You beat him early then he gets to a hard matchup, You could go HOB with ignite and cheese him.
You could go HOB but definitely go malmortius first item. Open W first in case he goes to trade. E+W Him but if you can't stun him you are screwed! R when he R's you. Very hard matchup. If he builds tank items like Jak'Sho or something like that its very hard to beat, i recommend banning him if you are struggling with him.
Dr. Mundo
Mundo has high damage and he is tanky, beat him before level 6 and you won't have much problem as in late game and go bramble vest whenever you like just not that late.
Hard matchup, breaks shield of W but can be killed with the E+W combo.
Max W and play safe farm cs if you can, you can go for trades when you finished 1 item otherwise she can win trades. Go bramble vest.
Just E him when he Q1 and Q2, in Q3 ult him, and his basically dead. Go bramble vest.
Don't let him Q+R you, so W before he hits the Q.
He is a hard counter, you need to E+W combo and go bramble vest first item, or youll lose the lane.
Not much threat if you're not getting ganked.
W when he ults and you will kill him.
Open your first skill as W and go 1 lvl trade, Max Q and go Bramble Vest first item. W when he is gonna press R on you.
Very easy matchup. Don't let him get cs when he gets close E him.
Ult or E him when he E+Q3's (3rd Q Stack) you.
Kinda hard but easy matchup. But he does counter you when he is in his E, so go near his E or when he ults, ult him back and counter him hard.
Max Q go for E+W Combo. Don't go for trades before level 6, if you level up to 6 and you aren't behind, you can go for trades. Go malmortius first item.
Not that hard to beat just wait for her W and max Q. Go bramble vest.
Just walk up to her to let get her W out of her and go all in with ult. Definitely go in if you won't kill the minions with your ult, you need your E stun!
DO NOT wait for your W, press it right away if its full stacked or he will ult you if you press W.
Max W and E+W combo or she will press W on your W and basically counter your full trade. So open W first and go for trade. You can go HOB to cheese her.
Go Doran's Shield. He will press W when you press R so when there is a wave E him to use his W, then go in with your R. He has very high damage, mobility, ranged very annoying, Go Stridebreaker against him.
Easy matchup if you kill her level 1 or 2. Open E first W second if you're getting low.
Very hard match up, open up W first just in case and Max W. Press W when he stuns you with E or , when he's E is open press E to stun him back and go for a trade. R when he is going to stun you. DONT go with him to trade before 6.
Very VERY easy to beat in early, if he stacked in late game you are screwed.
Play with him for a while in lane and don't let him stack. Ban him or ban Jax.
You can go HOB to cheese him. Very problem matchup, beat him before level 6 and wait for him to use his E or when you W he'll E and dodge it. Open E first when there is a minion, stun him and you can win trades before 6. Do not press W when you know he has E or R.
Go bramble vest, very fed up matchup. Kill him before level 6 and don't let him base.
Ban her definitely if you're scared of her. But if you don't ban her and matchup her. If she know's how to play you are basically screwed, you can't counter her. Play for teamfights. Easy to beat in low elo thought.
Very easy to beat, E him when he stops for a Q. Bait his Q while walking up to him, you can go Ghost if you are REALLY scared of him. Go Stridebreaker if you're struggling with catching him..
Not that hard to beat, bait his W and go malmortius second if you're beating him. But if you're losing go first item malmortius.
Very high damage. Ult his clone if you can't reach him. Bait his W.
Very VERY annoying matchup. You'll beat him at level 6 definitely. Go Stridebreaker if you're struggling.
Play around the bushes and he can't kite you,
Beat him at level 1 and don't let him end the game. He can destroy towers very very fast so check the minimap once in a while.
Very easy matchup, you can't win at level 1 he will kite you. When you get level 6 you can easily beat him. Go stridebreaker first.
Play behind the minions, beat her before level 6 and go bramble vest first item. Run away if she ults you. If she does snowball you, play around the team because you just lost the lane. If not play around your tower.
Very annoying matchup but you can beat him easily. Just watch out for his passive.
Very easy to beat, kill him before level 6 and you can counter him without him countering you. IF he has ult on you can't R him or E him.
If Singed knows how to play its very hard. Wait for gangs don't W if he is near you.
Easy to beat in lane. Just play casually and you can beat him (if you have thebausffs against you thats another story). He will tear down your towers tho.
He counters you when you W with his ult. So if your W is full stacked press E+W right away. If he gets fed you are finished, he is a very strong laner. He will E you when you W too so again E+W him always. Don't go in before level 6 or just play safe if you're not confident.
If you're Sett and you got a Sett on the opposite side. Its based on skill really, good luck.
Not much of a threat, when he press W yo can't AA him or Q him. Stun him when he tries to ult. Go in before level 3 and easy kill.
You can beat him all levels. Just make sure he doesn't get fed.
He is very strong. Look out for his W he can counter your W with his W.
Look out for bushes he will throw E in the bushes.
Annoying lane if she knows how to play. Go CONQ and Strikdebreaker
Go for early trades and kill him early and you won't have any problem later on. Don't underestimate him and you're good.
Similar to Nasus don't let her farm and don't get kited. Beat her before level 6. Bait her ult by walking to her with Q.
Annoying matchup but easy to beat. Open E first against her. You can definitely beat her level 6. Go stridebreaker.
Tahm Kench
Strong matchup beat him before level 6 open E first go in when there is a wave to stun him. Go BOTRK.
Counters your W when he shields himself. Try to E+W him. You're stronger in closer range just don't get countered by his E.
You can easily beat him, zone him down don't let him get farms and definitely don't get ganked.
He will take probably take fleetwork rune go stridebreaker and mercury first item. Don't get kited he will not let you take farm when he turns mega E him when he stuns you (I mean his W not his R) R him when he R's you.
Annoying matchup similar to Quinn matchup go stridebreaker very easy to beat.
Easy to beat, kill him or zone him before level 6 and you win the lane.
He's passive is useless, don't get kited by his Q and you win lane
Don't go in before level 3 or 2. Don't get kited use your ult before his.
Very annoying lane, don't get kited go for malmortius first item. Ult when she sleeps you.
Jarvan IV
Very easy, go in before level 2 or 3 and you win lane.
Very busted champ, too many dashes and burst. Go Bone plate and BOTRK first.
Wombo combo
Karma shield with Sett W = big shield
Plus karma gives a lot of speed to Sett catching up.
When he press' R and you press R BOOM.
Same thing as Amumu synergy, both press R and ZBAM. But if you have both Galio and Amumu as Sett. The combo is unimaginable.
Goes good with ADC Sett. Actually every support with hook is good with Sett.
Seyuumi very op
Lee Sin
IDK why but they synergize very good with each other.
Your E makes enemy in air for a little bit, if your Yasuo spams R youll beat the **** out of the enemy team.
Easy win in teamfights.
Depending on the enemy ults, so for example. If the enemy has Yasuo and you E the enemy Sylas will use Yasuo's R.
Wombo combo
Karma shield with Sett W = big shield
Plus karma gives a lot of speed to Sett catching up.
When he press' R and you press R BOOM.
Same thing as Amumu synergy, both press R and ZBAM. But if you have both Galio and Amumu as Sett. The combo is unimaginable.
Goes good with ADC Sett. Actually every support with hook is good with Sett.
Seyuumi very op
Lee Sin
IDK why but they synergize very good with each other.
Your E makes enemy in air for a little bit, if your Yasuo spams R youll beat the crap out of the enemy team.
Easy win in teamfights.
Depending on the enemy ults, so for example. If the enemy has Yasuo and you E the enemy Sylas will use Yasuo's R.
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