Ahri is pretty broken. With three dashes, you can't really catch her if you are winning, and can't run if you are losing. Wait for ganks, move around the map, and get the cs you can.
Akali is almost never is a situation where she hard wins. Its is a skill matchup run by Akali. If she is better than you or even, you lose. Her invisibility is just too strong for you to win if you are even. If you are better, you win.
Akshan can never dash toward you. This fact leaves him very vulnerable because a lot of his damage comes from this. If he does dash in, stun him and take his health bar away.
Anivia egg is dumb. You have to kill her twice. She has a lot of damage, wave clear, a super long stun, a wall to keep you out or trap you in, and there AINTNOWAY you solo kill her.
You can oneshot her assuming she doesn't oneshot you first. Play slow and look for roams.
Aurelion Sol
You are an engage fighter, he is a scaler. You win lane, HARD but he can still scale.
Who plays Azir? Run poke runes and ravage him.
Run. She murders you. Lane bully with grounding, plus chase and high damage. Depression runes and TP. Farm under tower and get carried
He doesn't out burst you. If he dashes in, you kill him. If you engage first he dashes out and you win the trade
If she engages, you gotta land your stun, if you do, its gg. Avoid poke, take poke runes. play slow and the lane is easy.
He dashes away and regains health. He even out bursts, but if you can stick and have an extended fight, its over
I always struggle with fizz but you can win. Don't fight him really ever, roam to win.
Take melee runes and avoid poke. You want him to go in because you win extended fights.
Im putting Gangplank, but take this advice for all rare picks or off-meta picks. Play by ear. Think about who they play like and how that matchup goes. Generally feel out the lane, let the first few waves tell you how to play, then adjust. if you don't know what runes to take, Conditioning + Unflinching are not only for bad lanes, but for lanes where you don't know what is going to happen.
You have no stun. Farm under tower, wait for ganks and even then, play safe because as you start to walk up, he could just turn on you and blow you up.
Really easy lane. Zone her level one, solo kill her level two, roam and extend your lead. Take the game over, but in the 1v1 if you stop playing confidently, she'll kill you. You may not lose instantly, but it's Irealia, she snowballs HARD.
He has no armor. You instantly blow him up if you land one engage. Play confidently and aggressive.
Similar to Irelia lane. Play it the same, but even more aggressive. If she roams, shove instead of roaming too, because no matter how fed she is, you kill her.
LeBlanc is really strong right now. Stun when she dashes in. If you miss you just die. If you hit, you die less. Roam more this lane because you have better wave clear than LeBlanc.
Like Zed, but more annoying because she has cc. Don't plan on fighting because she runs really well, but if she goes in, you can win the duel.
Play around your mist and avoid poke. Land one stun and she will die.
She is an Anti-engage champ. The only times you wins is when she is not your lane opponent and down a bunch of levels. If you lane against her, you lose.
She will poke very hard, but take poke runes, play slow. If you land stun and get to actually fight her instead of her running, you win.
Bone Plating shuts down Pantheon big time. Wait for his E to stop after his engage and then fight. His abilities will be on CD and you burst equally as much as he does.
She only has minor poke and invis. You have way more damage at every stage in the game. Just don't feed her and you'll be fine.
He has a lot of damage, but play slow and don't try to force anything. You teamfight better, so get through lane and play the mid game better.
He wants to engage too, but don't let him land his E. In most other engage matchups, they can land it and its fine, not for Sylas. Poke him down and stay in minions, then fight after his abilities are on CD.
I hate Syndra. You can't land your stun and she oneshots you with Q->R. Don't play for lane at all. Play to get carried.
Talon has a lot more poke than you, and has better roams. Only engage when he messes up his passive, then you'll actually out damage him. Once 6 hits, push and roam. Forget lane because he will too.
Twisted Fate
When I say land stun and they'll die for other champs, I'm exaggerating a little bit. Twisted Fated might just die if you land only your stun.
You are kind of an assassin, Veigar hates facing assassins. Viego wins lane, but Veigar scales, so he might become a problem. Just shut him down early so he can be a problem later, much much later.
Play around her CD's and passive. one her fear is gone, you can kill her. While it is up, she can kill you.
Blind pick? Really? and you are both playing Viego mid? You don't deserve advice.
Take poke runes and play aggressive at level 3. You win because he can't match your damage in lane. Shut him down and extend your lead to other lanes.
All Vlad lanes are the same. Play this how you would pretty much any other champ vs. Vlad. No special sauce. Once he presses W he won. Unless you get ganks, he will scale no matter what you do.
See My notes on Vel'Koz. They play the exact same.
Super easy. Your Q is longer than his so poke him down and when he engages, stun him. When you hit 6, dodge his tornado with your ult so he can ult you.
Same as Yasuo only easier. Camp him E return at 6 and ult when he snaps back.
He has a lot of poke and burst damage, but you scale better. You can fight, but wait for him abilities to be on CD.
This is the poke champ, but that is all he has. Play slow, sacrifice some cs and he'll never kill you.
If she lands bubble or Q, you are losing your health bar. If land your stun, she loses her health bar. Not much of a skill matchup as it is a damage contest.
Alistar is an example, but any engage champ is great for Viego.
See Alistar
See Alistar
See Alistar
See Alistar
See Alistar
Ivern is just not balanced and he has some great engage.
Jarvan IV
See Alistar
See Alistar
See Alistar
See Alistar
Milio is just so insanely broken with all the tools to keep you in the fight.
See Alistar
Nunu & Willump
See Alistar
See Alistar
Poppy is unfair for everyone. The enemy team can't move and the ally team gets to win in 3 mins without doing anything.
See Alistar
See Alistar
Shen just enables Viego to do everything he wants to.
Enchanters lol. Same as Shen.
See Sona
See Sona AND See Alistar (Best of both worlds, or rather, average of both worlds).
The yuumi "champion".
I don't want to make a note for every other champ didn't list, so ~Aatrox~ Viego is good in any comp really. He makes conceptual sense as a midlaner, he's just nerfed some to keep him a jungler, but he's definitely viable as a midlaner, just not broken like he was on release as a midlaner. There really isn't a champ that needs to be avoided when playing with Viego.
Alistar is an example, but any engage champ is great for Viego.
See Alistar
See Alistar
See Alistar
See Alistar
See Alistar
Ivern is just not balanced and he has some great engage.
Jarvan IV
See Alistar
See Alistar
See Alistar
See Alistar
Milio is just so insanely broken with all the tools to keep you in the fight.
See Alistar
Nunu & Willump
See Alistar
See Alistar
Poppy is unfair for everyone. The enemy team can't move and the ally team gets to win in 3 mins without doing anything.
See Alistar
See Alistar
Shen just enables Viego to do everything he wants to.
Enchanters lol. Same as Shen.
See Sona
See Sona AND See Alistar (Best of both worlds, or rather, average of both worlds).
The yuumi "champion".
I don't want to make a note for every other champ didn't list, so ~Aatrox~ Viego is good in any comp really. He makes conceptual sense as a midlaner, he's just nerfed some to keep him a jungler, but he's definitely viable as a midlaner, just not broken like he was on release as a midlaner. There really isn't a champ that needs to be avoided when playing with Viego.
Viego mid is viable, but uncommon. You cannot play the same way every game, that is not how this game works. Expect to have a few rough games before you can start feeling out how to play and change your play style. I'll start with what runes to take then talk about what items to build. Good luck and have fun!
(I have a lethality and AP set up for viego. The only thing I want to say about those are to never build them in ranked and only build them with a five stack. They are hilarilous and only for people who know how to play Veigo.)
Conqeror vs Press The Attack
Conqueror is really good on Viego. He stacks it instantly with standard combo. It gives damage and healing, nothing really compares. However PTA is viable
PTA is not troll. You can run it and have sucess. I would only ever go Press the Attack in a ranged matchup where you want a short trade. This is keystone hsa very specific uses and I would say you just have to feel it out. Not an every game kind of setup, but can work. If you are new, just run Conqueror.
Precision Tree Minor Runes
Triumph lets you fight more and gain more health each time you reset your ult. So you get passive heal from possessions + Triumph heal. Alacrity is just the best of the legend runes. Tenacity does nothing because of how little it gives, and bloodline gives stats Viego just doesn't need. Last Stand is good because of how Viego plays, constantly in the middle of teamfights, picking up whoever and dashing in the middle again. Coup de Grace is fine and honestly just preference but I will say that last stand is better for laning.
Bone Plating + Overgrowth
Bone Plating + Overgrowth lets you fight more. You take less damage in trades, and because it is melee, you farm more, giving you more health, letting you fight longer.
Second Wind + Revitalize
These secondary's are for mage/poke lane. They would pop Bone Plating instantly, so why bother. Revitalize lets your Doran's shield + Second wind keep you topped of during the lane. These are some good runes in general if you don't know what to run second, but there are better ones I will talk about next.
Conditioning + Revitalize
You run Conditioning + Unflinching + Health shard when your lane makes you depressed. Your only option with this lane is to scale and probably just get carried. Never bother fighting, maybe roam, but sit under tower and get the CS you can. Just the most unfun lane, but you have to play like this if you want to play Viego mid.
Another situatoin you talk this in is when you have no idea who you are facing. These do make your laning a bit weaker, but you can past it pretty easily. Unlike in the above situation, this situatation requires you be actually good at the game and out skill your opponent.
In both situations, take TP over ignite. It is more useful for scaling which is exactally what there runes are for.
Taste of Blood + Treasure Hunter
Here we are, a winning lane. This is a rare treat where you don't need any thing defensive because you run the lane. take Taste of blood because you are the one poking, and Treasure hunter because it rewards you for extending you lead to other lanes. Win your lane, go to others, take over the map, and see the victory screen.
Item Build Time!
First always rush Blade of the ruined king in lane. I don't actually LOVE bork but it is necessary for laning. It's real power for Viego is in the sustain. It does do a lot of damage but not more than your core damage items.
Next, your core damage itemsBuild these items after BORK in this order: Trinity Force, Kraken Slayer, Black Cleaver. These are you core damage items. Viego stacks Kraken very fast, same with Black Cleaver. Viego also loves having spell blade so lets abuse Triforce while it's strong. The reason we don't go Sunderer is because it is not as good as Triforce. It does less damage, it doesn't give attack speed, its heal is negligible, BUT if they have a bunch of tanks e.g Sion top, Galio mid, Nautilus support then you could build Sunderer. Keep in mind though that you have Blade of the Ruined King, Kraken Slayer, and Black cleaver, that should be enought tank shred.
Last I want to talk about your defensive items. You are building these last. You actually only have one item slot left so choose wisely. Wit's End is Viego's main MR item. With Maw being next to useless and Wit's giving a lot of stats Viego wants. this is a great item. GA is a snowball item. If you are in a game where if you die its over, build this. If you tend to die in someone else's body frequently, don't build this. Instead build Death's Dance. Death's Dance is a good Armor Item for when you aren't ahead. This is probably going to be your last item(At least it should be, all these items should be last), so you may not even finish it, which is fine. If you are building this, you are getting carried, but once you finish it, you will be much stronger.
My one item exception
There may be times where you get a few kills early and have a bunch of gold. If you have 1300 gold, forget Blade of the Ruined King. Buy a Noonquiver and rush Kraken Slayer. Then buy your Triforce and Cleaver. Now you should have two item slots left after boots. Buy two defensive items, usually a Guarduina Angel and either Wit's End if they have a lot of AP, or Sterak's Gage. With two defensive items and your core damage items, they cannot kill you and you do a lot of damage to them. This will not happen every game, but when it does, the enemy fears you. They will flash away from any of your abilities and you get reset upon reset.
Viego is built for jungle, but we want to play him mid. What this means in having to play by ear. Change your runes, think about items, don't turn off your brain. Viego is so much fun and want you to enjoy him. So if you feel like every game is just unplayable, change something. Roam more, play safer, ask for help, change the build around. This is not a hard and fast rule book. This is what I have found that works based on my experience and my observation from high elo players. Someone who mains Veigo mid in challenger in Korea is Need Her. Go find some of his stuff, study it, and take it to heart. This pick requires skill(unlike most midlaner these days) so practice and practice some more. Take over games and have some fun. Go get Isolde back and destroy anyone who gets in the way!
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