darius, Fiora, Wukong, and Irelia


Good into teams with high crowd control / slows, such as Leona, Gnar, and Zilean. Pair this with Legend: Tenacity for high crowd control reduction.

Domination I only take this tree when I go Hail of Blades . It's fun to use for sure, but if you fall behind it feels really bad, and I would rather just have Conqueror in every situation where I'd think about taking this tree.

Hail of Blades

Honestly, I don't like this keystone very much, but other Sett players have had success using this rune to get kills in matchups, such as Yasuo, Talon, and Illaoi.

Cheap shot

More damage for your burst combo.

Eyeball Collection

Gives good AD when stacked and the other options kinda suck.

Relentless Hunter

The passive movement speed allows you to run around the map super fast and make plays.

Ingenious Hunter

Great with Predator and active items such as Stridebreaker. It also reduces the cooldown on your trinkets allowing for more vision control.


I take this tree when I'm going support Sett, it lacks the damage / sustain that Sett needs in top lane, but gives you a lot of options when you're support.

Phase Rush

The only keystone that will ever be worth using on sett in this tree, the speed you gain from it is insane, and will let you disengage or keep chasing.

Nimbus Cloak

Good synergy with Hextech Flashtraption and your normal flash. Combined with phase rush you go insanely fast and can get better angles for your E and R. It's also good mid lane as a secondary page with Transcendence if you need the movement speed.


You only take this secondary when you need Nimbus Cloak mid lane. The 20% cooldown reduction when you get kills can give you another W in a fight that you would not normally get.


Good for getting around the map faster as a support.


Same as Celerity


Take this tree secondary with Phase Rush

Hextech Flashtraption

Good synergy with Nimbus Cloak, and let's you surprise the enemy with Hexflash + E.

Cosmic Insight

Makes your flash come up 40 seconds quicker which can give you a massive advantage during that timespan, and also reduces the cooldown of Turbo Chemtank by a little bit.

For stat shards go attack speed, adaptive force, then health per level, unless the enemy team is very heavy on one damage type, then you can take armor/magic resist.
Here is where I will explain the items that I buy. I have a list of all the items I buy at the top of the guide. I don't have set-in-stone builds because I build different **** basically every game, but I have a general set of builds I go at the top of the guide. A tip I have for building is don't just build for lane, keep in mind what type of champions the rest of the enemy team is playing. For example, if they have Ryze top lane but Talon, Graves, Jinx, and Pyke don't buy a **** ton of magic resist for lane, because later it will be almost useless against the rest of their team.

Legendary Items

Sundered Sky

Great item to rush first, gives you tons of healing and makes you hard to trade with.

Titanic Hydra

Generally good item for tankiness and damage. Great item to rush, the auto attack reset gives you high burst and great damage to towers.

Blade of the Ruined King

This is a great item for Sett when you want to splitpush and win 1v1's. Never buy this item past your first item, it's an item that's best for early game!


Generally very good item on Sett, it gives you everything you want stat wise.


Buy when you need to 1v9 games and win by splitpushing.

Experimental Hexplate

Great item to chase people down with auto attacks.

Black Cleaver

Good when you need armor penetration.

Dead Man's Plate

Good when you need more movement speed / slow resist to chase people down.

Force of Nature

The best magic resist item for Sett. Build if you need movement speed and a lot of magic resist.

Sterak's Gage

Good when the enemy has high burst.

Spirit Visage

Good when you have an enchanter or ocean dragon soul.

Randuin's omen

Good when they have 2+ crit champions.


Good when they have a lot of healing and you need armor.

Spear of Shojin

Strong item to buy when you want maximum W damage.

Chempunk Chainsword

Good when they have a lot of healing and you need to do more damage.

Death's Dance

Great item when you're snowballing and the enemy team consists mostly of AD champions.

Anathema's chains

Really good when they have a strong carry or a splitpusher you need to match in a sidelane. Can build this anytime after first item if you need to.

Serpent's Fang



Plated Steelcaps

Build when the enemy team has strong auto attackers / high ad damage

Mercury's Treads

Build when the enemy team has tons of CC or Ap

Boots of Swiftness

Build if you're support or the enemy team has lots of big slows.
Tips & Tricks
Some small mechanics that every Sett player should know, Sett is a very straight-forward champion so don't expect anything too crazy. If you don't know what his spells do hover over the icons.

Passive - Pit Grit

- Your second punch has more range than your first punch
- Your second punch's attack speed is 8 times higher than your first punch's attack speed
- Don't use potions unless you're about to fight because your passive heals you more the lower health you are, so you basically get more healing for not using potions

Q - Knuckle Down

- This spell resets Sett's auto attack timer

W - Haymaker

- You can flash in the middle of your W
- Your W is great for tanking tower when tower diving
- When shoving a wave after killing somebody you can tank 1-2 tower shots so you can build up grit to do more damage to the wave
- Use W to block hard hitting spells
- Crowd control doesn't interrupt your W's cast

E - Facebreaker

- Use with an enemy behind you so it stuns
- Flash E to catch people by surprise
- You can use your stun to guarantee your W's true damage
- Flash or use stridebreaker's slow to get a better angle for your E
- Your E has slightly more range when aiming it diagonally

R - The Show Stopper

- If people get too close to your tower you can flash behind them and ult them into the tower
- When your jungler ganks your lane Use E on the opponent, then run behind them and ult them towards your jungler
- Ult tanks in teamfights because the damage scales off the enemy's bonus health
- Flash or use Stridebreaker's slow to get a better angle for your R
- When chasing somebody, use ult on them if you need a slow, it slows them for 99% for 1 second and gives you a slight dash
- you can ignore crowd control if you time this spell correctly
- If you get ganked you can ult the enemy towards your tower to escape
Early Game
General idea on how you should be playing Sett early game

Before you start the match, look at your team and the enemy team and make a game plan on how you're going to play the match.

For the first 6 levels of the match, Sett is one of the strongest champions in a fight, so look to gain an early lead. You can do this in many ways, such as by gaining lane priority to help your jungler take scuttle crab, getting an early recall, getting a kill / cheesing bush, denying CS, etc. Sett is immobile, which makes him easily gankable so make sure you put a ward down around 2:45 so you can avoid ganks. You can easily set up your jungler with your E stun on ganks, so ping your jungler to gank if the enemy is playing too far up.
Mid / Late game
General idea on how you should be playing Sett mid / late game

If you're ahead you should look to extend your lead, whether it be by taking the enemy jungle camps, grouping for dragons or barons, roaming to another lane, split pushing, flanking, etc.

If you're behind look to get as much CS as you can and try to get picks with your team. Play around who is the strongest member of your team. Sett has really good CC so you can set up plays around the strongest member on your team even if you aren't fed.

Sett has insane potential in teamfights, he's super tanky and can get a massive engage off with his ultimate. In teamfights you can either look to get a big ultimate combo onto their team or peel for your carries. If you want to get a massive combo off look to ult the person with the most health into their team. If you want to peel your carries ult the enemy threats away from your carries and do whatever you can to keep them alive.
Thanks for reading my Sett guide! If you learned anything new make sure to upvote the post and if you want to learn more watch me on twitch at or ask a question in the comments.

Any feedback is welcomed.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BoilTheOil
BoilTheOil Sett Guide
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[14.3] Challenger Sett Top Lane Guide

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