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Runes: Easy Matchups
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Standard Choice
Ability Order Always, no discussion
Darkness Rise (PASSIVE)
Mordekaiser Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
Introduction to Mordekaiser

Because of how the champion is designed he will always be at least a decent pick in the top lane since he is really hard to punish if played correctly in the lane phase, his scaling is also really good and that makes him even harder to punish if getting a lead and the longer the game goes.
Strengths and Weaknesses
PROS+ Good Scaling+ Great 1v1+ Easy to Learn+ Great Wave Clear |
![]() |
CONS- Weak Early Game- Low Mobility- Easy to Kite- QSS makes R useless |
Early Game

Into easy matchups (

Mid Game
Mid game as
Mordekaiser will mostly be the same regardless of you being ahead, even or behind, it's just the level of aggression that you have to change based on your xp and gold compared to the enemy team.
What you want to do most of the time is push waves as further out from your tower as you can and poke the enemy laner under his tower while being mindful of the enemy team collapsing on you and then when objectives are up on the map or you can't put any more pressure in your lane you should rotate to the objective your team is trying to secure or to a lane where you can dive the enemy champions with your team and then take their towers.

What you want to do most of the time is push waves as further out from your tower as you can and poke the enemy laner under his tower while being mindful of the enemy team collapsing on you and then when objectives are up on the map or you can't put any more pressure in your lane you should rotate to the objective your team is trying to secure or to a lane where you can dive the enemy champions with your team and then take their towers.
Late Game
Late Game as
Mordekaiser is pretty similar with how you play the Mid Game but now every kill, pick or death will have a bigger impact on the game due to the long death timers. By this point, when you have 3,4 or even 5 items, you should be able to 1v1 most champions in the enemy team.
If you get at this stage of the game you should really buy
Oracle Lens and try to deny as much vision while trying to make fog of war picks. Sitting in bushes in places where the enemy adc, mid, jungle or top would come to ward or facecheck is really important so that you can make a pick with your ult and win your team a numbers advantage for the next big objective.

If you get at this stage of the game you should really buy

Teamfighting as
Mordekaiser is different based on the game you are in but your champion is really versatile in this regard so you should be able to find a way to teamfight regardless of what is going on. You can play as a frontline for your carry, you can ult the enemy carry so that he can't kill your team and you can even kill the enemy carry and then take over the fight with the extra stats depending on how the game is going and how well you are doing.
Ideally you would want to stay out of vision and get a big E Q combo on the enemy team before the fight even starts so that you can proc your passive and do some damage to them for your team to clean them up after.

Ideally you would want to stay out of vision and get a big E Q combo on the enemy team before the fight even starts so that you can proc your passive and do some damage to them for your team to clean them up after.
Side Laning
Side Laning is a really important factor of playing Top Lane. As
Mordekaiser you should always look to side lane despite of you being ahead, even or behind if the state of the game allows it.
When you have
Teleport up look to be on the lane opposite to the next big objective that is about to spawn so you force the enemy team to decide if they want to lose towers to you or take a teamfight. If a teamfight breaks down you can use
Teleport and help your team out and if not and the enemy team decides to pick you off you can run back and rotate to the objective while minions are pushing in the lane that you were pressuring.
If no objective is up on the map and you are behind you should just look to go on the lane where minions are pushing to you and collect them and rotate to your team after in case a teamfight can break down for a tower kill. If you are ahead in a situation where neither the Herald, Baron or drake are up you should still make pressure and try to force the enemy team to commit multiple resources on you to win time for your team while not dying.

When you have

If no objective is up on the map and you are behind you should just look to go on the lane where minions are pushing to you and collect them and rotate to your team after in case a teamfight can break down for a tower kill. If you are ahead in a situation where neither the Herald, Baron or drake are up you should still make pressure and try to force the enemy team to commit multiple resources on you to win time for your team while not dying.
The Itemization on
Mordekaiser is pretty simple and straight forward, the only two mythic items that you can choose from are
Sunfire Aegis and
Riftmaker and you would only want to build
Sunfire Aegis only if you are behind or doing the
Phase Rush Build. After that your core items are
Rylai's Crystal Scepter and
Demonic Embrace and if you are struggling to survive in teamfights you can build all the tank items in the game.

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