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Yuumi Build Guide by Terroronyou

Support [13.9] Reworked Yuumi Guide - Bizzleberry

Support [13.9] Reworked Yuumi Guide - Bizzleberry

Updated on May 4, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Terroronyou Build Guide By Terroronyou 1742 190 3,736,002 Views 31 Comments
1742 190 3,736,002 Views 31 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Terroronyou Yuumi Build Guide By Terroronyou Updated on May 4, 2023
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Purrrfect Kitty (116) | February 13, 2023 3:31am
Thank you so much for the amazing guide Bizzle!! The item explanation and 'how to play' sections are specially valuable. I hope you'll add the synergies soon!
Metallichydra (20) | August 24, 2022 2:54am
I just want to point out that:
  1. Moonstone Renewer only stacks up to 4
  2. Chemtech Putrifier only applies 40% griveous wounds
  3. Mikael's Blessing does heal its target.
hellohihello | April 3, 2022 8:05am
Interesting, I didn't know for AP the only difference is items, thought we had to change runes as well! Thank you for the guide.
Lethwin | March 11, 2022 11:58pm
Chadster | September 22, 2021 5:31am
Was struggling to find a comfortable supp for the times I get autofilled,but this is awesome :D
CobaltClaw2427 | March 11, 2021 6:11pm
Wouldn't Chemtech putrifier also be a really good item to have on Yuumi now? It's new passive makes it so healing or shielding an ally makes your allies next damage to enemy champions deal 60% grievous wounds which is perfect for Yuumi's kit.
Dark_Recent | December 10, 2020 3:56am
Mana Flow is bad WTF? Go for Dont picking mana flow is far more better. Just go for orb it's better than nothing but mana flow will add 37,5 extra mana to yuumi E and will give u like most 10 mana per every 5 sec a dump idea to gor for.
Doody_tco (26) | December 1, 2020 12:52am
Hey dude, just for you to know, I should prove that I am not a Robot to watch the video streaming in your guide, and I hate proving anything to anyone so I ain't ticking that box!! xD
Also, "Vigilant Wardstone" thanks for this item, I'll see how it works with me x)
Ni8tm4r3 | June 25, 2020 4:20pm
i dnt think this is a good guide like a loot of comments said here bc he just copypasted the old one with no change whatsoever like presence of minde increeses the mana bye 100 and the problem with the nerf is that every mana is bad bc E cost 15% more in base of yuumis max man so this makes no sense and DNT TAKE ludens echo gives you even more mana on the end you can use E prob just like 5 6 times
lionking45 | May 28, 2020 5:46pm
a good champ to pare with yuumi is akali
FinlayDaG33k | April 27, 2020 7:10am
I do want to point out that as of 9.24, Yuumi no longer has charges on her Zoomies.
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[13.9] Reworked Yuumi Guide - Bizzleberry

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