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+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Fey Feathers (PASSIVE)
Rakan Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Any all in engage is a threat to rakan. The counter is to never engage first. Always play counter engage in lane vs these champs.
Kits designed for eachother. Look to scale and win lane when playing the lovers duo in your games!
Kits designed for eachother. Look to scale and win lane when playing the lovers duo in your games!
Champion Build Guide
you guys can come watch this build live and see how to use it and see how it works. Come enjoy and learn something as I am also a masters plus support player. I also play in amateur and proving grounds so if you would like to check those games out you can follow me on twitch.
I am also stated as the rank 2 rakan in WORLD. Yes the World. and although I stopped one tricking the champ I am historically known for my rakan in comeptitive games.
In season 11 I hit rank 1 Rakan NA and rank 2 World. Rakan is my most played champion. I stream educational content. I used to be a one-trick, but now play a variety champs with an emphasis on Rakan. This is due to playing in amateur tournaments where my rakan is mostly target banned.
COST: 0 mana
COOLDOWN: 40.0 - 14.5 Every (40.0 - 14.5) seconds, Rakan gains a (33 - 254 (+90% AP)) Shield. Rakan's Attacks and Abilities against enemy champions reduce this Cooldown by 1 second.
Lover's Leap (Passive)
COST: 0 mana
COOLDOWN: 0 Recall together and save some time. If either Rakan or Xayah is recalling, the other may move nearby and activate their own recall to join them. Both reach base at the time of which the initiator's recall ends.
Gleaming Quill (Q)
RANGE: 900
COST: 60 mana
COOLDOWN: 12/11/10/9/8 Rakan flings a magical feather that deals (70 - 250 (+75% AP)) magic damage to the first enemy hit.
If the feather hits a champion or epic jungle monster, restore (18 - 120 (+70% AP)) Health to Rakan and surrounding allies after 3 seconds or immediately if he touches an allied champion.
Grand Entrance (W)
RANGE: 600
COST: 50/60/70/80/90 mana
COOLDOWN: 18/16.5/15/13.5/12 Rakan dashes, then spirals into the air. All enemies in it's radius are Knocked Up for 1 second and dealt (70 - 290 (+70% AP)) magic damage.
Battle Dance (E)
RANGE: 700/1000 (with Xayah)
COST: 60/70/80/90/100 mana
COOLDOWN: 20/18/16/14/12 Rakan dashes to an allied champion, granting them (40 - 140 (+80% AP)) Shield for 3 seconds.
Rakan can Recast this Ability once within 5 seconds.
The Quickness (R)
COST: 100 mana
COOLDOWN: 130/110/90 Gain 75% Move Speed for 4 seconds. Rakan deals (100 - 300 (+50% AP)) magic damage and Charms enemies for 1/1.25/1.5 second(s) the first time he touches them. The first champion touched grants Rakan 150% decaying Move Speed.
The basic engage with this build is to either start the combo with a Grand Entrance(W) or The Quickness (R). After you start the combo with this ability target an enemy and use either W or R depending on which one you used to start the combo. After you have a enemy in your combo or enemies you follow it up by using your everfrost on your enemy. This leaves them unable to move for a little longer than a morgana binding. And this is way easier to land than a morgana binding. This also can combo more than one enemy!!
Zeke's Convergence is one of the best items for Rakan. When peeling or engaging you tend to CC your enemies a lot which gives your linked ally extra damage while facing the threat. I reccommend this item when the enemy team is tanky and your adc needs a little extra dmg to be a threat.
Chemtech Putrifier
Chemtech Putrifier is the go to anti-heal option for Rakan. I favor this item over Morellonomicon as Rakan does benefit more from the antiheal on the shielding then from the AP. Definitely look to build this early as it gives some ability haste aswell. I reccommend this when the enemy team is stacked with champs such as vladimir and you need that anti healing item.
Redemption is a solid item in your build as it will help out during teamfights or during the time in between teamfights. It increases your healing and shielding by 20% which is a pretty good amount. The active heals your allies and damages your enemies for a small amount which can turn the tides of battle in your favour by keeping your key carries alive. I reccommend this item when the teamfights are close and they have short burst patterns rather than clear engage or a zed who can oneshot before your redemption is even used.
Knights Vow
Knights vow gives an ally that you bind some of the damage they take redirected so you take it instead. It also heals you for some of the damage that your binded ally does. All in all if their team is damage heavy and your adc needs the peel knights vow is a great item to help them 1v9 your game. I reccommend this item when the enemy team has burst your adc needs to live through.
Ionian Boots of Lucidity are the best way to go. They give you 20 Ability haste which equals approximately 17% Cooldown reduction when it’s your first 20 ability haste of the game. These are the boots you will go in about 60 percent of your games.
Mercury's Treads
If you are losing lane or the enemy team has a lot of CC, Mercury's Treads are the ideal boots for Rakan as they provide tenacity. These boots are very good against champs like leona and galio where your engage they will try to cc and burst you.
Boots of Mobility
Mobility Boots are a solid choice for boots when playing Rakan. Your out of combat movement speed will help you set up vision deep in the enemy jungle and threat the midlane with roams as you move faster across the river. Setting up flanks also get easier as you can get faster in place. I also only recommend going these if you have a feeling you can snowball other lanes if you have a lead. These boots are very good when your lane opponet is ezreal yuumi and you need to roam to win the game.
Relic Shield is the item you take in almost all your games. It provides safety in lane and it scales with some good AP and Health when completing your support quest. You take Relic Shield over Steel Shoulderguards because of the AP you get from Relic Shield. This is the item you buy about 99 percent of the time and is just overall great for rakans kit.
Spellthief's Edge
Spellthief's Edge is the other support item you can consider taking. It gives more AP then Relic Shield but less Health. You take Spellthief's Edge over Spectral Sickle, because Spectral Sickle gives AD and you won’t benefit from this a lot. You can take Spellthief's Edge in matchups you can punish. Although punishing is an option know it is very hard for rakan to punish like other cahmps such as karma do. This item should rarely be your starting item of choice.
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