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Jhin Build Guide by thedanknepper

ADC [14.14] A Noob's Guide to Jhin (WIP)

ADC [14.14] A Noob's Guide to Jhin (WIP)

Updated on July 21, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author thedanknepper Build Guide By thedanknepper 7,538 Views 0 Comments
7,538 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author thedanknepper Jhin Build Guide By thedanknepper Updated on July 21, 2024
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Runes: Standard

1 2 3
Fleet Footwork
Legend: Bloodline
Coup de Grace

Manaflow Band
Gathering Storm

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[14.14] A Noob's Guide to Jhin (WIP)

By thedanknepper

Hello, and welcome to my guide on how to play Jhin!

My name is Sotos and I am a Jhin main. I've been maining him for 5 years now, and I am celebrating the occasion by writing this very guide. This guide is skewed for anyone looking to start playing what I think is the best champion ever made by Riot and will probably never be topped, and as such share my excitement playing him with you, the reader. Keep in mind however, that I am a low elo player, so take my opinions with a pinch of salt; I wrote this guide based purely off of my own experience, and if I can help at least one person learn how to play him, then I consider this guide a major success. I really hope that everyone can learn from what I have to say here, and also hope that you will love Jhin as much as I do. Now, let's get to it!

Jhin is NOT your typical ADC.

Jhin's secondary class is Catcher, the same class of champion Lux and Morgana are. This is due to him having some of the longest-range abilities in the game, his W being the longest non-global basic ability in the game. Let's get more into what his abilities do, in detail:

Whisper (P)
Jhin gains no attack speed except from growth, going from 0.625 AS on level 1 to 0.944 on level 18. Instead, any bonus attack speed he gains goes into his Innate: Every Moment Matters: He gains 4%-44% bonus attack damage, which can be increased by 30% of his crit chance and 25% of his bonus attack speed. That makes Jhin the champion with the highest AD gain in the entire game. However, his innate crit damage is decreased from the normal 175% to 150.5% (+34.4% with ). To compensate, every time Jhin crits, he gains 14% movement speed plus 0.4 movement speed per 1% bonus attack speed.
His Innate: Death in Four Acts is perhaps the most recognisable part of his kit: His pistol, Whisper can hold up to four shots in the chamber, with the fourth shot dealing bonus physical damage that is equal to 15/20/25% of your target's missing health (based on levels 1, 6 and 11), always crits and works against turrets. Also note that Jhin's fourth shot works against all units, meaning that it can be used as a Smite replacement on objectives if timed correctly. It is a very potent execution tool, and plays a very big role on why he is so satisfying to play as. But, as with all other League champions, he is balanced according to a power budget, so every ability counts.

Dancing Grenade (Q)
Jhin throws a bouncing canister that can bounce off of enemies four times, dealing physical damage to them, and increasing such damage if the previous bounce kills its enemy, by 35% of the base damage on each bounce. Its base damage is 44/69/94/119/144, increased by 44/51.5/59/66.5/74% AD and 60% AP. It is Jhin's bread and butter ability, and is msot commonly used in between his auto attacks to increase his fourth shot damage. If properly set up, he can bounce it off of 3 near-death minions and into an enemy chamption for a lot of damage. It's like Miss Fortune's Q, only cooler...!

Deadly Flourish (W)
Jhin's W has a passive and active component to it: Its passive marks: Any enemy champion damaged by Jhin or his allies, or any enemy champion that steps on his lotus traps, for four seconds. Its active component allows Jhin to fire a shot in a straight line, dealing 60/95/130/165/200 (+50% tAD) physical damage to any enemy it passes through, stopping at an enemy champion. If it hits a champion marked by this ability's passive component, it roots them for 1.25/1.5/1.75/2/2.25 seconds and procs his on-crit bonus movement speed steroid. Another very important ability for Jhin, as it lets him combo with his support's crowd control abilities to maximize their effectiveness, and with a range of about 2500 units (stretching to more than a screen's worth of range!), that makes it one of if not the longest non-global basic ability in the game. It is also very good for executing enemies far away later in the game, especially amplified if you take Dark Harvest with him, and also to catch up with an enemy you want to kill if you root them, since you also gain quite a bit of movespeed when you consume a mark. It's what truly makes Jhin also be a Catcher champion, much like Xerath is. And since it's a hitscan, it can go through Samira's W, but not Yasuo's windwall for some reason...

Captive Audience (E)
Jhin throws out a white lotus trap on top of your cursor. The lotus trap detonates whenever any enemy unit steps on it, dealing 20/80/140/200/260 damage plus 120% AD and 100% AP physical damage to it, and if it's a champion, it marks said champion for his W to root them. This is a very good ability to place strategically, to avoid would-be ganks or to place in front of you when engaged in a chase, so you can hopefully hit your W when they step on the lotus trap, to make your grand escape. It requires, and rewards those who are patient, as a good artist uses his traps to craft a master plan that will allow him to not just create art, but also win some well-earned LP too. Use your traps well, and your hard work will pay off in a very, very, very, VERY spectacular fashion.

Curtain Call (R)

"Prepare... for your finale."

Jhin combines his Whisper and his cane from his W to create a master-crafted superweapon that fires four skillshots in a straight line, passing through all enemy units except enemy champions and dealing 64/154/244 plus 25% AD physical damage to them, increased by 0 to 300% of their missing health, and the fourth shot dealing exactly double (+40% with ) the damage. Enemy champions hit are slowed by 80% for half a second and grants vision on them, allowing Jhin to hit more shots onto them. Each shot has a static cooldown of 1 second between them, so connecting them all is super satisfying. This is THE ultimate execute, literally! There is no better feeling than striking your enemies with fear as you unleash a Curtain Call onto the whole enemy team, and the lowest HP target being especially fearful as they face an inevitable death in your hands... The most iconic Jhin ability? Maybe, but everything on his kit has a purpose.

In order for one to master Jhin, one must master the art of combo-making.

Jhin relies on his combos and the follow-ups of his allies. He excels at extending CC durations using his W and E, and punishing the mistakes of immobile champions/Zhonya's users. He likes making traps, or rather, canvases for his enemies to fall to, and anyone in his field of view shall be ware of his entire kit. His fourth shot is a fource to be reckoned with and using it, Jhin can 100-0 a squishy very fast in a single ability rotation. He can set up lotus traps so that anyone wishing to gank him gets ganked instead, he can use his ultimate to wavecelar, he really can do anything, it's up to your imagination! Well, almost everything, because he can't really deal against tanks.
Infinity Edge
Ah, Jhin's best item. What more needs to be said about Infinity Edge? It is the best AD item for Jhin as it gives him 2 of his 3 most favorite stats: AD and Critical Chance, and gets 40% more crit damage as a bonus! What's not to like? It is my prefered first item on him if I am not on a gold deficit, as it helps make him do so much damage with just 3400 gold... Okay that's expensive, but you still get 3800 gold worth of stats for a bit less, so it's more than worth it if you're filthy rich in the early game, or desperately need a ton more damage in your second or third item. There's so much to say about Infinity Edge, but I am gonna wrap it up by saying this: I am so glad that they added the 80 AD back, the mythic era IE just wasn't cutting it...
The Collector
Remember how I said above that Infinity Edge gives Jhin 2 of his 3 favorite stats in one? Well, The Collector gives all three: AD, Crit Chance, and Lethality! The addition of Lethality makes Collector another very solid choice for a first item, as early Lethality is very good against squishies, and it also has an execute passive: Any enemy champion damaged by its holder that falls below 5% health gets executed, and the holder gains 25 additional gold for every kill. That's one free kill every 12 kills! Its build path consisting of longswords also makes it a good first item if you don't have enough gold for a BF Sword (another Collector component), so that you don't stay behind in items at all. Definitely an item that both Jhin and I love, it's so good that it honestly deserves its recent nerfs.
Rapid Firecannon
Extended attack range. Need I say more? While not as good as its midseason 14 version where it gave some AD, it does make up for it in more AS, resulting in more %AD and movement speed for Jhin, and you really can't go wrong with a passive that extends his attack range whenever Energized is stacked up, every time it's consumed dealing an additional 100 magic damage to its target. It's a very good utility item for Jhin as all of that allows him to play safer, and faster.
Synergies and Counters
I thank you all for reading my guide on how to play Jhin! I really hope you learned something today, because if I can teach at least one thing to someone, then my job has been a success. Good luck on your LP gains, and may you produce the best art known to man!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author thedanknepper
thedanknepper Jhin Guide
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[14.14] A Noob's Guide to Jhin (WIP)

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