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Recommended Items
Runes: Inspiration Secondary (Best ATM)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Ability Order R>Q>E>W (Recommended)
Mortal Will (PASSIVE)
Pantheon Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Pretty much every jungler and mid laner that has hard CC can counter you. Certain matchups require cleanse. These 4 are examples of them.
It's kind of ironic how your most ideal synergies are also your biggest threat. The reason is also because they have CC, which helps you make plays and do all-ins. Again, these are examples.
It's kind of ironic how your most ideal synergies are also your biggest threat. The reason is also because they have CC, which helps you make plays and do all-ins. Again, these are examples.
Champion Build Guide

And in case some of you guys decided to try this build out and feed, please keep in mind 2 things:
1. This build is item reliant and requires combos to work well. If you skip the Combos and Gameplay part, I can not guarantee that it will work.
2. This build is off-meta, which means it isn't the most effective strategy. Therefore, it is not recommended in ranked games (unless you have fully mastered the playstyle).
Also, be sure to check out my new Blue Nasus build, which is also kinda off-meta.
Let's get to the guide, shall we?
- Strong throughout all stages of the game
- Mamma mia the damage
- No matter how THICC the opponent's health bar is, you're gonna makes it vanish after a second.
- A superior amount of single-targeted damage.
- EXTREME carry potential
- You are obviously very squishy.
- Extremely vulnerable to CC
- This is a Feast/Famine playstyle, which means that it's great if you can snowball, but it can otherwise be very weak and underwhelming if you are behind.

People often choose


But what about

Regarding this question, it is true that

- The focus of this build isn't attack speed, but rather critical damage and AD. The


Sheeesh, that was tiring. Let's move on to the next part, shall we?

The reason why this question appeared is because of how the new

To be brutally honest, maxing

On the other hand, maxing

- Protect you more in fights -> Better trades

- Empowered

The bottom line is, maxing












- If you like to spam abilities and do non-stop combos to apply pressure on your opponents,

*UPDATE: I've come to the realization that

As you already have the 30% armor penetration passive from

1. Empowered

This combo is for level 1 trades. After hitting

2. Empowered

This is the most common combo you are going to use. Always cancel the animation (Shown in the Tips and tricks section). The extra movement speed from your

3. Empowered

This combo is for immobile enemies who can't runaway and you can extend the trade.

A pretty basic finishing move.


You can cast


Obviously, this helps you get in range with your target. However, one very VERY important thing is to right-click on your enemy after doing this trick, since (for some reason)

- Animation cancel: If you time it correctly, you can align the last auto-attacks out of the 3 attacks in the empowered

- Spear Shot Special: Use

I learnt this trick from the

- The gameplay is simple. Use the combos above, look for trading opportunities during the laning phase and roam with ult. Late game you should concentrate on the enemy's backline.

Enemy: Nooooooo you can't just burst me to death and block all my damage!!!!! Riot this is not balanced!!!

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