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Caitlyn Build Guide by DatKawaiiBunny

ADC [12.7] ♥ WIP D'you Feel Lucky, Punk? | DatKawaiiBunny's Caitlyn Guide

ADC [12.7] ♥ WIP D'you Feel Lucky, Punk? | DatKawaiiBunny's Caitlyn Guide

Updated on April 14, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DatKawaiiBunny Build Guide By DatKawaiiBunny 13 3 45,272 Views 2 Comments
13 3 45,272 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DatKawaiiBunny Caitlyn Build Guide By DatKawaiiBunny Updated on April 14, 2022
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Runes: Dark Harvest Runes

1 2 3 4
Dark Harvest
Cheap Shot
Eyeball Collection
Ultimate Hunter

Magical Footwear
Biscuit Delivery

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[12.7] ♥ WIP D'you Feel Lucky, Punk? | DatKawaiiBunny's Caitlyn Guide

By DatKawaiiBunny

Welcome to my Caitlyn ADC guide! I hope this guide helps you as you go along your journey of learning The Sheriff of Piltover In this guide, I will be going over many runes for Caitlyn, pros & cons, abilities, items, spells, as well as gameplay tips. If you have any questions, I would love to help! Just leave them in the comments. Also, if you have any concerns, feel free to message me!If you're curious, I started making a to-do list for my guides. You can check it out below in "Ending/Credits".

This guide is based on my experience playing Caitlyn. These are the runes and items I use on a daily basis.

"Tea time's over."

Hello, I'm DatKawaiiBunny! I'm a Gold IV ADC and support main. I've been playing League of Legends since April of season 7 as an ADC main, specifically a Caitlyn main! My overall goal is to climb to platinum. My highest mastery champions are Lux, Caitlyn, and Xayah. I usually stream 3 times a week, and upload clips to Youtube, so come and say hi, or ask me questions about Caitlyn.

Back in season 7, Caitlyn was my first mastery 5, and is my go-to ADC in ranked. She is my second highest with over 340k mastery points. Caitlyn is one of those simple to understand, but rewarding when mastered champions. Even though they removed some of her "animation canceling" mechanics, there's still plenty of things you can accomplish. I update my guide each time I play her with items, runes, etc. I really appreciate you guys taking the time to read my Caitlyn guide. Thanks a lot, and happy carrying! ♥


♥ Long Range

♥ Good Poke

♥ Great Laning Phase

Out of any ADC (not counting Kindred), Caitlyn has the longest auto-attack range at level 1, which adds to her poke potential and success in the early stages of the game. Headshot and Piltover Peacemaker are her main sources of poke. Not only that, but Headshot can be activated with Yordle Snap Trap and 90 Caliber Net!

♥ Squishy

♥ Weak When Behind

♥ Relies on Auto-Attacks

Caitlyn has the lowest base HP compared to the other ADC champions. The highest is Draven with 605, while Caitlyn only has 510. I think it's safe to say a lot of ADC's are weak when behind. However, Caitlyn feels very weak if you can't gain traction. Her passive, Headshot is her main source of damage and it depends on critical strike items. Since she relies on Headshot a lot, you have to constantly auto-attack and stack her passive.

This page is still a WIP. The runes above are still great to use. I just go into more detail about the runes and my reasoning for taking them in this chapter.

Lethal Tempo
Press the Attack

Presence of Mind
At level 1, Caitlyn has 315 mana (without mana items/runes). As the game goes on, Piltover Peacemaker costs more mana (90 mana at level 9). Presence of Mind will help with early game, along with mid-game mana issues. Damaging an enemy champion increases your mana regeneration by 1.5 − 11 mana per second (depending on level). However, it is reduced to 80% for ranged champions. Enemy champion takedowns restore 15% of your maximum mana. You can also take Triumph for a little bit of extra gold. Takedowns restore 12% of your missing health and grant an additional 20 gold.

Legend: Alacrity
Legend: Alacrity is a pretty simple rune. You gain 3% attack speed plus an additional 1.5% for every "legend stack" (max 10 stacks). 100 points for champion takedowns, 100 points for epic monster takedowns, 25 points for large monster kills, and 4 points for minion kills. You can also take Legend: Bloodline for the life steal. You gain 0.4% life steal for every Legend up to 9% with 15 stacks.

Coup De Grace
Coup de Grace is always the rune I take on Caitlyn, unless they have tanks. When champions are below 40% health, you deal 8% more damage. This works nicely with Ace in the Hole and The Collector. If they have tanks, take Cut Down. You deal 5% - 15% bonus damage vs champions with 10% - 100% more max health than you.

♥ Note: Don't forget to take Press the Attack when you take Cut Down. Also, build Kraken Slayer.

Biscuit Delivery
At 2, 4, and 6 minutes, you will receive a Total Biscuit of Everlasting Will. Consuming a biscuit will instantly grant 50 mana and permanently increase your maximum mana by 50. Caitlyn does really well in the early game, so if you can, you should be aggressive. Biscuit Delivery will help you if you constantly poke/push with Piltover Peacemaker.

Magical Footwear
You get free Slightly Magical Boots at 12 minutes, but you cannot buy boots before then. For each takedown, you acquire the boots 45 seconds sooner. I don't like spending gold on boots. I would rather put that gold towards my mythic item, so I take this rune.

Taste of Blood
If you take Fleet Footwork, Taste of Blood is the best rune to take. You heal for 18 - 35 (+ 20% bonus AD) (+ 10% AP) health (based on level). I personally take Fleet Footwork into struggling matchup, such as Sivir, Ashe or Jhin.

Ultimate Hunter
For every first-time enemy takedown, your ultimate gains a 5% reduced cooldown, plus an additional 4% per Bounty Hunter stack. You can take Treasure Hunter for the extra gold. Gain 70 gold per unique takedown (+20 gold per Bounty Hunter stack), up to 550 gold at 5 unique takedowns. Earn a Bounty Hunter stack whenever scoring a takedown against an enemy champion, up to one per unique champion. Personally, I like the additional cooldown reduction on Ace in the Hole since I use it every time it's up.

Cheap Shot
If you would like to deal more damage with Yordle Snap Trap, this is the rune for you. Damaging champions with impaired movement or actions deals 10 - 45 bonus true damage (based on level). A simple Yordle Snap Trap (with a Headshot) and Piltover Peacemaker combo will do a lot of damage. If you're going Press the Attack, I suggest taking this rune for the extra true damage. True damage cannot be blocked by armor or magic resistance, so it's great for tanks.

♥ Note: Hey, Bunny here! Patch 12.6 took away some healing from Fleet Footwork, Legend: Bloodline, and they took away "Ravenous Hunter." I personally stopped using these runes altogether. However, Legend: Bloodline has a new effect; "after reaching maximum Legend stacks, your maximum health increases by 100." It's not the worst, but I like the attack speed from Legend: Alacrity.


♥ Note: I like to take Attack Speed +10 attack speed, Adaptive Force +9 adaptive force, and Shield +6 armor, or Tenacity and Slow Resist +8 magic resistance, depending on the matchup and enemy champions.

Dark Harvest
Dark Harvest is one of my favorite runes to take on Caitlyn, unless they have a tanky team, then I take Press the Attack. I go a critical strike build with The Collector, so I deal a bunch of damage with Ace in the Hole. Damaging a champion below 50% of their maximum health deals 20 - 60 (based on level) (+ 5 per Soul) (+ 25% bonus AD).

Cheap Shot
If you would like to deal more damage with Yordle Snap Trap, this is the rune for you. Damaging champions with impaired movement or actions deals 10 - 45 bonus true damage (based on level). A simple Yordle Snap Trap (with a Headshot) and Piltover Peacemaker combo will do a lot of damage. You can also take Taste of Blood for healing. You heal for 18 - 35 (+ 20% bonus AD) (+ 10% AP) health (based on level).

♥ Note: True damage is damage that cannot be blocked by armor and magic resistance, which will make poking and doing combos easier.

Eyeball Collection
Out of all the options, Eyeball Collection is the best one, especially on Caitlyn. Every takedown grants you "an eyeball" (up to 10). One eyeball gives you 1.2 bonus attack damage, up to 12 bonus attack damage. Completing your collection awards an additional adaptive bonus of 6 attack damage.

♥ Note: Dark Harvest gives you +25% AD whenever you "reap a soul." That, plus Eyeball Collection will give you more damage as the game goes on, even if you aren't ahead early. Keep in mind that assists also count as "takedowns" so if you have trouble getting kills, focus on assists until you have enough damage.

Ultimate Hunter
For every first-time enemy takedown, your ultimate gains a 5% reduced cooldown, plus an additional 4% per Bounty Hunter stack. You can take Treasure Hunter for the extra gold. Gain 70 gold per unique takedown (+20 gold per Bounty Hunter stack), up to 550 gold at 5 unique takedowns. Earn a Bounty Hunter stack whenever scoring a takedown against an enemy champion, up to one per unique champion. Personally, I like the additional cooldown reduction on Ace in the Hole since I use it every time it's up.

Biscuit Delivery
At 2, 4, and 6 minutes, you will receive a Total Biscuit of Everlasting Will. Consuming a biscuit will instantly grant 50 mana and permanently increase your maximum mana by 50. Caitlyn does really well in the early game, so if you can, you should be aggressive. Biscuit Delivery will help you if you constantly poke/push with Piltover Peacemaker.

Magical Footwear
You get free Slightly Magical Boots at 12 minutes, but you cannot buy boots before then. For each takedown, you acquire the boots 45 seconds sooner. I don't like spending gold on boots. I would rather put that gold towards my mythic item, so I take this rune.

Legend: Alacrity
Legend: Alacrity is a pretty simple rune. You gain 3% attack speed plus an additional 1.5% for every "legend stack" (max 10 stacks). 100 points for champion takedowns, 100 points for epic monster takedowns, 25 points for large monster kills, and 4 points for minion kills. You can also take Legend: Bloodline for the life steal. You gain 0.4% life steal for every Legend up to 9% with 15 stacks.

Coup De Grace
Since I take Dark Harvest, and build The Collector, Coup de Grace is my go-to rune. When champions are below 40% health, you deal 8% more damage.

♥ Note: Dark Harvest appears when the champion is below 50% of their max health. You can tell if an enemy is low enough when they have a red/orangish glow on their body.

Presence of Mind
At level 1, Caitlyn has 315 mana (without mana items/runes). As the game goes on, Piltover Peacemaker costs more mana (90 mana at level 9). Presence of Mind will help with early game, along with mid-game mana issues. Damaging an enemy champion increases your mana regeneration by 1.5 − 11 mana per second (depending on level). However, it is reduced to 80% for ranged champions. Enemy champion takedowns restore 15% of your maximum mana.


♥ Note: I like to take Attack Speed +10 attack speed, Adaptive Force +9 adaptive force, and Shield +6 armor, or Tenacity and Slow Resist +8 magic resistance, depending on the matchup and enemy champions.

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

♥ Passive: Headshot

Caitlyn's basic attacks generate a stack of Headshot on-attack, doubled when attacking from bruses. At 6 stacks, or 5 while in brush, Caitlyn's next basic attack becomes unstoppable and deals (50/75/100% (at levels 1/7/13) + (125% + 5% to 25%) critical strike chance) AD bonus physical damage, increased to (100% + (125% + 5% to 25%) critical strike chance) AD against non-champions. When Caitlyn targets an enemy marked by Yordle Snap Trap or 90 Caliber Net, her Headshot partially resets, firing faster than a normal basic attack.

Enemies that step over a Yordle Snap Trap or are hit by 90 Caliber Net can grant an additional headshot at 1300 range for 1.8 seconds, without consuming stacks of Headshot.

♥ Piltover Peacemaker

Cost: 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90
Cooldown: 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 69

After one second, Caitlyn shoots a skillshot dealing 50 / 90 / 130 / 170 / 210 (+1.3 / 1.45 / 1.6 / 1.75 / 1.9 per attack damage) to the first target struck, then widens by 30 units, dealing 60% damage to any additional enemies.

Piltover Peacemaker always deals 100% damage to champions revealed by Yordle Snap Trap.

♥ Yordle Snap Trap

Cost: 20

Caitlyn sets up to 3 / 3 / 4 / 4 / 5 traps which trigger on champions. When sprung, the trap immobilizes the champion for 1.5 seconds and reveals it for 3 seconds. Traps last 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 seconds. Caitlyn can also fire one 1300 range Headshot at trapped targets, dealing 60 / 105 / 150 / 195 / 240 (+0.4 / 0.55 / 0.7 / 0.85 / 1.0 per bonus attack damage) physical damage.

Caitlyn can store up to 3 / 3 / 4 / 4 / 5 traps at a time and gains charges every 30 / 24 / 19 / 15 / 12 seconds.

♥ 90 Caliber Net

Cost: 75
Cooldown: 16 / 14.5 / 13 / 11.5 / 10

Caitlyn fires a heavy net that slows down her target by 50% for 1 second and deals 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 (+80% of ability power) magic damage. The recoil knocks Caitlyn back 400 units. Caitlyn can also Headshot netted targets once at 1300 range.

♥ Ace in the Hole

Cost: 100
Cooldown: 90 / 75 / 60

Caitlyn takes time to line up the perfect shot, dealing 300 / 525 / 750 (+2.0 per bonus attack damage) physical damage to a single target at a huge range. Enemy champions can intercept the bullet for their ally. It provides vision on the target for the duration. This ability is also a "point and click."

This page is still a WIP. The items above are still great to use. I just go into more detail about the items and my reasoning for taking them in this chapter.

Flash teleports your champion wherever your cursor is. Flash is a good engage and escape tool for Caitlyn. You can Flash + Headshot for a kill, or Flash away from the enemies. It's also a key spell for all champions, except Yuumi.

Heal is a pretty standard bot lane spell. It heals you and the closest allied champion to your cursor (or the most wounded ally if no target is near the cursor) by 90 - 345 health and gives you both +30% movement speed for 1 second.

Exhaust slows down a targeted enemy champion for 30% of their movement speed, and reduces their damage by 40% for 2.5 seconds. If they have assassins, such as Zed Katarina, or Kayn on the enemy team, I will take Exhaust. Another reason I will take Exhaust is if my support takes Heal.

ADC is one of the most important roles. You're the team's main source of attack damage, and you play a big part in teamfights. In this chapter, I will be going over gameplay tips for Caitlyn. Of course, you can't always apply these tips to every game, mainly because every game is different, but these should give you a general idea of what to do.

Early Game

♥ Level 1:

You should level up Piltover Peacemaker first. Your job is to push your lane and get level 2 first. If they're pushing into you, let them, especially if they have a Thresh or Blitzcrank. You can take the opportunity to freeze or slow push the wave.

♥ Level 2:

Once you get level 2, you can either get Yordle Snap Trap or 90 Caliber Net. I personally like taking Yordle Snap Trap for zoning the enemies. You also want to poke and trade with the enemies with Piltover Peacemaker. Depending on who you're up against, and who your support is, you should try to manage the wave. You can either shove the wave into the tower after the 3rd wave and "cheater recall," or you slow push and try to deny the enemy farm.

♥ Level 3 - 5:

Level 6 is when you get your ultimate, Ace in the Hole, which is your strongest ability. Until then, you're going to be pushing the wave into the tower and harassing the enemy. If you have an aggressive support, look for opportunities to place a Yordle Snap Trap. Don't feel pressured to constantly push the wave because you will most likely get ganked by their jungler, or they can try to freeze the minions near their turret. However, if you do push the wave, you can either recall, roam towards mid, or grab a dragon with your jungler.

♥ Level 6:

Now you have your ultimate, Ace in the Hole, you're still going to continue pushing the lane and harassing the enemy if you're ahead. The range on Ace in the Hole is 3,500, so if you see an opportunity to kill a nearby enemy, do it. If you aren't winning the laning phase, manage your wave, and try to get assistance from your jungler.

Mid/Late Game

♥ After Laning Phase:

Once you get bot turret, you want to get as much gold as you possibly can, even if you're ahead. You want to stay relevant throughout the whole game. Safely grab farm wherever you can. Get gold from jungle camps, waves, or scuttle crab. If you know you can destroy a turret, do it, then either recall or rotate somewhere else.

♥ Teamfight Tips:

Teamfights are very important, and they can turn the game around. Caitlyn is a pretty safe champion because of her range. You want to stay behind the frontline and attack whoever is closest or the biggest threat. If you're under attack, kite the enemy and wait for your team to peel for you. I highly recommend using Ace in the Hole on the lowest health enemy, especially if you have Dark Harvest and The Collector. If your team is in a fight or they're engaging on an enemy, you could use Ace in the Hole to decrease their health, pick up the kill, or gain an assist. Also, don't forget to push the lane before you enter a teamfight. The wave will most likely push back to your side once the teamfight is over, so you don't miss out on much gold. Keep in mind, you don't have to participate in every single teamfight. If you know you can't contribute, or it's a pointless fight (not fighting for priority over objectives) then go apply pressure in another lane, safely.

♥ I would like to thank everyone for reading and voting for my Caitlyn guide! I hope my guide helped you along your journey. I try to make these simple so they can help a wide range of people.

Guides are usually updated at the start of a new patch and throughout the month, if I have time. I love answering questions and helping people, so feel free to ask as many questions as you want! Also, feel free to point out typos. I find some from time to time.


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DatKawaiiBunny Caitlyn Guide
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[12.7] ♥ WIP D'you Feel Lucky, Punk? | DatKawaiiBunny's Caitlyn Guide

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