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Pantheon Build Guide by ABL Pantheon

Top [14.16] Pantheon Guide for Top, STAND BACK UP AND NEVER BE DEFEATED! [Emerald Pantheon OTP]

Top [14.16] Pantheon Guide for Top, STAND BACK UP AND NEVER BE DEFEATED! [Emerald Pantheon OTP]

Updated on August 16, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ABL Pantheon Build Guide By ABL Pantheon 16 0 31,668 Views 0 Comments
16 0 31,668 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ABL Pantheon Pantheon Build Guide By ABL Pantheon Updated on August 16, 2024
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Runes: Standard Rune Page (Most of the times)

1 2 3
Press the Attack
Presence of Mind
Legend: Haste
Last Stand

Bone Plating

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2 3 4
Standard Spells for 99% of the time
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[14.16] Pantheon Guide for Top, STAND BACK UP AND NEVER BE DEFEATED! [Emerald Pantheon OTP]

By ABL Pantheon
I'm a Pantheon OTP with 800k points in total on him and playing with him for over two years.
I made this guide because I wanted to help other people at Pantheon to get better and see some things that they may didnt't know and because I was bored xD. Right now I'm playing on EUNE and managed to Hit Emerald 1 by playing almost only Pantheon in less than a year. My account is Yubel#Panth.

This Guide focuses on what Pantheon is, my experience with Pantheon and his Items, starting items, first back, core and situational items. His Matchups and a little bit about his combos and the champion himself.
About Pantheon
Pantheon is a fighter/Bruiser caster champion. As the years passed his identity was kinda weird. He is considered an assassin, a fighter, but not a bruiser, constantly changing lanes. Altough after the changes Riot made recently, they pushed towards a more Fighter/Bruiser style, which I like more of the Assassin one. He is most common in the Toplane, but he is better at Mid. He can be played as a Jungler and as a Support. You could go ADC but at your own risk. Pantheon is an Anti-carry meaning that your role as Pantheon is to prevent the enemy carry from actually carring the game. You cannot really 1v9 alone,Pantheon is a team-reliant champion. Pantheon doesn't require a lot of mechanics because he is easy mechanicaly, but still you need some sort of skill and mechanical expression to push him to his limits. He requires good macro knowledge to beat your opponents. About lanes, Pantheon is better for me at Top because he is a better blind pick there, while at Mid he is better as a counter pick since he counters most of the AD assassins, while he gets countered by mages. In lane you try to bully the enemy laner early by poking. Also when laning you always want to look if the opponent has Bone Plating, it can block all your damage when engaging. He is also not the greatest duelist because he lacks a 1v1 Ultimate but can win a lot of Top laners later on.
Easy to pick and play.
Great at winning lane but some skill is required.
Big Roam potential to help teammates.
Amazing early game.
If your early game goes well, your mid and late game should go just as good.
Falls of late game if behind.
Kinda immobile.
Vulnerable to hard CC.
Falls of at 6 because of his non 1v1 Ultimate.
Mid Game is also not the best.
Pantheon's Abilities

Passive: Every Auto Attack or ability you press, you gain one stack. At 5 stacks your abilities are empowered, except your ultimate.

: It has 2 uses, the first one is a stab and the second one is the charged one and it becomes a skillshot.
Your Q stab deals the same damage to all enemies hit, your charged Q deals the same damage as your stab Q but if the thrown Q hits more enemies besides the first target, those enemies will get 50% reduced damage. Your Empowered Q deals more damage.
Also note that your Q executes enemies below 20%, also it deals 30% reduced damage to minions and 5% increased damage in jungle monsters. Your empowered Q deals more damage.

: Pantheon dashes to a target and stuns them for 1 second, it can be used on minions or jungle monsters.(Scales with HP and AP)
Your empowered W will stun for 1 second and it will apply 3 Auto Attacks for the duration (On-Hit Effect). Trick: You can use empowered W and stun an enemy but cancel your 3 Auto Attacks and use them later.

: Your E will mitigate damage from a single direction. Your shield must face the opponent in order to prevent any damage. If you face in the opposite direction of an enemy, you will take the damage normally. Empowered E gives you 60% movement speed for 1.5 seconds and bonus Armor and Magic Resist that scales with bonus health.

Lastly your is not a 1v1 Ultimate but a roaming one. You can use your Ultimate to roam to different lanes to help other teammates or escape a fight you cannot win. It gives you 10% ArmorPen at level 6, 20% at level 11 and 30% at level 16. Your Ultimate needs 4 seconds to succesfully land. 2 seconds on the ground and 2 seconds while hitting the ground. Your Ultimate has a spear in the middle, if enemies get hit by it they will get 50% slowed for 2 seconds. While the edge of your Ultimate and the area around your spear will deal magic damage.
is your way to go rune, since you will be using it in most of your games. This rune after the first 3 Auto Attacks (you can proc it with your W), for the next 6 seconds you deal more damage to all enemies and this applies for your teammates too.

You take when you are facing tanks and heavy juggernauts. You can still use .

For your secondary tree you take most of the times , because it gives you sustain which you lack.

You can choose and depending on the opponent and the play style you prefer.

You take everytime , since it's your most valuable first rune page.

You want to take because it helps you with your mana problems, but you can take to help you at fights.

For Legends, you want to take most of your games, because the Haste it provides is useful. You can also take if you feel pretty confident against your laner.

Lastly you take if your opponent is squishier than you and can burst him easily. Take if the enemy laner is a tank or he has more max health than you. And for last you take if you think that you will be less HP than your opponent when you all-in.
End of the guide
This was my first guide and it was a lot of work.
Anyways, I want to thanks everyone that even took a little of his time to click and view my guide.

*Note: The guide is updated and I'm happy with the way it came out.

Thanks again, and I will see you next time. Have a great day!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ABL Pantheon
ABL Pantheon Pantheon Guide
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[14.16] Pantheon Guide for Top, STAND BACK UP AND NEVER BE DEFEATED! [Emerald Pantheon OTP]

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