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Mordekaiser Build Guide by BaLoRi

My MONSTROUS Mordekaiser Immortal & Full Magic Pen Build

My MONSTROUS Mordekaiser Immortal & Full Magic Pen Build

Updated on December 11, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BaLoRi Build Guide By BaLoRi 1675 166 3,033,495 Views 63 Comments
1675 166 3,033,495 Views 63 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BaLoRi Mordekaiser Build Guide By BaLoRi Updated on December 11, 2024
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Runes: Immortal Runes (Melee Match up)

1 2 3
Grasp of the Undying
Shield Bash
Second Wind

Last Stand

+10% Attack Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10-180 Bonus Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Champion Build Guide

My MONSTROUS Mordekaiser Immortal & Full Magic Pen Build

By BaLoRi
About Me

Hello everyone,

My nickname is BaLoRi, I am an Educational Content Creator/Streamer part of Fnatic and FNC Network.
This Mobafire profile and the guides I am creating meant to explain my unique playstyle and build theory to my Community and make my Balorians even stronger 🔥
All the guides that I am creating are ONLY for champions that will give you 70%+ win ratio and these are the very same builds that I am using to rank up without trying.

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Lets now start with our OP Mordekaiser Build guide and how to win games easier than ever!
An introduction to our Mordekaiser Builds
Before we start by explaining everything in details lets talk about Mordekaiser himself! After destroying countless Mordekaiser players and test different kind of builds I found out that the way to play this champion is COMPLETE different than anything that exist!
If you read Mordekaiser skills and their AP ratios you will realize that this champion is not meant to be played ONLY as a Full Mage or with any other way that others trying to force this champion to be played! He is just like Rammus he got high AP ratios, but also got skills that guiding you to play him with a different way, just like Mordekaiser.
So we will our favorite champion with two different ways!
With the Immortal build you will be totally UNSTOPPABLE and most of the times, even 1v5, IMMORTAL, cause of how the champion kit works! His R Realm of Death will let you isolate 1 of the enemy team's member and kill it, while of course regaining like crazy and getting ready to kill the rest 4! Cause of how the Realm of Death works, the target that we will always focus is the TANKIEST ONE of all, not only you will be able to kill any champion easily, but you will also steal 10% of every single one of their stats, that means that you will become much stronger after using your Realm of Death and you will be strong enough to sustain and kill anyone easily!
But what we are going to do is combining: Darkness Rise Sunfire Aegis Liandry's Torment and Riftmaker that will multiply these 4 Damages and give 2x BONUS DAMAGE and INSANE HEALING. This combo will give you enough damage to destroy ENTIRE TEAMS cause of the damage hp and high base per second magic damage and cause of your Death's Grasp passive you will also have 15% magic penetration to apply even more, but is it just that? Of course not, the secret to this build that making it totally unstoppable is the combination of items-runes that will make you heal like crazy, no matter which runes you will choose (check the detail explanation below)! All of the damage you will be doing around you will be come back to you as heal and be multiplied together with your SHIELDS by 40% cause of the combination of Revitalize and Spirit Visage.

No matter which build we will go for, Immortal or Full AP Pen, both will have a certain focus on DAMAGE, DAMAGE EFFECTS and SUSTAIN by combining certain items and runes to make you a MONSTER.

Here you can watch a good game example of our Immortal Mordekaiser build:

And the Full AP PEN Mordekaiser Build version that you can play combine all the items that you need to ONE SHOT the world with ease:

Now you are ready to learn the secrets behind our RUNES and ITEMS. Lets do this!
Secret Behind Runes
For Mordekaiser we got 2 different versions of runes, we will talk here about the strongest of all and why is that!

If you play against a melee match up, you will always choose for this set of runes
Resolve + Presicion
For resolve:

Grasp of the Undying While being in combat you will have the ability to do % of your max HP as dmg and also heal of your % of your HP plus bonus health each time you activating it, that means that you will become stronger and stronger the more you fight!

Shield Bash each time you are gaining a shield your next basic attack will do damage equal to % of your HP plus % of the total shield that you are gaining that together with Indestructible will make you totally UNSTOPPABLE!

Second Wind gain health regeneration over 10 seconds after taking damage that together with Doran's Shield will make you have so much sustain from early till late game that you will be insanely powerful just cause of this combination of rune-item!

Revitalize Bonus 5-15% HEALS and SHIELDS, this is by far one of the strongest runes to play with Mordekaiser cause together with your Spirit Visage you will have 30%-40% bonus HEALS and 30%-40% that will multiply Indestructible shield even further, in late game the shield that you are gaining each time will be 1100+ and if you use it again you will gain 50% of each amount as heal, both of these amount will be multiplied by your Revitalize and Spirit Visage

For Presicion:

Triumph % Bonus heal and gold each time you gaining a kill/assist
incredible powerful in 1v5 situations cause you will receive heal of your missing hp and also you will multiply this by 40% from Revitalize and Spirit Visage

Legend: Alacrity bonus attack speed that will let you activate your passive match faster and also apply more damage with your basic attacks


Last Stand bonus damage while you fight LOW HP, while playing with the immortal we will LOVE to fight with low hp and destroy everyone while having up to 11% bonus damage, that together with Riftmaker and Liandry's Torment this value will go EVEN HIGHER to crazy amounts!

If you playing against a ranged match up, then it will be hard to stack your Grasp of the Undying so instead of letting them counter us, we will play with a different way! With the combination of Precision + Resolve or Precision + Domination

So for Precision:

Conqueror A very powerful rune that will give you Bonus AP and also let you heal by % of your damage. The reason we choosing Grasp of the Undying instead of Conqueror is not cause of this rune only power, but cause of the entire resolve runes tree that we need Shield Bash + Second Wind + Revitalize but if we play against a range champion we need to play smarter, so we will go for Conqueror and precision instead!

Triumph % Bonus heal and gold each time you gaining a kill/assist
incredible powerful in 1v5 situations cause you will receive heal of your missing hp and also you will multiply this by 40% from Revitalize and Spirit Visage

Legend: Alacrity bonus attack speed that will let you activate your passive match faster and also apply more damage with your basic attacks

Last Stand Bonus 11% damage while you are low HP, as we talked above, this rune will combine with Riftmaker and Liandry's Torment to make you a MONSTER!

For Resolve:

Shield Bash each time you are gaining a shield your next basic attack will do damage equal to % of your HP plus % of the total shield that you are gaining that together with Indestructible will make you totally UNSTOPPABLE!

Revitalize Bonus 5-15% HEALS and SHIELDS, this is by far one of the strongest runes to play with Mordekaiser cause together with your Spirit Visage you will have 30%-40% bonus HEALS and 30%-40% shields that will multiply Indestructible shield even further, in late game the shield that you are gaining each time will be 1100+ and if you use it again you will gain 50% of each amount as heal, both of these amount will be multiplied by your Revitalize and Spirit Visage

If you want to understand how Heals, Shields and Regeneration works and why we are choosing these runes over anything else, we got our league masterclass that will help you:

No matter what runes you will choose, you will play with the same items that we will explain next and you will be totally UNSTOPPABLE!
Secret Behind Items

For our IMMORTAL Mordekaiser Build

Let’s talk about the combination of items that will make you a total monster from level 1 till the full late game!

We will always start with Doran's Shield plus Health Potion as we talked to all of our guides start items are extremely gold efficiency, making them worth much more of their actual cost, Doran's Shield while you are in combat is 300% gold efficiency, that means its goes up to 1350 gold worth of stats that together with Second Wind will make you absolute unstoppable in lane phase and late game!

What we need to get as fast as possible is Bami's Cinder we need the damage per second around you to combine it with Darkness Rise we will do an insanely big amount of damage and destroy them all even if you are fighting 1v5, cause you will be damaging all 5 of them at the same time (plus the creeps)!

Now and if you got vs you a High Heal champion like Aatrox, Olaf etc. that will have On-hit Effects, then you need to get the Bramble Vest this item will give you armor, grievous wounds effect and also the damage return effect that will give you the ability to HIT-BACK from the damage you taking from his from both champions and creeps!

Then we will finish Sunfire Aegis one of the most powerful item for Mordekaiser, this item will give you HP, ARMOR and Burn damage that will scale with your HP that you got and will increase even further cause of Grasp of the Undying that will let us increase our max hp the more we use it!

For our next item, we will play Riftmaker Our No1 Item to go for Mordekaiser, this item will give you what you need, AP, HP, Ability haste, HP to AP effect, a damage effect but also a HEAL EFFECT that will fit perfectly our Immortal style!

After finishing Riftmaker 2d, then its time to start building Jak'Sho, The Protean this item will give you every stat that you need to overpower your enemies, HP, bonus Armor, Magic Resist and another bonus %Armor and Magic resist effect that will make you USTOPPABLE, just by having these 3 items, you will be able to easily 1v3 and win without taking damage!

For 4th item we will always go for Liandry's Torment, we already got sustain type items, so now its time to build a full damage one that will ALSO HEAL US cause of Riftmaker, Liandry's Torment will give you HP, AP, % MAX HP BURN DMG effect but also a %Bonus damage effect that will stack with Riftmaker same effect and make you damage the enemy targets even further!

For Last item as Immortal Mordekaiser Build we got lots of options:

1. Spirit Visage The first option as Last item that we will choose, is of course Spirit Visage one of the strongest items in the game now it will give you except the classic stats of HP, MR, HP REGAIN the ability to multiply your heals and SHIELDS from any source by 25% that together with Revitalize to reach numbers up to 40%+, no matter what you got against you, full AD teams or no AP damage at all, the moment you will finish these 3 items, you will be literally ready for going 1v5 and enjoy what IMMORTALITY looks like!

2. Now if you got a lot of On-Hit and HEAL effects vs you, then to finish Thornmail is going to be a MUST, cause someone need to reduce their heals and most of the times your teammates wont bother to do so.
This item will give you HP, ARMOR, damage return Hit effect, but most importantly grievous wounds effect that goes up to % heal reduction!!

3. Warmog's Armor this item is extremely powerful, cause expect of course the bonus HP and regeneration, you will have now a BONUS MOVEMENT SPEED effect and the ability to be FULL HP for the entire duration of the game without even going back to the base. Cause the out of combat heal effect of Warmog's Armor will give you the ability to go in, fight for as long as you wanna and then go out of combat for few seconds, go full hp and then go back in to continue fighting NON-STOP! Another powerful option that can be as good as Spirit Visage and don't forget, Riftmaker will give you bonus AP from your HP, Warmog's Armor HUGE HP Boots will help you increase your AP even further!

Also remember to always buy elixirs, either Elixir of Sorcery for better damage and true damage that will be activated by all of your skills
or go for Elixir of Iron and gain extra HP and bonus tenacity!

For our FULL PEN Mordekaiser Build

As first items we can either start with Doran's Ring or Dark Seal and Refillable Potion. Both of these styles will give you similar results and on the first back just buy Dark Seal or Doran's Ring and Boots or Amplifying Tome for better CHEAP STATS!!

The first and Mythic item for our Max Pen Mordekaiser Build will ALWAYS no MATTER WHAT be Riftmaker one of the strongest items in the entire game for champions like Mordekaiser this item will give you, AP, HP, Ability haste, Omnivamp and an INSANE %damage BONUS effect and cause we are playing with the Max Pen Morde build that means we will use this effect and make sure that nothing will survive!

Our next item will be Void Staff, with this you will have bonus AP and 40% Magic Penetration that together with your E, you will start doing close to true damage right away making you have in total a 49% Magic Penetration effect!

To understand how powerful Magic penetration as stat and how it is working, be sure to check our League masterclass episode here:

After Void Staff and before Liandry's Torment we will buy the Sorcerer's Shoes to add even more MAGIC PENETRATION as Flat number into our build, making you do even more close to be TRUE DMG to the enemy champions

For 3rd item, we will build our Liandry's Torment, a very powerful item, that will give you the following stats: AP, HP, a bonus damage effect that will stack with Riftmaker and a BURN DAMAGE EFFECT that will stack with your Passive. Making you an AOE BURN DAMAGE DEALER that doing as close true damage as possible cause of the magic penetration effects that we talked above!!

We got 3 Damage type items, so now we need a sustain type as 4th choice, the best choice is going to ALWAYS be Spirit Visage, this item will consider as cheating the moment you finish it. You will have as stats, HP, MR, HP Regain, Ability Haste and 25% BONUS Heals and SHIELDS, you can already understand that we will have tons of healing cause of the combination of runes-items-skills, so you will take that and increase all these EVEN MORE. YOu will also increase the shields and heals from Indestructible and Conqueror plus Riftmaker healing from both will also be increased by 40%+ cause of Revitalize!

For last item as Max Penetration Mordekaiser Build you got the following options:

1. Warmog's Armor as we talked about it in our Immortal build version, this item is the most GOLD EFFICIENCY item in the game, the regain alone will make it useful for you to have, cause even if you kill them all, you might receive enough damage to make you unable to join the fight again without having something to heal from. Warmog's Armor will fix that by making you always have full hp while being out of combat no matter what!

2. Now we got the DAMAGE TYPE options, Rylai's Crystal Scepter a very powerful item with the following stats: AP, HP and a SLOW EFFECT that will let you reach any target no matter how "fast" he is and also help your teammates reach them as well!

3. Morellonomicon if the enemy got lots of HEALING then go for it, a cheap and very powerful item with AP, HP stats with also a % Heal reduction effect that will make sure you will destroy the champions that got tons of healing and think they are powerful!

4. Rabadon's Deathcap a LATE GAME choice to destroy everything. While having all the magic penetration effects that you need, plus the sustain from our items, Rabadon's Deathcap will give you an INSANELY BIG AMOUNT OF Ability power to literally one shot people with just your Q (especially if they isolated targets) always go for it as last item and never sooner, to fully use the AP stats that you will get from it!

As Elixirs you can play with both Elixir of Sorcery for more AP and True damage or Elixir of Iron for more HP and TENACITY!

Now that you fully understood how the RUNES and ITEMS work you are ready to destroy them all, just by following them, next you will find the tips, the important stuff that you need to focus and different video gameplay match ups for you to watch, enjoy and comment about your own experiences!
Strategy To Follow
There are some things that people keep forgetting about what is importance in this game, so we will start with these 2:
1: Creeps-Farm: The most important thing is to focus on your farm, you need to farm fast and if you can kill all the creeps without missing even one it will be even better. This way you will take the lead from your enemy champion, dont be afraid to use your skills for last hits even at the 1 level.

Learn how To improve your Farming and Wave Management by watching our League Masterclass:

Stay Alive: To not to die at lane and not have any kills is more worth than to be 3-3 or 4-4 with your enemy Lane champion.
Your build focusing to be the strongest at the MID-Late game, doesn't matter if you cant kill now, focus on farm and you will be able to show your true Strength at the right time of the game.

So you need to ALWAYS no matter what champion you playing to improve these two, farm better, stay alive, if you are not confident in your skills, always ask for junglers help!!

Remember that cause of the combination of items and the Mordekaiser kit, it will be absolute impossible for you to die that easily, so just by playing with focus you will be strong enough to WIN lane phase easily and destroy the late game of the entire late game even easier!

Wanna Rank up even faster? Then Watch our League Masterclass about Ranking up:
The rest will be shown in our Youtube channel and the Garen videos in "Different match ups" below!
Different Match ups vs My Mordekaiser Season 14 Build
Mordekaiser vs Yorick
Mordekaiser vs Garen
Mordekaiser Vs Trundle
Mordekaiser vs Mundo (Immortal)
Mordekaiser vs K'sante (Max Pen)
Mordekaiser vs Udyr (Immortal)
Mordekaiser vs Aatrox (Max Pen)
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