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Akali Build Guide by Vrowx

Middle [12.20] Vrow's EUW 1k+ LP Challenger #1 Akali Guide

Middle [12.20] Vrow's EUW 1k+ LP Challenger #1 Akali Guide

Updated on December 9, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Vrowx Build Guide By Vrowx 970 45 1,391,758 Views 30 Comments
970 45 1,391,758 Views 30 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Vrowx Akali Build Guide By Vrowx Updated on December 9, 2022
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Runes: Standard Burst Setup

1 2
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Relentless Hunter

Second Wind

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[12.20] Vrow's EUW 1k+ LP Challenger #1 Akali Guide

By Vrowx

Update: I would like to announce that I have quit League and therefore will not be updating the guide for further patches, thank you all for the incredible support, I'll leave the guide up since most of what is written here stays relevant regardless of patches unless Akali gets a rework again.
For people that care, I'll be back in 2023 as a content creator, but it's not going to be for League, thank you all again!
For those interested, I still do coaching on Metafy

Note: THANK YOU for 1M views on the guide!

Hello, I am Vrow, a EUW Challenger mid laner since season 6, I got 1k+ LP in season 11 and 12, I was also previously known for my Taliyah.
I've started maining Akali a bit over a year ago and after a lot of practice I can confidently say that I've become the best Akali on EUW, although this is a contested spot with another high level Akali player, Wahid3251.
I'm currently in a tough life situation and started streaming full time, if you like the guide, consider checking my Twitch out.
I stream every day but Thursday at 1 PM GMT+3.

I also coach on Metafy, scroll down to the 'coaching' section if interested.

My current OP.GG:

Disclaimer: This champion requires a lot of practice and it will take a long time until you will see results, mechanics are the most important thing on Akali if you ask me and you will need to train them every day for a long time to become truly good, I can show you mechanics and I will, later in the guide, but I cannot practice them for you.
Why you should use both Standard and Quick cast on Akali
Why I prefer playing burst Akali over bruiser
Runes Overview

Now that I have explained why I prefer playing burst Akali, I'll explain the standard rune setup I use and adaptations that can be made.

Burst Akali Runes

Electrocute is what we use for the Burst Akali build since it does more burst damage than Conqueror.
Sudden Impact is what we take against ranged matchups because you can't proc Taste of Blood very often.
Taste Of Blood is what we take against melee matchups because you can proc it often.
Eyeball Collection is just the best option here.
Relentless Hunter is very useful for roaming, which you will do a lot of from mid lane, if you play top, you can consider Ultimate Hunter instead. I am currently trying out Treasure Hunter, so far I think it's not that great.

Second Wind is what we take against ranged matchups, together with Doran's Shield, it helps you survive poke.
Bone Plating is what we take against melee matchups since it helps you in all-ins.
Overgrowth is just a good rune and it's what we take if the enemy team does not have a lot of CC.
Unflinching is what we take if the enemy team has a lot of CC, or if you're against Twisted Fate or LeBlanc.
Take MR or Armor as needed.

I'll now explain the page that you're probably more familiar with, the bruiser setup.

Bruiser Akali Runes

Conqueror is what you see most Akali players use, it's a good rune because it increases your DPS and healing, which synergises well with the bruiser build.
Presence of Mind is a must have for the bruiser setup since it allows you to cast Q more often, therefore increasing your dps.
Legend: Alacrity is good against team comps with low CC.
Legend: Tenacity is what you will be taking most of the time, since tenacity is a very valuable stat.
Last Stand is just the best option here.

Conditioning is a very good rune together with Overgrowth since bruiser Akali benefits from resistances, take it if you don't need Bone Plating.
Second Wind is what we take against ranged matchups, together with Doran's Shield, it helps you survive poke.
Bone Plating is what we take against melee matchups since it helps you in all-ins.
Overgrowth is just a good rune and it's what we take if the enemy team does not have a lot of CC.
Unflinching is what we take if the enemy team is full of CC, most of the time Legend: Tenacity will be enough and you'll want to take Overgrowth instead of this.
Take MR or Armor as needed.
Note: Even though I prefer Electrocute over Conqueror on Burst Akali, if the enemy team has a lot of CC, I recommend playing with this page even if you're going for the burst build.
Summoner Spells

I'll now explain the thought process you should have when choosing your summoner spells.

Summoner Spells

Flash and Ignite is what I mostly use in the mid lane, it's the best setup for Burst Akali if you are confident in your skills, I run this setup even in heavy poke lanes however I do not recommend that when you're new to Akali, you will get heavily punished in lane.
Flash and Teleport is the perfect setup for new Akali players since it allows you to get a free reset if you get poked out of lane, while also enabling you to splitpush later in the game, the downside of this setup is that your kill pressure lowers significantly.
Teleport and Ignite is the standard top lane Akali setup, you get to keep your kill pressure with Ignite while also having Teleport to help your team and for splitpushing later in the game, the downside of this setup is that you're very vulnerable to ganks, you can swap Ignite for Flash while you're learning.

Currently testing a riftmaker build, will say/update my thoughts on it soon.

Side Note since I get asked this question a lot:

I do not ever buy this item, I think this item is currently not good and Hextech Rocketbelt or Divine Sunderer are always better.

I'll now explain both standard item builds more in-depth, following the buy order, and then talk about situational items.

Burst Akali Build

Sorcs are for early game roaming, they provide a big damage boost early and I usually try to buy them on the first back, you'll be looking to roam after buying them.

Shadowflame is now a situational item, I do not build it every game anymore, but I will still leave the explanation here, I recommend Lich Bane or Banshee's Veil instead as 6th item.

Shadowflame is what I usually build first after Sorcerer's Shoes, this item gives you a massive burst damage boost and is worth delaying Hextech Rocketbelt for, however if you end up backing on an awkward gold amount, buying Hextech Rocketbelt first is fine too since it has a better build path.

This is the mythic that you need to build on Burst Akali, you can get this item either first or second, after Shadowflame.

Zhonya is very useful to have on Akali due to a variety of reasons, many of which I will explain in the Mechanics section of the guide, but a general advice to follow is that you will use this item to buy time for your abilities to come up.

This item is the standard AP item for the most raw damage increase, it's what you build if you just need a damage increase.

Most of the time the enemy team will have MR so you will need this item, this is especially good right now since many carries can buy Maw of Malmortius.
You can buy this as your second item if they are stacking MR.
Also, I am aware that this build overcaps on flat magic pen due to buying all 3 flat pen items, however I believe it is still worth it for when you get them in the game, if you want to be the most efficient, it is recommended to not buy Sorcerer's Shoes, however I do not like this choice.

Bruiser Akali Build

Since you don't get other flat pen items with the bruiser build, Sorcs are very valuable.

This is just a really good bruiser item and Akali can use it pretty well, it heals you a lot and also gives you %magic pen.

This item is OP right now and a must build for any bruiser, the healing you get after killing someone allows you to frontline for your team.

Great item against AP, gives you a massive shield that helps you tank magic damage burst.

Gives you more damage, you can get this last item or before depending on what you need.
The 6th item is situational, you can go Zhonya's Hourglass, Guardian Angel, Void Staff, Morellonomicon.

Situational Items

If the enemy team is AP heavy or have a lot of CC, this is a good item to build while playing Burst Akali.

If the enemy team is AD heavy or have a lot of auto attackers, this is a good item to build while playing Burst Akali.

If the enemy team is either AP heavy or has key spells that are hard to react to with Zhonya's Hourglass like Unstoppable Force or Nether Grasp, this is a good item to build in general.

A good item for Burst Akali if the enemy team has a carry that you need to kill as fast as possible, it can make you able to kill a squishy target without needing to use your R2.

Generally good item if the enemy team has a lot of healing or specific champions with heavy healing such as Sylas, Vladimir or Soraka.
Assassin's Mark

This is your main DPS ability, it is important to know how to use your passive regardless of what build you're playing, I will explain passive buffering in the mechanics section of the guide.
Five Point Strike

This is either your secondary DPS ability or a significant part of your burst depending on what build you're playing, an important thing to note about this ability is that the energy cost early game is massive, you need to be careful when using your Q early game, a missed Q can mean missing multiple CS or even getting zoned from XP, it is useful to have this ability bound to both Quick Cast and Standard Cast, I will explain why in a later section.
Twilight Shroud

This is a very versatile spell, you can use it to buy time in a fight, you can use it to gain energy during a combo, you can also use it to attach your Shuriken Flip mark to it, making you able to dash to safety after doing a play, I will show you how to use this ability in the mechanics section.
Shuriken Flip

Your main burst ability, this is your biggest damage tool and is even more important than Perfect Execution, you need to hit this, especially when playing the Burst Akali build, I will show you all the things you can do with this ability in the mechanics section.
Perfect Execution

Your ultimate, second biggest burst tool and the main reason why Akali is so fun and rewarding to play, there are so many combos you can do with this ability, I will explain everything you can do with this ability in the mechanics section.

Note: You can choose to either take E or W at level 2 depending on what matchup you're playing and the state of the lane, generally speaking, you want E level 2 against melee and W level 2 against ranged, regardless, you want to have all 3 of your basic spells at level 3.
The skill order is always R>Q>E>W.
General Mechanics

In this section I will show some general Akali Mechanics that everyone should know.

Passive Buffering

E Flash vs Flash E

How to jump walls with Akali's E

Explaining how Akali's E hitbox works
Laning Mechanics

Akali does not have a lot of laning mechanics since she is mostly a combo centric champion, however there are a few things to know outside of general good spacing and game knowledge.

How to take an extended trade with Akali's E

Using the E-W combo in lane as Akali
Combos and Advanced Mechanics

This is what you were probably waiting for, I will now show you all the Akali combos and mechanics that I use, note that not all these combos are equally important, you can learn them all at your own pace however I will write a "!" note when I consider one to be very important to know.

Note: I am aware that there is a 'E-R' combo that you can currently do, however that one is a bug and due to that I won't be covering it in this guide.

How to use Akalis R-E combo, part 1

How to use Akalis R-E combo, part 2

How to use Hextech Rocketbelt as Akali

How to use Akalis R-E combo, part 3

Akali's R2 damage still applies even if you use it backwards

How to engage after hitting your E as Akali

How to engage using Akalis R1-Zhonya combo

How and why you should buffer your E during your R2 as Akali

How to use Akali's E-W combo to pick off a target
Threats Explained

I'll now explain some matchups more in-depth.

Worst Matchups

Qiyana is just unfair in general however the reason why it's especially hard for Akali to play against her is because she needs to go melee range to do her damage, however Qiyana's damage is straight up higher, the only way to kill her 1v1 is to predict her E+Q combo with your Shuriken Flip, and even then it's not guaranteed that you will win, you might be forced to buy Zhonya's Hourglass before 3rd item in order to survive, and that is a big damage loss for Akali, so either situation is not ideal.
Run Bone Plating against her.

Twisted Fate is weak in an all-in and also does not poke you that much in lane, the only reason why this is such a bad matchup is because of his R, Destiny reveals you in your shroud and that makes you unable to play teamfights later in the game, you have to pray your team plays well and can engage for you since you can never engage on your own unless Twisted Fate wastes his ultimate.
Run Unflinching and possibly also Mercury's Treads against him.

LeBlanc has a lot of poke and CC, which makes laning phase very tough, you need good spacing in order to get CS otherwise you will fall very behind in lane, you must also be very careful when walking up because junglers will look to gank you in this lane, after 6 you can kill her 1v1 easily if you manage to predict her Distortion with your Shuriken Flip, if that happens, instantly use Perfect Execution and Ignite and she should be dead from there, Ignite is important in this matchup because it allows you to be able to tell her apart from her clone when Mirror Image procs.
Run Unflinching, Second Wind and possibly also Mercury's Treads against her.

Bad Matchups

Ryze is only tough to survive against if he goes Ignite and Arcane Comet, if he does not go for these, the lane is just a standard ranged matchup lane, you play safe, sit back and farm, and look to roam or kill him at 6 if he makes a mistake, you need to be careful about wasting your Twilight Shroud because he can always Flash Rune Prison you to setup a gank.
Run Unflinching, Second Wind and possibly also Mercury's Treads against him.

Lucian is a nightmare to face in laning phase, you need good spacing and knowledge of how much CS you have to give up. After 6 it becomes pretty easy to just kill him outright, simply R+Q him if he walks up and then R2+E and he is easily dead until he has Galeforce, after that it's more tricky but the same rule applies, he's really squishy so you can kil him easily.
Run Second Wind against him.

Irelia is really strong early game and you have to play really safe, watch out level 1 for her q'ing on you and autoing, you can lose all your hp bar like this, so stay far back, from level 2 onwards save your Twilight Shroud in case you get hit by her Flawless Duet, after 6 you can kill her by using stealth properly to not let her auto attack much, just R-Q-W and slowly kill her. Note: this matchup is a lot harder on top lane than on mid.
Run Ignite and Bone Plating against her.

Karma has some poke but it's easily manageable, let her push you in and farm, dodge her Inner Flame as much as possible. After 6 you can kill her if you have Ignite, simply R-E and kill her, her Mantra Focused Resolve wont be enough to save her. The real reason why this champion is hard to play against is because her Focused Resolve reveals you in stealth, therefore making it really hard to play teamfights later in the game.
Run Second Wind against her.

Veigar is very weak early game and should not poke you much, however his gank setup is quite strong and it's really hard to kill him at any point of the game because of his Event Horizon and Everfrost, not much else to say, you can punish him if he wastes his spells otherwise look to roam.
Run Unflinching and Mercury's Treads against him.

Vex is pretty tough to lane against but manageable, don't let her auto attack you for free and watch out for her Looming Darkness, her main poke tool is her E+Q+Auto combo to proc Electrocute, so try to avoid it as much as possible, after 6 you can kill her if she wastes her fear, she has no dashes so you can engage with R+Q and save your R2 for her flash.
Run Unflinching and Second Wind against her.

Galio is actually pretty easy to lane against if you space well, you'll be looking to predict(or react to, if you're really fast) his Justice Punch with your Shuriken Flip to get good trades, watch out for his gank setup with Flash+ Shield of Durand, not much else to say, if you have good spacing this lane is very winnable.
Run Unflinching, Bone Plating and possibly Mercury's Treads against him.

Sylas is manageable if he does not get ahead, he will always win trades if he can hit you back, so just poke him with Q without going into his range, you can possibly kill him early game if he uses his Abscond / Abduct poorly.
After 6, you can kill him with your Perfect Execution and Ignite if he steps too far up, watch out for the fact he will take your R to either run away or fight you back, so play around that by using Twilight Shroud, if he takes your ult before you start a fight, you can wait for it to expire since it does not last long early game, and once it expires it has a huge cooldown.If he gets ahead it's pretty much impossible to fight him so just roam.

Run Bone Plating and Ignite against him.

Ahri is not that difficult to face however she is very hard to kill due to Spirit Rush and has a lot of CC with Charm and Everfrost thus making it hard for you to go in, just play safe early like in most ranged matchups and wait for ganks. After 6 you can only kill her if she makes a mistake like wasting her Charm, if she does that you could look to R+E her, if you hit your Shuriken Flip you can possibly kill her even if she uses Spirit Rush, otherwise just look to roam.
She can also go AD with Lethal Tempo and this makes laning phase really difficult against her, especially in top lane.
Run Unflinching, Second Wind and possibly Mercury's Treads against her.

Akshan has a lot of poke and you need really good spacing to face him, your laning phase skills will be tested, I recommend running Teleport if you are not familiar with the matchup, after 6 you can kill him if he walks too far up, simply Perfect Execution him and as long as you are sitting close he can't use his hook to escape, the good news is that Heroic Swing can't hit you during stealth, so save your Twilight Shroud and he won't ever be able to kill you.
Be careful of the fact that even though Heroic Swing can't hit you in stealth, Comeuppance can, a good Akshan player will use Comeuppance before you use Twilight Shroud in fights to keep you revealed for his team.
Run Second Wind against him.

Even Matchups

Yasuo is much stronger than you early game, especially level 1 because of Lethal Tempo, play safe and CS with your Five Point Strike, you can go for a trade if you hit Shuriken Flip, quickly use your spells to trade then use Twilight Shroud to disengage, you do not want an extended trade early game, he will always win, after 6 you can easily kill him if he overextends, just go on him with R+Q+W and slowly kill him, he can't escape, be wary of his Wind Wall though.
Run Bone Plating against him.

Anivia pokes you a lot, can cancel your Shuriken Flip animation if she's really good, which is pretty annoying to deal with but manageable, play safe until 6, then you can look to kill her if she's too far up in the lane, if she's close to her tower you probably won't be able to kill her in time due to her Rebirth.
Also watch out for her trapping you in her Glacial Storm.
Run Second Wind and possibly Unflinching against her.

Yone, much like Yasuo, is stronger than you early game, especially level 1 because of Lethal Tempo, play safe and CS with your Five Point Strike, you can go for a trade if you hit Shuriken Flip, quickly use your spells to trade then use Twilight Shroud to disengage, you do not want an extended trade early game, he will always win, he can't Spirit Cleave your Five Point Strike on reaction, your damage will apply before the shield procs.
After 6 you can easily kill him if he overextends, just go on him with R+Q+W and slowly kill him, if you have HP to spare, position in a way so that he can't use Fate Sealed to escape.
Run Bone Plating against him.

Katarina is pretty weak early game nowadays, just watch out for the daggers and you can out trade her, remember that her Bouncing Blades dagger goes behind the target, after 6 you can kil her if she over extends, but don't forget that Death Lotus hits you in stealth.
Run Bone Plating against her. You can also consider Presence of Mind in this lane, which means going Precision second tree.

Kassadin is weak early game, his poke is low, his all in damage is low, the only thing he has going for him is getting a short trade using all his spells, so don't let him do that, stay out of Nether Blade range and just poke him with Five Point Strike, after 6 if he uses Riftwalk carelessly you can just Perfect Execution and kill him, possibly keep R2 for another Riftwalk when he tries to run away.
Run Bone Plating against him. You can also consider Presence of Mind in this lane, which means going Precision second tree.

Rumble has a lot of poke and a surprising amount of burst when he he goes into overheat, but all his damage is pretty predictable, play safe early and look to kill him after 6 if he overextends, you can walk out of his ult easily or just use Shuriken Flip.
Run Second Wind against him.

Fizz has a lot of early game burst but playing around it is pretty easy, look to Shuriken Flip his Urchin Strike or Playful / Trickster and you will win the trade, don't let him poke you for free with his Seastone Trident, after 6 you can kill him but watch out for his Chum the Waters since it reveals you in stealth.
Run Bone Plating against him.

Azir has a lot of poke early game but with good spacing you can manage just fine, get through the rough early game and after 6 you can kill him if he makes a mistake, try to R+E him from the front and he can't Emperor's Divide you in time, you can also try to bait it with Hextech Rocketbelt.
Run Second Wind against him.

Zoe has a lot of poke, good spacing is required to play this lane well, I put her in the Even Matchups but that is assuming that you know how to play this lane really well, otherwise she is a Bad Matchup, play safe early game and CS with your Five Point Strike while avoiding as much poke as possible, try to save your Twilight Shroud in case you get hit by Sleepy Trouble Bubble so that you take less damage, ideally you should never be hit by that though. After 6 you can kill her, especially if she uses Portal Jump into you, simply Shuriken Flip her and kill her, you can straight up R+E her and she's always dead if she wastes her Sleepy Trouble Bubble.
Run Second Wind, Unflinching and possibly Mercury's Treads against her.

Syndra, much like most ranged matchups, will look to poke you a lot early game, the good news is that her poke is quite easy to dodge, Dark Sphere has a low mana cost and she will spam it, however with good movement you can dodge a lot of her poke, you can look for a trade if she wastes her Scatter the Weak. After 6 she's dead anytime she wastes her Scatter the Weak, just Perfect Execution her, save R2 for her flash and kill her.
Run Second Wind and possibly Unflinching against her.

Zed has poke and a lot of burst level 3, play safe early game and and only look to trade when his Living Shadow is down, after 6 try to save your Twilight Shroud so that if he Death Mark's you, you can try to dodge his Razor Shuriken, otherwise you will always die, you can also Shuriken Flip behind you when that happens, but good Zed players will most of the time go to their Living Shadow immediately after Death Mark since it has no delay.
Run Bone Plating against him.

Orianna has poke on low cd, and possibly also Summon Aery, you can survive her poke by spacing well and dodging her Command: Attack, after 6 you can kill her if you hit a random Shuriken Flip or go for a R-E, just look to play around her Command: Shockwave so that it doesn't cancel your E or R2 damage and she should be pretty easy to kill.
Run Second Wind against her.

Zilean's poke is easy to dodge, all he does on lane is push, just ignore him and farm or wait for ganks, not much to say about him, after 6 don't get baited by his Chronoshift, however your burst combo if you hit Shuriken Flip is really fast so you could potentially kill him before he can use it, alternatively just bait it out and then kill him.

Talon is pretty easy to deal with, just avoid his second Rake and watch out for his Noxian Diplomacy, try to Shuriken Flip his Q and you will get a good trade, after 6 keep your stealth for his ult so that he can't hit you with the blades after going invis.

Easy Matchups

Cassiopeia has a lot of poke, but it's easy to dodge and even if you get hit by her Noxious Blast, you can just Twilight Shroud and she can't hit you, just don't let her spam Twin Fang on you and you'll be fine. After 6 it's easy to kill her if she walks too far up, simply Perfect Execution her and look to dodge Petrifying Gaze, if she is smart and does not use it early, look to R2+E buffer and she should be dead anyway, if she's not low enough after all that, then she will be under a lot of pressure to use Petrifying Gaze after getting hit by your Shuriken Flip, so just keep looking to dodge it.
Run Second Wind against her.

Ekko has a lot of push, but his damage is easily avoidable with Twilight Shroud and you also straight up have more damage than him, just don't let him proc passive and you'll win this lane, after 6 you can kill him if you hit Shuriken Flip into R1, or you can just R1+Q him straight up if he's far up in the lane, use Ignite early to reduce his ult healing.
Run either Bone Plating or Presence of Mind against him.

Kayle is pretty useless, has some poke but it's way too low, has some damage in an all in but only if you let her hit you which is easily avoidable, all in all you just poke her with Five Point Strike and if she walks up you can try an extended trade with Shuriken Flip, after 6 she is still pretty weak you just need to use either Shuriken Flip or Perfect Execution to dodge her Divine Judgment and you will win the 1v1.
Run Second Wind against her.

Lissandra has a lot of CC and some mobility but not much else, her burst damage is low, her poke is low, generally she just can't do much to you, you can even trade with her if she wastes her spells, after 6 you can kill her if you bait out her Frozen Tomb, otherwise just roam.
Run Second Wind and possibly Unflinching against her.

Viktor doesn't do much, he has some poke, but it's manageable, there's not much to say about him except wait until your 6 and then look to kill him, watch out for his Gravity Field since it can cancel your R2.
Run Second Wind against him.

Malzahar can't poke you a lot if you space well in lane, he doesn't really do much of anything outside of pushing you in, so let him do that and just farm under tower, after 6 he is easily killable if you execute your combo fast enough, if he Nether Grasp's you after you got your E+Q+R1 off, he's probably dead anyway, just be careful of ganks, don't waste your Twilight Shroud and you should be fine.
Run Second Wind against him.
12.15 Matchup Tier List
General Gameplan

Early Game

There is not much to say about Akali's early game, you are generally weaker than most champions in lane and must sit and play safe until they make a mistake or until you hit level 6, level 6 is usually when you get kill pressure because of Ignite and Perfect Execution, generally you are looking to roam if you play mid lane or looking to scale and Teleport to fights if you play top lane.

Mid Game

During mid game, you'll probably look to group with your team and contest objectives, since you're an assassin, you're most likely looking for a flank on the enemy carries, this is the time when you can influence the game the most and where your mechanics will be tested.
Splitpushing is also an option especially if you're the top laner, this is where your own game knowledge comes into play, you must analyse the game state and come to the right decision yourself, but if you're playing Burst Akali, you most likely want to shove side waves and keep grouping with your team.

Late Game

You will have enough damage to kill carries without R2 at this point, you'll keep looking for flanks and use fog to your advantage, if you're not at 6 items yet, always buy pinks since vision is key, Farsight Alteration is very good to have.
Some More General Game Thoughts
- I will drop side waves if it's for an important fight, most coaches will tell you that in order to climb, you need to have high CS, this is not true, the most important thing in soloq is to know when a fight will happen, and go to it, if you get a wave but your team gets wiped, you made a mistake by not adapting, this does not apply to competitive matches, I am strictly speaking about soloq.

- I, most of the time, will look to use the R-E at level 6 if the enemy laner uses a key ability, you have a lot of damage during that time frame, possibly more than you expect.

- I use R2-E all the time, learn to implement this buffer into your usual gameplay.

- I think Akali's strength right now varies wildly depending on the enemy teamcomp, sometimes she feels OP, sometimes she feels like a caster minion.

- MR is really really really broken and unfair to play against right now, try to keep a cool head and rush Void Staff when you need to.

- If you find yourself getting fed often, but don't know how to carry, the problem is that either you are not doing your mechanics fast enough, or that you don't know how to enter fights properly, you need to flank, use Twilight Shroud to buy time, if they have reveals, then usually you need to do R1+Zhonya if you need to engage the fight yourself, there are many things you can do, the main point to remember is that you need to not let the enemies hit you while you are setting up your damage.
Skin Tier List

You can consider SG Akali as S tier until I add it to the image.
If you'd like to receive direct Akali/general mid lane coaching from me, check out my Metafy for more info.
Closing Thoughts
Thanks for reading my guide, I hope you learned something new, this is the first time I've ever written a guide, so it took a long time to make but I wanted to share my Akali knowledge since there is just so much to this champion, I will keep updating this guide as the game changes or I get new ideas, shoutout to Diablow and NiceAesth for helping me make this.
Like I said at the beginning of the guide, I need all the support I can get right now so if this guide helped you, consider checking my stream out and joining my Discord.

12/8/2022 - FINAL guide update and annoucement, you can find it in the Introduction section, thank you for all the support!
10/17/2022 - Updated for 12.20, added a important annoncement to the introduction
9/14/2022 - Updated for 12.17, thank you for 1M views!
8/20/2022 - Updated for 12.15, added a '12.15 Matchup tier list section'
7/28/2022 - Updated for 12.14, added Talon to the 'threats explained' section
7/10/2022 - Updated for 12.12, added the 'Coaching' section, currently testing a Riftmaker build
6/9/2022 - Updated for 12.11, back to playing Burst build with Hextech Rocketbelt, added my new active op gg to the guide introduction section
5/29/2022 - Updated for 12.10, updated Preview Recommended Item build, added a note to the beginning of the Itemization section, explaining why I am currently playing with the Standard Bruiser Build
5/24/2022 - Added some more thoughts to the Some More General Game Thoughts section
5/12/2022 - Updated for 12.9, added Ekko to the Threats Explained section
5/6/2022 - Added some more notes to the 'Some More General Game Thoughts' section
4/29/2022 - Updated for 12.8
4/25/2022 - Shadowflame is now a situational item, updated the explanation for it in the Itemization section
4/14/2022 - Updated for 12.7, added a 'Explaining how Akali's E hitbox works' video to the General Mechanics section
4/12/2022 - Added Kassadin to the Threats Explained section
4/11/2022 - Added Kayle to the Threats Explained section
4/09/2022 - Added more Threats to the Threats Explained section
4/04/2022 - Added more Threats to the Threats Explained section, added champion names so that using CTRL+F is now possible.
3/31/2022 - Updated for 12.6
3/28/2022 - Added Riftmaker to the Itemization section, added more Threats to the Threats Explained section
3/23/2022 - Added more Threats to the Threats Explained section
3/20/2022 - Added more Threats to the Threats Explained section
3/15/2022 - Added more Threats to the Threats Explained section
3/12/2022 - Added more Threats to the Threats Explained section, added a 'Akali's R2 damage still applies even if you use it backwards' video to the Combos and Advanced Mechanics section
3/10/2022 - Added more Threats to the Threats Explained section
3/7/2022 - Added more Threats, added a Threats Explained section
3/5/2022 - Added some more Threats and Synergies, added a part 3 to 'How to use Akali's R-E combo'
3/5/2022 - Initial Release!
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