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Smolder Build Guide by unhben

ADC [14.2] 🔥Awesome Smolder Guide🐲

ADC [14.2] 🔥Awesome Smolder Guide🐲

Updated on February 4, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author unhben Build Guide By unhben 14,860 Views 0 Comments
14,860 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author unhben Smolder Build Guide By unhben Updated on February 4, 2024
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Runes: Arcane Comet

1 2
Arcane Comet
Manaflow Band
Absolute Focus

Magical Footwear
Biscuit Delivery

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[14.2] 🔥Awesome Smolder Guide🐲

By unhben
What's up Smolder? 🐉
The newest ADC, Smolder, is an intersting champion that seems to fall under the same category as champs like Senna and Sona!

Smolder is a late game scaling marksman that from what I can see playing him for a bit, has a more Ezreal focused playstlye, being that he wants to poke and prod opponents while hitting item breakpoints as soon as possible to apply his scaling damage throughout the game!

Something different from Ezreal however is that he has infinite damage scaling through his passive Dragon Practice, where bonus damage keeps adding up per stack of Dragon Practice turning this baby dragon into a full fleged endgame stytle boss!
General Gameplay! ✨
To begin, Smolder is a champion who CAN excel at shoving waves and burning through enemies, but he needs a little help first!

This is why we dump 3 points into his W Achooo! as soon as possible! This makes it so we are able to burn through waves and easily apply our 25 Dragon Practice stacked Q Super Scorcher Breath to the meele and ranged minions to gain more stacks and shove in waves for fast reacals and gathering components for item breakpoints!

Your main goal is to shove waves and gain as many stacks as possible per wave while still weaving in ability hits onto enemies for more stacks in the meantime. Think like poking with Sona or Senna!

Once you hit your Dragon Practice breakpoint of 125 stacks, you are ready to begin fighting in larger fights. This stack amount allows your Super Scorcher Breath to extend beyond its own range, effectively giving you a larger attack range being that it also applies on-hit effects and acts as a second auto attack (like Zeri Q!).

Post 225 stacks, you gain a true damage burn + execute on Super Scorcher Breath, which turns you into a freaking monster during extended fights and even shorter skirmishes!

In the short of it all: You are less of an "up in your face" marksman (think Lucian, Zeri, Sivir) and more of an "hehe you got hit by a stray ability for 70% of your health" marksman (think Ezreal, Senna, Ziggs).
Runes TLDR! 🔮

Arcane Comet is almost always a guaranteed land from distance and adds up quickly given its recharge feature on hitting abilities consecutively! This makes it a safer option than runes like Press the Attack, Lethal Tempo, or First Strike!

If you are into a shorter range comp full of tanks, I personally recommend going Fleet Footwork if you absoltely insist on dipping into a Precision rune. This provides you with intermitent healing, applies on your Super Scorcher Breath, and has longer scaling benefit if you decide not to pick up healing or mobility items or take them inside your secondary runes!
Updates! 👍
Ill be updating this as the champ is changed and new, more efficient builds are produced around the world that are useful and effective!

Stay tuned for more! Thanks for reading!!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author unhben
unhben Smolder Guide
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[14.2] 🔥Awesome Smolder Guide🐲

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