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Recommended Items
Runes: Press the Attack
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Threats & Synergies
His ultimate directly counters yours, and can counter-gank you if he's on the same side of the map. He also easliy beats you in an early 1v1.
Can easily set up a gank with E slow and follow your gold card with her Q.
Can easily set up a gank with E slow and follow your gold card with her Q.
Champion Build Guide
HappyChimeNoises's Video
If you take predator, you won't be able to use it befor your first back because you need boots.
AP Twisted Fate mostly is throwing a gold card and waiting for your team to folow up with damage.
AP Twisted Fate needs several items to deal any damage. AD Twisted Fate can deal damage at level 1 with Press the Attack.
Typically you want a heavy leash at your
Then pull a
Then you
Once you pick up
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