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Recommended Items
Runes: Arcane Comet
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order W Max
Dragon Practice (PASSIVE)
Smolder Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Caitlyn greatly outranges Smolder making it incredibly hard to lane against in the early game.
Later into the game her impact on Smolder's ability to play the game lessens but can still be lethal in teamfights given the right team comp.
Maokai is just an ideal support no matter who the ADC is!
The peel and engage potential provided by this large tree husk is the perfect combination to keep Smolder safe and allow him to beat up on his enemies as he scales!
Maokai is just an ideal support no matter who the ADC is! The peel and engage potential provided by this large tree husk is the perfect combination to keep Smolder safe and allow him to beat up on his enemies as he scales!
Champion Build Guide

Smolder is a late game scaling marksman that from what I can see playing him for a bit, has a more

Something different from

This is why we dump 3 points into his W

Your main goal is to shove waves and gain as many stacks as possible per wave while still weaving in ability hits onto enemies for more stacks in the meantime. Think like poking with

Once you hit your

Post 225 stacks, you gain a true damage burn + execute on

In the short of it all: You are less of an "up in your face" marksman (think

If you are into a shorter range comp full of tanks, I personally recommend going

Stay tuned for more! Thanks for reading!!
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