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Recommended Items
Runes: Play for early
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Tailwind (PASSIVE)
Janna Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
Laning phase (pre lvl3)
Ask your adc to play a safe champ
Level one sit in top bush and cheese when their top walks to lane
If you kill, reset for dark seal and go bot until level 3
If you assist, either get a ward on enemy jungle (if you don't know where they started), or look for a gank mid, then go bot
If you don't get the kill, slow push first wave and crash second, then go bot
Level one sit in top bush and cheese when their top walks to lane
If you kill, reset for dark seal and go bot until level 3
If you assist, either get a ward on enemy jungle (if you don't know where they started), or look for a gank mid, then go bot
If you don't get the kill, slow push first wave and crash second, then go bot
Laning phase (lvl3 - lvl9)
Leave bot and look for gank potential mid, if there's nothing, help mid shove and invade enemy jungle with your jungle and mid if needed
Play for krug/raptor respawn or gromp/wolves respawn depending on what side you're on and where enemy jungle started
Reset for dark seal / boots and swifties if you have enough gold, and roam top
Look to kill enemy top laner, or help shove wave out
Roam back mid to potentially kill or shove wave out and play for invade on jungle or herald (it will always be free)
Reset with herald and help adc break freeze (99% of the time wave will be frozen)
Roam back mid and crash herald mid
Since adc is 1v2 and weakside they will probably secure 1st and maybe 2nd drake but that's fine because you're only playing to get ahead early so getting double rift is more important
Play for krug/raptor respawn or gromp/wolves respawn depending on what side you're on and where enemy jungle started
Reset for dark seal / boots and swifties if you have enough gold, and roam top
Look to kill enemy top laner, or help shove wave out
Roam back mid to potentially kill or shove wave out and play for invade on jungle or herald (it will always be free)
Reset with herald and help adc break freeze (99% of the time wave will be frozen)
Roam back mid and crash herald mid
Since adc is 1v2 and weakside they will probably secure 1st and maybe 2nd drake but that's fine because you're only playing to get ahead early so getting double rift is more important
Mid game (lvl9-lvl15)
Look to engage fights with charged nado from fog
Set up vision around objectives 1:30 before, instant reset, help lanes shove and set up more vision
Always buy pinks and deny as much vision as possible (especially on objectives)
Set up vision around objectives 1:30 before, instant reset, help lanes shove and set up more vision
Always buy pinks and deny as much vision as possible (especially on objectives)
Late game (lvl16+)
Make sure you have vigilant wardstone with 2 control wards on every back
Play around objectives and win
Janna is broken abuse before they nerf
Play around objectives and win
Janna is broken abuse before they nerf
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