[13.3] eiensiei's guide to Support

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Types of supports - their goals and when to pick them

With that out of the way, let's go over support types and which champions fit in them. I've separated them into 3 categories (enchanters, damage dealers and engagers) and although some champions fit into multiple ones, I tried to group them in a way that lets me explain what they're supposed to do, but I'll do my best to also explain the exceptions (but remember the list of champions mentioned is non-exhaustive, you can also go for off-meta picks that you're comfortable on that look good in the situation - e.g.:

- good scaling
- good with hypercarries (
Vayne, etc.)
- they're not necessarily "bad" with anything, but there are certain ADCs that prefer other supports (for example your
Draven might not be happy if you lock in
Yuumi, because he's looking to stomp lane)
- good against champions they outrange/that can't get on top of them (ex: tanks)/assassins that they can deny (for example with
Howling Gale or
Whimsy)/any champions they can disengage from
- bad against champions that can abuse them early (but they can usually circumvent both damage dealers and engagers by going
Relic Shield instead of
Spellthief's Edge to avoid trades/putting themselves in risky situations) or champions that can lock them down with CC, as most of these are fairly immobile
- summoner spells: an advantage enchanters have is they can run almost any summoner spell, they can get
Ignite if they want to be aggressive,
Exhaust into all-in champions, but they can also pick
Heal and allow their ADCs to go with
Barrier or
Cleanse (for example into lanes like
- lane role: survive (can still be played very aggressively and win lane, they just need to bait out enemy abilities first)
- teamfights role: peel, disengage, empower
Damage dealers
- good scaling if they get to their items, but also strong early
- good with other champions that are strong early (ex:
Miss Fortune,
Caitlyn) or self-reliant champions that don't need them to peel (ex:
- not necessarily "bad" with hypercarries, but most hypercarries do prefer enchanters
- good against squishy champions (as supports they have less gold, so if they're playing into tanks with a lot of resists they might prove ineffective)
- bad against champions that can lock them down, as they're squishy and immobile and die instantly when caught
- summoner spells: either
Ignite for champions with shorter range (like
Brand or
Twitch) or
Barrier for champions with higher range (like
Senna or
- lane role: get kills, get turret plates, zone the enemy ADC, get their ADC ahead (exception:
Twitch, he will usually use
Ambush a lot both in mid and bot to surprise the enemy team and get ahead)
- teamfights role: deal damage, zone control
- strong early, but get outscaled by enchanters
- good with ADCs who need to stomp early (ex:
Kalista) or with champions that love heavy dive comps/CC (ex:
- champions with a strong defensive tool (ex:
Dark Passage,
Black Shield) are also good with hypercarries (ex:
Jinx) because they can peel for them
- bad with immobile carries that can't follow up on their engages and especially if the enemies have heavy dive (ex:
Galio, etc)
- good against immobile champions they can lock down
- bad against champions that can poke them down heavily before they have a window of opportunity to go in
- summoner spells: because their goal is to win lane, their spell of choice besides
Flash is usually
Ignite (you might also see them sometimes running
- lane role: stomp, have strong lane presence, use bushes to their advantage to zone the enemy ADC, use their priority to help their jungler for crab and roam mid (exceptions:
Bard, it's not that he can't win lane, but what he does best usually is roam)
- teamfights role: finding picks before/during fights, zone control, getting a good engage (however sometimes they might feel like they're tankier than they actually are and because gold income is not great as a support they will not last very long front-lining, which means they need to be sure they want to go in as they won't have a way to get out)
- BONUS: for champions with hooks/skillshots, remember that sometimes you create more pressure by not using an ability - if you do want to use your ability though, know that most people's first instinct will be to dodge backwards (towards you). Try to keep track of the way people dodge to predict which way to throw your next skillshot in
- 2nd BONUS: if you're playing against
Draven, you can throw skillshots towards his axe, he'll be forced to either drop it or walk into your CC
- pink dots represent
Control Wards
- green dots represent
Stealth Wards
- by "fake mid priority" I mean those times when your team is losing and you're unable to get mid priority, in which case dropping a ward will help with vision in that area
- think about the enemy champions, what they want to do and ward accordingly (for example, if they have a
Rek'Sai, remember he often cheese ganks level 2 with a tunnel from behind you into flash+knock-up, or if they have a
Fiddlesticks and you're sieging mid tower, he can R from the
Raptors camp, etc)
Blue Team
Level 1
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The game starts at 00:00, not when minions spawn. That said, it's important to get as much early information as possible or at the very least make sure the enemies don't. So what you're going to do is place one of these wards (A, B, C, D) and then go back and swap your trinket to ![]()
Early game (winning)/Early game (losing)
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Dragon (winning)/Dragon (losing)
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Baron (winning)/Baron (losing)
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I won't provide a map with wards for every single turret you may want to siege in game, but I will share the idea behind it. When you siege you basically want to force the enemies out of an area so that you can stay and easily knock down the objective (inhibitor/turret). How do you do this?
Getting sieged
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Again, I won't go over all the possible scenarios in which you might get sieged, but the general idea is that you can:
Red Team
Level 1
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You're going to place one of these wards (A, B, C, D) and then go back and swap your trinket to ![]()
Early game (winning)/Early game (losing)
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Dragon (winning)/Dragon (losing)
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Baron (winning)/Baron (losing)
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When sieging/Getting sieged
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Early Jungle Tracking
The most basic jungle tracking "technique" you can apply is knowing that in 9/10 cases the enemy jungler starts on one side of the map and he'll be on the opposite side of the map (where they'll usually also try to get a gank off so ping your top laner if that's him or back off if it's you) at 3:15 when ![]() So pay attention and try to figure out who leashed on the enemy team. If top showed and bot didn't, their jungler probably started bot side. Similarly, if top didn't show and bot did, their jungler probably started top side. If no one is showing, you can check mana bars on enemies and try to tell if anyone used any abilities. However, keep in mind these things can be faked, some junglers don't need a leash (ex: ![]() ![]() Other than that, you can try to identify which side of the map the enemy jungler is in/wants to go in based on:
None of the above help you determine where the enemy jungler is with 100% accuracy, but if you think about it often enough that it becomes a habit, your game sense will develop and you'll eventually start taking "educated guesses". |
Pulling the wave level 1
It can be done on both blue and red side, so hop into the practice tool and.. well, practice! |
Level 2 Power Spike
Let's go over the possible scenarios:
Trades / All-in
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() If, however, your enemies are holding back from using their abilities, you will need to bait them out first. Play on the edge of their skillshot range, switching your positioning slightly to be in range for their engage/poke, and they will eventually cave in and try to catch you. If you're playing an engage champion (ex: ![]() ![]()
Lane Positioning
Pay attention to your minions getting low on HP (especially cannon minions), because the enemy carry will try to last hit them and that's your opportunity to walk up and poke or engage without getting damaged back (they will have to choose between farming and dealing damage to you). If the enemy carry is alone in lane, you can walk up and harass, you can try to keep him out of XP range for his minions, or even attempt forcing an all-in. If you do decide to go for that last one, it's usually a good idea to go into fog of war and lull the enemy carry into a false sense of security that you have left the lane, and go all the way around if it allows you to position yourself behind him. |
Wave Control
If you two desperately need to back, try doing so on a cannon wave, so that the enemies can't completely push it in, or that even if they do, the cannon minion tanks 6-7 tower hits, allowing you and your carry to get back to lane in time for XP. If you have just gotten a kill and want to back, push in the wave first. If you have just gotten a double kill early and want to back but don't have time to push in the wave because the death timers are so short and you have no wave clear, leave more enemy minions than allied minions, depending on where the wave is (if it's closer to your tower, you will need to leave 3 caster minions, if it's closer to the middle of the lane, 1-2 casters are enough). If your carry is not in lane and the wave is going to crash into your tower, tank it so your ADC doesn't miss the minions or so he even sets up a freeze (but only if it's safe to do so, don't die trying to hold their wave though). Note: before your carry gets items, help them farm caster minions under tower; do so by attacking them once. |
If you've just backed, if your carry backed but you have no reason to back yourself (either you have no gold or haven't gotten your support quest yet so you can't replenish any wards either), if your carry is freezing the wave just outside your tower and is in no immediate danger, if you see your jungler wants to go mid and you think you can make it there in time as well, these are all good opportunities to roam mid, or even to leave some deep wards in the enemy jungle. Getting used to these scenarios means you will also get used to the enemy support's roam timers and be able to ping appropriately when you think they might be roaming mid/top (sometimes looking at where your jungler is on the map can help you decide where to roam - for example if he's top side, maybe you can both gank top - because you're sure to have numbers advantage). |
Jungle Help
If you were the team to get the first bot tower
These are the next steps you would ideally take to snowball the game:
If you were the team to lose the first bot tower
These are the next steps you would ideally take to stop the gold bleeding:
General mid-game guidelines
[read: Every game is different, so what do you do if it doesn't all work out according to the "ideal" steps?]
- Recognize win conditions and play around them. For example if you have a 1-3-1 comp with your strongest member split-pushing bot because they have
Teleport for Baron, you can leave wards in the enemy bot side jungle. What that does is:
- It will let your
Fiora know the enemy team is coming for her and she can back off. Also if 2+ enemies are on the bot side of the map, it means you can start Baron or take a tower mid/top
- If nobody shows because the enemies are too scared you will start Baron if they go bot, your split-pusher can get free towers or even an Inhibitor
- It will let your
- A basic idea on which objectives to focus after you get a pick/win a teamfight:
Elder Dragon >
Inhibitor >
Baron Nashor >
Turret (if you don't know how to get your teammates to come to an objective, just ping "Assistance" 4-5 times on top of it)
Why?- Elder is first because once you have Elder, you can translate it into more objectives since the enemies will want to avoid fighting you for its duration.
- Inhibitor over Baron is always an interesting one, but in my experience getting the Inhib creates a point of pressure on the map, which makes it easier to then force the enemies into a lose-lose situation and granting you Baron, resulting into pushing more lanes and getting more Inhibitors or getting map pressure for an upcoming objective like Dragon Soul or Elder (whereas if you first get Baron, you're not guaranteed to be able to use it to kill Inhibitors, and even if you do, you most likely won't get more than 1 or 2, which is manageable and in the end only gives the enemies more gold+XP)
However if this is about trading Baron for Inhibitor, I'd take the Baron 10/10 times because even with super minions the enemies won't be able to push (since you have Baron) and you get bonus gold+XP
Conclusion: Inhibitor > Baron is personal preference for me, but different situations call for different things, so decide for yourself (don't be afraid to make the wrong decision, a wrong decision is better than no decision at all because even if it causes you to lose the game, you'll learn from it and do better next time - sure your teammates might flame you for it, but the one game you cost them isn't the reason they're stuck with 49% in 1k games. Your goal here is to improve)
This comparison is only for cases in which you have to choose. If your only option is to get Inhibitor, you probably get the Inhibitor, and if your only option is to get Baron, you get Baron (and if you can get both, you get both)
- Constantly reassess each champion's strengths and weaknesses. Did
Xerath finish
Rabadon's Deathcap? Did
Jhin use his
Heal last fight? Keep track of everything. Telling yourself "I didn't know
Vladimir had
Flash" after he wipes your entire team is not going to save your LP, but knowing his summoner spell CD just might
- Timings for
- base = 300 seconds = 5 minutes
Ionian Boots of Lucidity = 268 seconds = 4 minutes + 28 seconds
Cosmic Insight = 255 seconds = 4 minutes + 15 seconds
Ionian Boots of Lucidity+
Cosmic Insight = 231 seconds = 3 minutes + 51 seconds
- With supports being the only champions carrying
Control Wards in their inventories in the later stages of the game, the whole map is going to be a whole lot darker, and you need to play safer. If you need to clear or establish vision, walk with your teammates, not alone
- Stick to the teammates that do the most damage in fights and do your best to keep them alive. Don't let them facecheck and be sure to stay nearby if they need to farm in a side lane, especially if the enemies have an assassin such as
- Buy an
Elixir of Iron when you know there's going to be a fight
- If you know an ability can end up killing you if it hits,
Flash it
- Don't overextend without vision
- Don't overextend for vision
- Keep track of the objective timers because you need to reset and be back out on the map at least 30s before they spawn, but preferably you start setting out vision a full 60s before they spawn, giving yourself time to recall and replenish your wards (the enemies will most likely remove the initial ones, but that won't be a problem if you have new ones).
- leave a reply in the comment section
- catch me on my stream (where you'll also get to see me putting all these things into practice)
Thanks for reading, have a pretty day!
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