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lately i have been matching against yone and i can't do anything against him.
i really love using annie but i do not know how to stop yone or beat him,
end up my team always toxic because i lost to yone.
Hope you can advice me or some tips to deal with yone..
Generally when playing against Yone I find it good to keep track of his abilites. His E for example has a very long cooldown and might be remeber if it down so that you could look for an engage. Also keep track of his Q, when he has stacked his Q two times he gets his dash knockup like Yasuo, it is important to not get hit by this as he can quickly delete you.
This is unfortunately a bad match-up against Annie. Try to harass him early when he has long cooldowns on his abilities and does not deal that much damage and be more carefull when you don't have flash, because if he hits you with his Q knockup late game, you might be dead.
its so detailed guide and but i have some questions if you can advice me.
For Morello and Zonya when do you pirotize after getting Ludens echo especially for 3nd and 3rd item? Also What do you think of getting Rylai as part of item, if yes which would you replace with and in what kind of scenerio?
Now for the question. If I understand correctly you are wondering when to go Morello/Zhonyas for 2nd and 3rd item? If so I would always go morello if they have strong healing on their team such as vladimir/soraka/yuumi and other healing items such as Blade of the ruined king/Death's dance and bloodthirster, however, it depends if they are strong or not. Zhonyas is always a good item so always try to squeeze it in as a 4th/5th item. But if you are facing champions that depend on one combo or abiility to do good such as Zed/Fizz/Karthus/Leona I would want to build it as a 3rd item.
Mentioning Rylais is really interesting and I actually think it is a really strong item! I will actually do a Rylais build since it is very strong and often forgotten! You can actually go Rylais as an first item if you don't have mana issues. I would go for this if their team is not focusing me and have a strong frontline, this will help your team especially ADC to defend themselves hopefully while you provide good slows against the enemy team. Be sure to combine rylais with liandry's torment since the burn from liandry's torment lasts longer with rylais and also goes very good against a frontline more tanky enemy team!
Hope this helped a little bit :D
Now for the question. If I understand correctly you are wondering when to go Morello/Zhonyas for 2nd and 3rd item? If so I would always go morello if they have strong healing on their team such as vladimir/soraka/yuumi and other healing items such as Blade of the ruined king/Death's dance and bloodthirster, however, it depends if they are strong or not. Zhonyas is always a good item so always try to squeeze it in as a 4th/5th item. But if you are facing champions that depend on one combo or abiility to do good such as Zed/Fizz/Karthus/Leona I would want to build it as a 3rd item.
Mentioning Rylais is really interesting and I actually think it is a really strong item! I will actually do a Rylais build since it is very strong and often forgotten! You can actually go Rylais as an first item if you don't have mana issues. I would go for this if their team is not focusing me and have a strong frontline, this will help your team especially ADC to defend themselves hopefully while you provide good slows against the enemy team. Be sure to combine rylais with liandry's torment since the burn from liandry's torment lasts longer with rylais and also goes very good against a frontline more tanky enemy team!
Hope this helped a little bit :D
Thank you for replaying me im really happy and thanks for the detailed guideline!
Yes i feel ryai sometimes are so interesting, though may i add on if im gettingwould i opt out for? is it ok to opt out for rabadon? like rylai,liandry,zonya,void, boots, morello?
Yes in my region which is sea sg/my/id usually i always have ad kayn,sett. and ap like fizz.
though im also curious as you say with morello given its 15 magic pent and 70 ap does it help significantly?
also thankful that you find rylai insteresting too and thanks for that advice!!
If I understand correctly you sometimes want to skip rabadons? If so then yes, I do it sometimes when I need items that fit better into the team im facing. And yes morello is good, I often feel if I go morello + sorc boots then I do not have to go voidstaff.
If I understand correctly you sometimes want to skip rabadons? If so then yes, I do it sometimes when I need items that fit better into the team im facing. And yes morello is good, I often feel if I go morello + sorc boots then I do not have to go voidstaff.
Oh i see.. Thanks alot for your replay regardless of late and thank you for sharing your views and advice to me!