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Kalista Build Guide by matek1207

ADC [14.1] Kalista - Kiting Prophecy

ADC [14.1] Kalista - Kiting Prophecy

Updated on January 10, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author matek1207 Build Guide By matek1207 832 96 2,801,071 Views 53 Comments
832 96 2,801,071 Views 53 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author matek1207 Kalista Build Guide By matek1207 Updated on January 10, 2024
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1 2
Lethal Tempo
Legend: Alacrity
Last Stand

Sudden Impact
Treasure Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[14.1] Kalista - Kiting Prophecy

By matek1207

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
Some informations about me and guide.

2. Pros and Cons
Intormations about advantages and disadvantages of Kalista.

3. Runes
More about runes.

4. Summoners
Quick about summoner spells.

5. Abilities
Briefly about skill sequence.
6. Items
Build order, cores, situationals, example full build.

7. Champions
More about counters, match-ups and synergies.

8. Tips and Tricks
Tricky stuff.

9. Other Guides
Mine other guides.

Hello everyone, I'm HG White
from EUNE and I love all marksmen + gnar <3. I'm playing league since 2012 but I still learn about this game. I'll give you some tips/advices about Kalista. Maybe she is really hard to master, but after seeing this guide you should know what you're doing. Please give me your feedback to improve my guides :D.


+ High mobility
+ Powerful pick after mastering
+ One of the best Baron Nashor/ Dragon secure
+ Good 'ulti combo'
+ Best kiting in game

Kalista is one of the best ADC on duoQ. Her Fate's Call can do really good job with smart support (especially if you can communicate). It also can save your support's life as well as you can use it to engage teamfights. She is in my opinion best 'wombo combo' champs (as ADC). She can do incredibly high damage if Rend is used properly.

- Poor early game
- Squishy
- Even with high mobility - can be caught with gap closers
- Hard to master
- Only 90% ad converts into auto attack damage

She is really hard to play. Her ultimate depends on other person. If that person is tilted or int, it's useless. Her jumps makes her attack speed slower above about 2 as (because of animation).

Hail of Blades

  • 10% Attack Speed - (can also be additional 5.4 Attack Damage but I prefer attack speed due to Rend)
  • 5.4 Attack Damage (adaptive) - some amount of damage that helps killing creeps, fighting and scaling your abilities
  • 6 Armor - quite good after buffs, can also be 8 Magic Resists against magic compositions.

Hail of Blades - more attack speed for next 3 auto attacks = more burst damage. It's really helps winning early fights. You can use it with Rend to poke enemies - use basic attack on low health minion then attack 3 times champion then 'take out' spears (you'll get mana back, cooldown back).

Sudden Impact - due to Kalista's passive Martial Poise it's best choise here.

Eyeball Collection - I prefer this rune that other 2 because you won't clear as much wards as support ( Zombie Ward) and you won't put this much wards ( Ghost Poro due to Farsight Alteration).

Ravenous Hunter - You won't profit Relentless Hunter and Ingenious Hunter too much and Kalista's spears deal a lot of damage so I take this hunter. Sometimes I take Ultimate Hunter when my team composition is about combo.

Second runes:
Legend: Alacrity and Coup de Grace - they both make your potential damage higher. I used to use Gathering Storm and Absolute Focus and it wasn't bad at all. I prefer Precision runes when they have better scaling and Sorcery runes when your team composition depends on late game.


For better positioning in teamfights, for escaping, for doing some tricks or just dodge something. Just most useful spell and in my opinion should be taken always.


Heal is primary spell for every ADC, but in meta of everything on bot it isn't the only spell that can be taken. Heal gives you high early potential to win early game. It heals you and your botmate. I think if you don't want to think too much you can take it always. But in some situations it's better to take Barrier or Cleanse.


You can take barrier if your support already has taken Heal. It's also good if you know that enemies gonna take a lot of grievous wounds - Ignites, build Morellonomicon, Mortal Reminder, Thornmail, etc.


You can take cleanse if enemies has got early hard cc (like Morgana, Thresh etc.) or that much cc that Mercurial Scimitar isn't enough. If you've taken that ask support if he can take Heal (not necessary if support has healing like Soraka, Sona etc.).


Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

> > >
Rend is our main damage ability and it's must have to max that first. You can use it to secure farm or to slow sometimes. I do max Q Pierce because it gives you some burst and tricky jump. Sentinel helps you to control vision. Your ultimate Fate's Call depends on your teammate so be careful. You can use it as initiate and also as rescue for support (especially good with Tahm Kench and Thresh).

*still getting database



Ashe Leona



starting items:

build changes:





More about Kalista

1. When you are harrasing someone do 1 or more attacks on minion (depends on it's health) because you can use Rend to deal damage to opponent, refund mana and cooldown, also kill that minion.

2. Use Sentinel to control vision. You can check if there is jungler or if enemy team is doing objectives.

3. pirce passes through enemies when it kills it. For example if there is meele minion & caster minion in line and melee minion has low health that Q can kill it, it'll hit also caster and take every spear that you stacked on melee.

More about ADC role

1. Use wards. Your support isn't the only person in team that should buy Control Wards. Don't be scare to spend 75 gold, it's about 3 melee minions - it can save you from enemy jungler or roaming midlaner. It's better to spend 75 gold than give 300 gold to enemy and lose farm.

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matek1207 Kalista Guide
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