It's a skill matchup depending on both players skill level. You win from levels 1-3. After level 4 he can start poking you and fighting you but you still have the upper hand. At level 6 he can easily kill you unless you are very ahead. When versing Aatrox dodge his Q1, W his Q2 and E his Q3. That way he can't deal damage to you and heal.
Some think he hard counters Pantheon, while others think the opposite. This matchup is very dependant on both players skill. If the Akshan plays perfectly you lose, if Pantheon plays perfect he can't play. Try dodging his abilities and play more safe early unless you have opportunities to engage. Also stop his E by body blocking him and his Ultimate with your E. You just need proper spacing
Camille is a skill matchup. The one with the better mechanics win. Dodge her W so she doesn't heal, block her E or Q2 damage by using your E and fight in her Ultimate if you know that you are going to win. Watch out for the E + Flash she can do.
Cho'Gath is not that hard, the only problem is that his passive heals him, in which case you take Presence of Mind in this matchup. Dodge his Q,W and E and you win. Proper spacing is key in this matcup. The only hard things in this match are his passive, that he doesn't die easily and the fact that you need perfect timing to use your E when he is Ulting.
Pantheon favoured matchup to be honest. Don't fight him level 1 with Ghost. Space properly and poke him with Q. When he is low you can look for an engage with W when he is very low. Dodge his E and E his Ultimate. Watch out for when he is Ulting to not flash behind you, because the damage will go through, so manage your flash correctly.
Dr. Mundo
You beat Dr. Mundo early very hard, this is the time you have a lot of opportunities to kill him. Dodge his Q's during lane and you are set. Stay behind minions to avoid getting hit by his Q. A bit difficult to kill post 6. You eventually get outscaled and you can't do anything about it, play with your team.
Fiora is a skill matchup too. Although a good player will probably harass you in lane. But if you play better you can win. Watch for her vitals pre 6, if you need to reset them, get out of vision. Dont W first, she can parry it and stun you. After 6 becomes harder to kill and stay close to walls, so she can't proc all of the vitals. Ignite is good against Fiora or early Anti-Heal.
This matchup depends on the enemy's skill. If the opponent Gangplank is bad you win easily but if can play the game well he just wins. He can zone you off with his barrels. Don't let the barrels touch you, otherwise E them. His W removes your W stun. You can try to bully him early but if he respects your poke, you can't really do much
Pantheon favoured matchup. If he has Conqueror + Ignite don't fight him level 1. You freely poke him with Q and when he is low engage on him. Watch for his W he can make your W or Q a bit useless if you use the empowered ones. E his Ultimate and don't let him Q or E you for free.
Pretty easy. You win early. While he is Mini Gnar you can all-in him and trade, one thing to keep in mind is his dash. Respect the Mega Gnar and E his W or R. You can fight him in Mega if you think he dies. You can get Plated Steelcaps early for him. Don't get kited from him and also dodge his boomerang.
Gragas is one of the worst matchups. He has a lot of sustain, deals AP, has a slow and a knock up + stun. You can definitely win early but dodging his Q and E are a must. Don't engage when he has W, because he cannot mitigate some of the damage you dealt. Also don't use W when he has E, he can cancel it. Dodge his Ultimate is a bit easy but requires some experience. After he gets Lost Chapter you can't do much. In general you need to dodge his abilities to win.
Gwen is not a relativily easy matchup. You win early , you just need to dodge her scissors in order to avoid her true damage. Be careful of her W, it makes her immune. After 6 watch for her Ultimate, you can block it with your E.
One of your hardest counters. You can try to fight early, but you must dodge her abilities, if not you are doomed. After 6 dont really fight her she wins most of the times. Remember that if you are ahead, she can still kill you.
This matchup early is more Pantheon favoured. Respect level 1, Level 2 you can engage. Don't let her stack her passive for free. Poke with Q and engage with W when she is low, although you can use W even if she in high health. Try using E when she uses E or Ultimate. After 6 watch for her ultimate. She outscales you lategame.
You can take Conqueror on him since you proc it even if Jax uses E. You win early and can poke with your Q. Don't W if he has E, he can cancel your Auto Attacks, other than that you win. Use W or E to block his E. Be careful after 6 for his ultimate.
Jayce is not an extreme threat. Most of the times it depends on the players skill. You need spacing for him and you can engage early. His level 1-3 are strong too. Try to dodge his abilities. Also when Jayce engages you can use E to block all of his damage, then engage onto him if he doesn't have E melee form. Can rush Plated Steelcaps early.
If you can dodge his abilities you pretty much win. Dodge Q and W. E his Ultimate. You have more damage early. He probably outscales you. He will probably yield.
Kayle is a super easy matchup. Just watch for level 1. After that you can engage on her everytime you have W and try to poke with Q. If you get ahead early you can fight her after 6 too. She just outscales you.
Kennen has the upper hand in lane most of the times. He has more range than you, but it really depends on the skill level of Kennen. You can play aggro early to get lead. Watch for his Ultimate after 6, also dodging is important for some of his abilities.
Kled is hard but definitely playable. Kled has his traps, taking Bone Plating is not really worth it, unless you can dodge it. Watch for his dashes, because if it hits he can recast it. Try to E his Ultimate. Remember than if you are way ahead, he can still kill you.
Rock Solid. His shield is annoying. You have some opportunities to kill him early but only then and he outdamages you. After 6 it becomes way worse. He pokes with Q and can't do nothing, unless you E but you lose too much mana. Try to get a lead early, otherwise you are a walking minion.
Mordekaiser just stat checks you unless you are very far ahead. Try to poke him with Q and avoid getting into extended trades, you will lose because of his passive and his W shield. Try to dodge his Q and E, they are very telegraphed. If he uses R you can fight him only if you have a lead, otherwise you can use Ultimate while you are inside Brazil to escape at last second.
Very easy matchup early but kinda impossible late game. You easily bully him during lane, using your Q to poke and W to engage. Zone him off the minions so he doesn't stack with his Q. Avoid staying in his E and watch for level 6, he stat checks you.
This matchup used to be a nightmare for Pantheon. Now its a skill matchup. Although he can kill you most of the times because he stat checks you, but if you play correctly you can kill him or atleast live. Respect his level 1, after that you can start engaging. Phase Rush is solid when you are going against him to avoid getting run down from him. Dodge his Q. After 6 it becomes harder to kill.
Not the easiest, but you can win if you play correctly. Get a lead early. Avoid his Q + E combo and dont let him W you with Brittle. E his Ultimate recast and E his Brittle.
She can cancel your W with her E. You can win if she has mediocre reactions or plays badly. She is very mobile and you can't catch her easily. If she uses E and you have W up you can press it and start fighting. Try dodging her abilities.
Most of the times you win this matchup. Your Q has a longer range than his. Watch for his W stun and the E double dash. You win early. E his Empowered W and avoid getting hit with Q. Just be careful after 6, because he gets his Ultimate
Skill matchup. A good Riven can probably win but most of the times it's in your favor. Respect level 1 if she starts Q, especially if she is running Ignite. Dodge her Q's and W and try to bait her E when engaging. E her Ultimate. If you space properly and poke from behind you win.
Pantheon favoured. Respect level 1 if he starts W, altough sometimes you can win level 1. Dodge his W and E and do not let him Q you freely. When he uses W you can either E or try to side step it to get less damage. A bit harder after 6 but still winnable
You pretty much win most of the times early. Poke with Q, never W when he uses W and avoid getting taunted with his E. You can easily cancel his Ultimate with your W. Also don't let him Auto Attack you when he uses an ability, because it will deal more damage.
You stomp him early game, just don't chase him while he has Q. Try not to get hit by his Flip, because while Grounded you cannot use abilities. If he starts to proxy, just farm the waves and only look to kill him if the circumstances allow it.
You beat him early by poking him with Q and engaging when he is low with W. Avoid getting hit by his Charged Q and stay away from him when he has W. Also avoid his E. When he is Ulting towards you use E, if he does it to escape flash in front of him to cancel it. You eventually get outscaled.
Tahm Kench
Rough matchup but not impossible. Dodge his Q and W everytime. Stay behind minions to avoid his Q. Poke him with Q and engage with your W only when he is low, most of the times the extended trades are in his favor unless you can outplay him or bait an early E.
A bit hard but playable. His Q makes your W useless, so going Conqueror is sometimes better. Stay behind and poke him with Q and engage with W only when he used Q. After 6 you can get Oracle Lens.
Not much seen in Top, but it's a Trundle favoured. Poke him with Q and avoid extended trades, only short trades against him, unless he is low. Engage with W only when he is about to get killed, otherwise he can run you down. After 6 it becomes harder and you can't really match him in sidelane alone.
Really hard matchup. Level 1 he can run you down with his passive. He is a bit weak during laning phase so try to poke with him Q, engage with W when his abilities are down or when he is low and use E when he engages on you. After 6 you don't win. When he uses Ultimate stun him with W and stall with E.
Respect level 1 if he started E, otherwise you can look for a kill with ignite. Dodge his abilities, especially with E and don't engage with W first. You can E with Ultimate but with the right timing.
Annoying but you can win. Try to poke with Q from behind and use W only when she used her E. After 6 watch for her stealth and E only if you are low or when you are about to kill her.
You will rarely see him in Top, but if you do it's easy. Poke with Q, engage with W only when his W is on cooldown to punish him since it has a big cooldown early. Don't let his charged Q hit you, it deals more damage and heals him more, otherwise use E to block the damage. You can also kill him at level 6 just be careful to time your E correctly.
Really annoying matchup. You can win early but need proper spacing. Avoid getting hit from his E. If he uses Q to run at you don't W instead use E at the very last moment since he will probably use E after Q and so you will mitigate all the damage. Engage with W only when he doesn't have E. Ignite is good to reduce his healing. When he is level 6 he stat checks you so be careful. Also go Second Wind and not Bone Plating since his passive makes it useless.
Rarely seen in Top, but it's difficult. He has great early game power, especially with Ignite and he can run you down level 1 if he knows what he is doing. Play safe, poking with Q and engaging only when he is low. Never use W when he is ulting, he will cancel it and use E on his Q or Ultimate
A bit difficult but playable. You win early byy poking him with Q. Dodge his E and engage with W only when he used W. If he uses W first, you can use yours to get out of the circle. Never fight him while he has Maiden.
One of the easier matchups. You win early by poking him with Q and using W after he used W, because he gets a shield and blocks some of the damage. While in his E avoid trading with him unless you are ahead and you can use E. After 6 remember to use your E behind you and not in front of you when he uses his Ultimate. Because if you use it im front of you, it won't block any damage
Rumble has the upper hand. Stay behind and poke with Q and don't let his Q damage you. Dodge his E and E his Ultimate or Q, depends on the situation. Engage on him if you have ignite and when he is very low or doesn't have W.
Akali early game is very weak. You easily poke her with Q while dodging her Q. Preferably W when she doesn't have her shroud and E her E to block the damage. A bit harder after 6 but you can win if you outplay her or block her R1 or R2 with your E.
Briar is very easy. She doesn't have sustain and you can freely poke her with Q. Never engage with W if she has her E. Also you block her full combo with E, but it's best to keep it for her E if you are close to a wall. When she hits level 6, E her Ultimate
Hard matchup. You can try to poke with Q, dodge her E to not get a lot of damage, avoid getting hit with her Grounded and side step her Ultimate, otherwise E her, but both of them require proper timing. Engage with W only when her W is on cooldown.
Unplayable most of the times. You can't even poke him with Q he has greater range. His turrets are also annyoing and you can't really farm without losing a lot of HP. Can't do much unless he is really bad.
A bit difficult. Bigger range than you, he can harass you while going for last hits, the only thing you can really do is poke with Q. Never engage with W first unless she used her shield or root. Avoid getting hit by Mantra abilities if possible.
Never seen in Top, only in the past, but it's a a bit rough. You win early but lose as the game goes on. You can poke with Q and engage with W when he has Q, he can cancel it. He can also use W to disrupt your Q or W and E when he is going on you with Ultimate.
Pantheon favoured, but depends on the players skill level. Poke with your Q while dodging her Q1 and avoiding at all costs her Q2. When she uses W, just E you cancel all of the damage. Space properly whe she uses E. After 6 it's a bit harder but you can still kill her.
Poppy is not the best matchup but you can win early. Never W first she can cancel it with W. Use W after she used first her W. Q poke her and E her if she's going to stun you with her E in a wall. Try to sidestep her Ultimate when you are very low or use E and when you are about to get ganked.
Tough matchup. Respect level 1 if he is inside a bush. You can poke him with Q when he jumps to get minions and W him when he is either low or you want to cancel his jump. Don't get hit by his stun, try to dodge. E his burst combo.
Same as Yone, one of your easiest, You stat-check him you can run him down level 1 with Ignite. Use Q to destroy his passive shield then engage with W. E his Ultimate and remember that he can cancel your thrown Q with his Windwall.
Pantheon favoured matchup. Respect level 1, you don't win. Poke with Q and use W only when he doesn't have his fear, because it will block damage and fear you. E his fear if you get hit and time correctly your E for his Ultimate. Don't engage on him when he is low if you cannot burst him or has barrier.
Easier matchup. You poke him with Q. Try dodging both parts of his Q and side step his E. Your E blocks his full combo if he manages to hit you with E and because of your Ultimate he doesn't have one to fight you.
Most of the times you win against Shyvana. You are way stronger early. Poke with Q, block her abilities with E and engage with W when she is low. E her Ultimate and don't let her get drakes for free.
A bit hard matchup. Try to poke with Q, although he will probably heal all the damage. Engage with W only when he doesn't have E, especially Awaken E because he will not get stunned. Also avoid using W when he has Phoenix, it can slow you and kill you. Block his Awaken Q damage.
One of the more annoying and hard range matchups. He has a lot more of range and can easily poke you. Block his W with your E and side step his Ultimate. Engage on him only when he is low or his abilities are on cooldown.
Didn't play the matchup enough but, dodge her Q and the Q that returns. Engage with W only when her W is on cooldown. Side step her E and avoid leaving her Ultimate when she uses it.
He has stuns and gives some healing. His portals are good for escaping and his Ultimate can either save you or completely kill you.
She has damage and slows. Plus she can stun even more with your W and you can catch enemies faster.
He has fear which helps you to catch enemies faster and his Ultimate deals a lot of damage and can even fear them, which is better for you to catch the enemy carry.
Karthus has slow with his wall which is good for, since you can catch them with your W and crazy amount of damage. His Ultimate can even help you win a fight, or steal your kill. :)
Tons of damage and stuns + slows. What else do you really want?
He has stuns and gives some healing. His portals are good for escaping and his Ultimate can either save you or completely kill you.
She has damage and slows. Plus she can stun even more with your W and you can catch enemies faster.
He has fear which helps you to catch enemies faster and his Ultimate deals a lot of damage and can even fear them, which is better for you to catch the enemy carry.
Karthus has slow with his wall which is good for, since you can catch them with your W and crazy amount of damage. His Ultimate can even help you win a fight, or steal your kill. :)
Tons of damage and stuns + slows. What else do you really want?
I'm a Pantheon OTP with 800k points in total on him and playing with him for over two years.
I made this guide because I wanted to help other people at Pantheon to get better and see some things that they may didnt't know and because I was bored xD. Right now I'm playing on EUNE and managed to Hit Emerald 1 by playing almost only Pantheon in less than a year. My account is Yubel#Panth.
This Guide focuses on what Pantheon is, my experience with Pantheon and his Items, starting items, first back, core and situational items. His Matchups and a little bit about his combos and the champion himself.
About Pantheon
Pantheon is a fighter/Bruiser caster champion. As the years passed his identity was kinda weird. He is considered an assassin, a fighter, but not a bruiser, constantly changing lanes. Altough after the changes Riot made recently, they pushed towards a more Fighter/Bruiser style, which I like more of the Assassin one. He is most common in the Toplane, but he is better at Mid. He can be played as a Jungler and as a Support. You could go ADC but at your own risk. Pantheon is an Anti-carry meaning that your role as Pantheon is to prevent the enemy carry from actually carring the game. You cannot really 1v9 alone,Pantheon is a team-reliant champion. Pantheon doesn't require a lot of mechanics because he is easy mechanicaly, but still you need some sort of skill and mechanical expression to push him to his limits. He requires good macro knowledge to beat your opponents. About lanes, Pantheon is better for me at Top because he is a better blind pick there, while at Mid he is better as a counter pick since he counters most of the AD assassins, while he gets countered by mages. In lane you try to bully the enemy laner early by poking. Also when laning you always want to look if the opponent has Bone Plating, it can block all your damage when engaging. He is also not the greatest duelist because he lacks a 1v1 Ultimate but can win a lot of Top laners later on.
Easy to pick and play.
Great at winning lane but some skill is required.
Big Roam potential to help teammates.
Amazing early game.
If your early game goes well, your mid and late game should go just as good.
Falls of late game if behind.
Kinda immobile.
Vulnerable to hard CC.
Falls of at 6 because of his non 1v1 Ultimate.
Mid Game is also not the best.
Pantheon's Abilities
Passive: Every Auto Attack or ability you press, you gain one stack. At 5 stacks your abilities are empowered, except your ultimate.
: It has 2 uses, the first one is a stab and the second one is the charged one and it becomes a skillshot.
Your Q stab deals the same damage to all enemies hit, your charged Q deals the same damage as your stab Q but if the thrown Q hits more enemies besides the first target, those enemies will get 50% reduced damage. Your Empowered Q deals more damage.
Also note that your Q executes enemies below 20%, also it deals 30% reduced damage to minions and 5% increased damage in jungle monsters. Your empowered Q deals more damage.
: Pantheon dashes to a target and stuns them for 1 second, it can be used on minions or jungle monsters.(Scales with HP and AP)
Your empowered W will stun for 1 second and it will apply 3 Auto Attacks for the duration (On-Hit Effect). Trick: You can use empowered W and stun an enemy but cancel your 3 Auto Attacks and use them later.
: Your E will mitigate damage from a single direction. Your shield must face the opponent in order to prevent any damage. If you face in the opposite direction of an enemy, you will take the damage normally. Empowered E gives you 60% movement speed for 1.5 seconds and bonus Armor and Magic Resist that scales with bonus health.
Lastly your is not a 1v1 Ultimate but a roaming one. You can use your Ultimate to roam to different lanes to help other teammates or escape a fight you cannot win. It gives you 10% ArmorPen at level 6, 20% at level 11 and 30% at level 16. Your Ultimate needs 4 seconds to succesfully land. 2 seconds on the ground and 2 seconds while hitting the ground. Your Ultimate has a spear in the middle, if enemies get hit by it they will get 50% slowed for 2 seconds. While the edge of your Ultimate and the area around your spear will deal magic damage.
is your way to go rune, since you will be using it in most of your games. This rune after the first 3 Auto Attacks (you can proc it with your W), for the next 6 seconds you deal more damage to all enemies and this applies for your teammates too.
You take when you are facing tanks and heavy juggernauts. You can still use .
For your secondary tree you take most of the times , because it gives you sustain which you lack.
You can choose and depending on the opponent and the play style you prefer.
You take everytime , since it's your most valuable first rune page.
You want to take because it helps you with your mana problems, but you can take to help you at fights.
For Legends, you want to take most of your games, because the Haste it provides is useful. You can also take if you feel pretty confident against your laner.
Lastly you take if your opponent is squishier than you and can burst him easily. Take if the enemy laner is a tank or he has more max health than you. And for last you take if you think that you will be less HP than your opponent when you all-in.
End of the guide
This was my first guide and it was a lot of work.
Anyways, I want to thanks everyone that even took a little of his time to click and view my guide.
*Note: The guide is updated and I'm happy with the way it came out.
Thanks again, and I will see you next time. Have a great day!
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