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Lee Sin Build Guide by TruckDriver



Updated on August 14, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TruckDriver Build Guide By TruckDriver 503 29 1,604,303 Views 62 Comments
503 29 1,604,303 Views 62 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TruckDriver Lee Sin Build Guide By TruckDriver Updated on August 14, 2024
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Runes: STANDARD PAGE: Alacrity

1 2 3
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Magical Footwear
Cosmic Insight

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide


By TruckDriver
Patch 14.16


Interesting buff to Qiyana as a jungler here, if you ever play against one, she has a very extremely weak first clear, and is REALLY useless when not level 3 so try to invade her at lvls 1/2. Could look for late invade lvl 1 or just 1 camp into invade for lvl 2.


Small buff to Skarner here, no real comments here, Skarner has been weak for a long time now, this doesn't seem like an outrageous buff either.


Not really a big fan of Vi getting buffed here, she's already strong in pro play, and one of Lee Sin's harder matchups. I think this will put her over the edge of too strong, and she might just dominate pro meta/high elo..


I mean a small buff to Wukong.. it's not that big of a deal, but when this champ is strong in the jungle it's almost impossible to play Lee Sin if he plays it well. This is really gonna help Wukong's clear with the passive armor buff, and the E increased attacked speed.


I like what they are doing here with increasing death timers.. Although I'm not sure it matters much for jungle because they buffed homeguards. This is more of a nerf to laners who TP back to lane cause they will be dead for longer. Although I have yet to play on the new patch so I'm looking forward to seeing the changes.


Man I am so HYPED for this SKT skin.. I love every single part of it, especially the chroma. I can't wait to spam games on it today once the patch goes live.

If you're new to Lee Sin or an avid Lee Sin main, check out my YouTube for tons more educational content, gameplay and highlights. I stream on Twitch 4 times a week and I am always answering questions and providing high quality educational gameplay. Links below:

Hello my name is Truck Driver.

I am a 561 LP (peak) GM jungle main and a dedicated League of Legends Content Creator. I have been playing League since Season 2 and have been maining jungle since Season 4. I peaked 561LP Grandmaster this season mainly playing Lee Sin.

I created this guide because I felt as though there weren't any high elo guides that cover all aspects of Lee's playstyle, clearing options and matchups. My hope with this guide is that I am able to share my unique insight and experience on Lee Sin to help you on your path to becoming the best Lee Sin player you can be.

If you have any specific questions you would like to ask me, please feel free to stop by my Twitch Stream at or join my discord where you can interact with me directly, and ask me any questions you'd like! I stream every Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday at 7:00 pm EST, and in the afternoons on the weekends.
[1] Extremely Fun to Play
[2] Strong Early/Mid Game Jungler
[3] Great Snowball Potential
[4] Flexible Build Path (Bruiser vs Tank)
[5] Playmaking Potential is unlimited
[6] High Mobility
[7] High Skill Ceiling

[1] Poor Scaling
[2] Lacks CC
[3] Weak when playing from behind
[4] Need strong macro to close out games
[5] Takes a lot of games to Master playstyle/mechanics
[6] High Skill Ceiling ;)

Lee Sin is an evasive, high mobility fighter who can snowball games out of control given you utilize him correctly. Strong Macro, as well as really good Mechanics can help you carry and end games quickly. It's important you play to end quickly, and avoid inting any leads as the more time goes on, the weaker Lee Sin gets.
What Pet?


I think Scorchclaw Pup is Lee Sin's best pet right now, the slow on Sonic Wave is really good for his playstyle. This also just helps take down targets really easily, and makes it very hard to escape Lee Sin with the slow.

I will go Gustwalker Hatchling when I'm going lethality. This pet gives bonus movement speed in brush and after killing a camp. The added map mobility for an assassin style build is very nice, but also for repositioning/chasing kills and escaping is very nice as well.

I will go Mosstomper Seedling when the enemy team has a lot of burst, although I don't think this is as good as red pet anymore.

With that being said, I almost always go Red Pet, Blue if I am lethality or if enemy team has lots of burst damage I will go Green.

Standard Build Path

I think this is the objectively best build for a Conqueror Lee Sin build this patch. Black Cleaver is REALLY strong second item, but if you need other items like Hexdrinker first do that. Even if they aren't building much armor Black Cleaver really starts to get its value from base stats at around levels 12-13. Items after your first item are always situational.. So it's important to think about if they are ALL AP build Maw of Malmortius, heavy AD? Death's Dance into Randuin's Omen. Need Armor Penn? Black Cleaver, so just try to think about what items you should build and why, more explanation/reasoning below:

Electrocute Build Path

If you guys are looking for an INSANE 1v9 demon lethality build. You need to spam this build. This is the main build I am using ATM when they have 3+ squishies. I am dropping 15-25 kills A GAME and 1v9ing harder than ever. Always Eclipse into Opportunity and Ionian Boots of Lucidity, if you need to block a skillshot like Lux binding, Blitzcrank hook etc, go Edge of Night. If you need Serpent's Fang you would get it 3rd. If you don't have much lethality go for Lord Dominik's Regards or value the slow effect from Serylda's Grudge go for that instead.

When to go what boots


If I'm snowballing hard I'll almost always go Ionian Boots of Lucidity. This lowers CD of Dragon's Rage and Flash, and is just really cost effective for cooldown reduction. Lower CD on Dragon's Rage and Flash means more opportunities for plays to snowball your lead. I'll only really deviate from Ionian Boots of Lucidity when snowballing if it's too good to go another boot. For example, enemy team all AD or AP.

If I'm vs heavy AP/CC comp I'll always take Mercury's Treads.

If I'm vs heavy AD or autoattackers I'll always take Plated Steelcaps.

Situational Items


I don't think Eclipse is core anymore, I think this slot will either be filled by going Black Cleaver if they are tanky, or Eclipse if they are squishy.
If the enemy team is really tanky, Black Cleaver is always your go to. The item got nerfed a bit, but it's still EXTREMELY strong, and provides Lee Sin with all the stats he wants, Damage, HP and Ability Haste. Not to mention he can stack Black Cleaver so quickly.


If the enemy has a strong AP carry or lots of AP Maw of Malmortius is always a good buy. Good amount of AD/CDR/MR, extremely low CD on the shield, and you get 12% Omnivamp when it procs. I will always build Maw of Malmortius over Spirit Visage.
If they are a very AP heavy team I'll couple Maw of Malmortius with Spirit Visage, if not Maw of Malmortius is great on it's own. Keep in mind you can't build both Maw of Malmortius and Sterak's Gage.
I think Kaenic Rookern is a REALLY good item, if they are FULL AP. But I think items like Maw of Malmortius and Spirit Visage synergize so much better with Lee Sin's kit and item/rune build. If the enemy is full ap I might pick up this item last, but I also think Kaenic Rookern is stronger on purely tank champs who build full HP. Also keep in mind Spirit Visage will increase our healing and shielding from Eclipse and Sundered Sky by 25%.

If enemy team is full of crit-type auto attackers (Yasuo, Yone, most ADCs, Kindred etc.) Randuin's Omen is a very good counter to this. Couple this with Plated Steelcaps and you'll be unkillable.


If team needs anti-shield Serpent's Fang is a viable option for Lee Sin. Although it isn't an amazing pickup for him. If you do need it go for it second item.
Guardian Angel is a great option if you are hard snowballing. This way if you make a mistake you're not inting a 1K shutdown to the enemy team. This also allows you to play like a chimp and look for an insane Dragon's Rage, and your team can follow up on the Guardian Angel revive.


Typically Lee doesn't build anti-heal that often, only in certain matchups and vs team comps. That being said if team needs anti-heal but lacks damage Chempunk Chainsword is good on Lee. If team needs more tankyness but lacks anti-heal go Thornmail.
Analyze your Jungle matchup, are they an early game jungler like Lee Sin? or would they rather full clear and scale for late? If they are an early game jungler, establish your win con and look to gank that lane, pay attention to summoner spell usage and regank lanes who don't have Flash. Track the enemy jungler's starting buff and pay attention to where they show on the map. Communicate these things to your team and always think about where the enemy jungler could be if you aren't 100% sure.

If they are a scaling/farming jungler you want to look to punish their weak early game by doing a potential invade, or setting up a countergank. Disrupting a scaling junglers first clear/gank is a great way to gain jungle tempo. Look for a fast level 3 (Red/Raptors/Gromp or Red/Blue/Gromp) into an invade on their second buff. Make sure you are tracking where they start and invade the opposite buff. Communicate to your team you want to invade. If you don't have lane prio, don't invade. Instead gank the lanes that are pushed in.

It's important you consider laner matchups (volatile vs farming lanes) as well as gank setup when deciding who to gank first. Sometimes you want your bot lane to win but you know its hard to gank the enemy Ezreal/Yuumi without any CC or gank setup. That being said, play for a lane that has gank setup in the mean time and you can start to focus bot when you have your ult. Remember to punish lanes who don't have flashes.

You don't always have to hit a flashy insec/play to win games and team fights. Analyze the game state, is your carry stronger than theirs? do you need to peel yours? or is it more important for you to kick the fed enemy carry into your team?

Always look to make plays when R is up, look for number advantages in fights and punish the enemy team accordingly.
Bind your trinket to your Mouse Button (If possible) and smart cast it. This will really help speed up your ward hopping. Which will then speed up your Insec's, Chinese Insec's and so much more.

Sometimes it's better to hold Sonic Wave than it is to use it. The threat of you throwing Sonic Wave can cause enemies to completely outplay themselves. That being said, try to setup easy Sonic Wave's with Safeguard and then Tempest and slowing with Cripple.

Sonic Wave cooldown begins on first cast. That being said, you can land Sonic Wave, wait a few seconds, take the second Resonating Strike and your Sonic Wave will almost be off cooldown again. This really helps when bursting enemies and catching slippery targets. You can Sonic Wave, wait until the end of the cooldown, take Resonating Strike, Tempest, Cripple, Dragon's Rage and Sonic Wave is back off cooldown again to finish them off.

Always use Yellow Trinket (Obviously), don't ever sell it.

Always try to have atleast 1 Control Ward in your inventory, it can net you a kill or save your Flash/life. Don't always buy 2 Control Ward, this can really waste your money, especially if you're behind.

Tagging with Sonic Wave and then Safeguard to a ward to bait out an escape ability or get in range for Tempest/ or auto attacks is a really strong tactic to catch enemies off guard. Most times enemies will think you are using your Resonating Strike when really it's just Safeguard. A lot of times this combo is necessary to get enough damage prior to executing with Resonating Strike

Practice in practice tool. You can practice ward hopping, Insec's, Chinese Insec's, Ghost Kicks, Full Damage Combos etc. This will really improve your mechanics.

Be patient! Lee Sin does take some time to learn. Don't be discouraged, we all start somewhere, with time and effort you will improve!
Detailed Matchup list WIP - If you have suggestions please comment below!



A general rule I use for scaling junglers is I usually try to invade second buff if my lanes have prio. In the case that they don’t, I’ll look to gank the lanes that are pushed in, or counter gank enemy jungles first gank. Disrupting scaling junglers first clear is a huge hit to their tempo and helps to give you an advantage.

After this I like to setup further invades on their buff timers (second red/blue spawn) and invade with my strong side, this makes it easier to win fights, satisfies my win condition and puts the enemy junglers further behind.

If I am snowballing, I'll look for every chance to invade the enemy jungler and put him further behind instead of heavily farming my jungle (Still take your main big XP camps, like red/raptors/blue/gromp). This way I can steal the enemy junglers farm, and take my camps when there aren't opportunities to invade. Thus giving me a greater lead, and putting them further behind.

Hecarim - I like to invade Hecarim when he does his Blue/Gromp clear at around 3:00 Minutes ~.

Viego Lee Sin is favored in the beginning then Viego takes over. I like to countergank Viego first gank, you win every fight against him early given you hit all your abilities. In team fights Dragon's Rage Viego off possessions/off your backline, if he can’t get resets, he’s useless. You can also Dragon's Rage him into a thick wall to CC him for longer so your team can lock him down and kill him. Careful cause when he starts getting items you need to pick smarter fights, he will start to beat you.

Diana Lee Sin is a great pick into this matchup because he can Dragon's Rage her ult away from yourself/your team and ward hop out of Q/R etc. Diana also has no escape if you catch her out in the jungle, very easy to kill when ahead on Lee Sin. Invading Diana on second buff is very effective given you have lane prio. She has no escape tools so landing Sonic Wave, then Tempest , Cripple slowing and wardhopping if she flashes will usually net you a kill. If you ever catch her out, you always win fights even if you’re even. Look to Dragon's Rage her R off you or your team. Do not Dragon's Rage her into your team, this sets her up for an easy ult.

Kayn – The key thing in this matchup is not letting Kayn scale and get his form without punishing him. You can usually tell by his runes/your team comp what form he will want for the game. If you are full of squishies he’ll go blue and bruisers/tanks he’ll go red. He will usually clear towards the lane of the type of souls he wants for form. If he wants blue its usually to bot lane and red to top lane. Look to countergank him as much as possible, and keep his jungle warded so you can setup favourable fights and countergank him.

Kindred - I really love this matchup for Lee Sin mostly because it's a skill matchup. The key thing in this matchup is counterganking Kindred ganks, almost mimicking her clearing and ganking pattern. We are stronger than her until she outscales us. So preventing marks, invading if ahead or have lane prios are good ways to keep her from scaling. Make sure you are saving Dragon's Rage for her ult. Typically I will land Sonic Wave and then Dragon's Rage the enemy out of Lamb's Respite and follow Sonic Wave to secure the kill. Be careful of her using Dance of Arrows to dodge your Sonic Wave if she dodges, you lose the fight. Try to Safeguard / Iron Will and Tempest to slow her then land the easy Sonic Wave.
This guide will be continually updated to add more information. I will keep the guide updated as new patches come out.

Anything else you want out of the guide? Comment and let me know! Make sure to vote on the guide if you liked it!

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TruckDriver Lee Sin Guide
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