Not a threat at all, her passive healing is not enough for your W. Easy matchup, she can't kill you. Just try to avoid her charm with E to win trades and you will be alright.
She can go full sustain with fleet + d shield + second wind, etc but your poke is still strong. Max Q is not a thing since she can easily avoid the damage with her infinite dashes. Go Comet and Max W. but rush your AD asap so you can fight her level 6 all-in. Akali have one of the worse base armors in the game.
He can go fleet and be annoying, but if you play wisely you'll be stronger than him. Akshan's job is similar to you, be annoying and snowball the game. Your burst is stronger than his, so poke him down and rush your AD.
Her passive is very annoying and later on she can be a rock in the sock. But she still have zero escapes and it's squishy. She can run Rod of Ages and Seraph's, so make sure to have Crit and IE to kill her asap whe you have the chance later on.
She is easy beat in lane, her level 6 is very strong, make sure to rush hexdrinker and even Maw first if you feel the need. If she's playing agreessively, use your W to stop her trades, she'll not all-in you if you're full HP. Dark Seal + Refilable start is good here. If she don't snowball the game is yours when you have full Malmortius.
Aurelion Sol
Cringe champion, you can barely hit you AAs you Qs but he can't do anything to avoid your poke, so the full poke graves with dark seal, d. ring and early scout's slingshot is a good option here. You can even go CDR boots in lane to maximize your poke threat. Call for ganks and don't let him scale.
Cringe champion, lots of damage with basically zero effort. Her cooldowns are ****, so start D Blade and rush your AD items to punish her interactions. post level 8/9 her cooldown will be lower so play wisely and go Shieldbow third or fourth,
He's annoying and run Fleet, but with good poke tools you can have him very low in lane, forcing him to base and deny CS. Try to use your tempo to impact the map while he's farming under turret.
Annoying poke but you can play his game too. He have zero sustain but he can rush Rylai's and have good HP. Make sure to harass him with all of your poke tools and call for ganks, as he have zero escape.
Scaling mages are good matchups, she can outscale you but if you win lane, it'll be very hard for her to be useful in time. Don't get stunned by her ult and avoid long fights. Just trade with your W and back off until she's low enough for a all-in. You can for ganks as well, play with your jungler whoever is strong in your team and snowball quickly.
Boring to play against, His all-in is better but his sustain is not that good with all fleet and absorb life nerfs, so you can abuse that to poke him down until he is all-innable. He's hard to gank but easily baitable to waste his escapes.
Assassins are tricky but he can't do much against your poke. Go comet, max W, and rush your AD Items, you can even go Opportunity + Berserker's to crush him in lane and make him useless.
He can't do anything, Max W and comet, rush your AD items. If E your W, that's your chance to just dash in and trade your damage. If you kill him once, the lane is over.
Hexdrinker rush, standard poke with all AD you can buy to fight his all-ins. If he use his E to avoid your W, make sure to retaliate.
Boring lane, he'll probably just perma push and roam, his shield will most likely absord most of your W. You can run standard Fleet max Q graves and counter roam him in the map.
He have tons of life sustain, once he gets Catalyst of Aeons or Lost Chapter he will became strong a hell. Very hard matchup, I won't reccommend ban cuz is rare to see, but basically a free loss. If you care about your LP, just dodge.
playing quickplay? lol
Boring champion, just poke him down and clear waves, once you get statikk, his game is basically over, Heimer is useless. You can start snowball for free on the map.
Not bad but no the best matchup, I only put "even" because no matter what happens, he'll be annoying later on. But in lane he is a minor threat. Poke him down, and do your best to snowball him.
Lots of sustain but braindead one-trick champion, go Fleet, Max Q, Plated Steelcaps with full crit. Essence Reaver - Berserker's - Mortal Reminder - Infinity Edge. Avoid her E stun with your E and crush her mid to late game with your damage. Remember, getting melee against a fed graves is a death sentence.
Max W and perma push waves, once she dashes in, retaliate and W her face. Hexdrinker rush then Opportunity and plated steelcaps. Play wisely and be careful with her daggers.
She can't deal with your poke but her damage is unfair. You can check her reflexes, if she's dodging your Ws with her W you have zero chance, rush hexdrinker and Mercs, then Full Crit. If you survive her burst, there's nothing she can do. Get full Maw when necessary.
A less worse LeBlanc, Rush Maw and Mercs, if you survive her burst, she's dead. Make sure to ignite her before she ults herself. Buy QSS if you're the main focus later on.
Poke against Poke, but she can't dash your W. Her W shield is useless, as she will only be able to shield the comet in most of the cases. She have zero sustain and statikk will just win every wave clear she have. forcing her to ult to push everytime basically. She's a free kill later on unless she gets zhonya's.
Just go fleet, absorb life, biscuits and D shield. There's nothing you can do to kill him, if he's AP, just go hexdrinker with lifesteal, if he's is tank, go full crit with berserker's.
His black shield is good against you, rush mercs and Maw, then full crit.
Just dodge or swap lanes, there's simply nothing you can do against him. Even after his E nerfs, he's still annoying as hell. Infinite sustain, poke and outscaling. Graves kit can't deal with nasus.
She have zero sustain, her CC is annoying so just go mercs and statikk rush and she's done. Be careful to her gimmicks and it's a free win.
Zero interaction scaling mages with zero sustain are Graves breakfast. Go standard poke graves with standard build. if she scales and get strong, maw of malmortius will do the job, with you get melee and hit some crits she's dead.
He don't have lots of sustain. Go plated steelcaps with standard build. Don't let him jump on you, if he do, retaliate with your W and try to use you E to hit him from behind his E barrier.
Zero sustain but unfair damage. Don't get close to walls and poke her down, it's almost impossible to kill her in lane, rush damage and shieldbow second item will do job. plated steelcaps are useless here so you can go swifties or ionian boots.
He's hard to kill and can punish you if you use your E wrong. His W is not enough to avoid your W, and if use it wrong he'll risk getting overheated, if he overheats you can use this window to retaliate him.
He can't do anything, he can go Catalyst of Aeons and bare your poke more, but Ryze is a low range mage, so if you get close to him with crit items, just burst him down. If he scales will need Maw and BT.
Braindead statcheck champion. You can go full crit with berserker's and Max W. Avoid his E, if her waste it, retaliate. Avoid buying Collector! Go Essence - Berserker's - Mortal Reminder - Shieldbow - Infinity Edge. this will do the job against him
She have tons of damage and poke. Rush Mercs and hexdrinker, then go statikk and crit.
Rush mercs, and go Full poke with scout's slingshot rush and dark seal start. If she can't snowball, she's useless. Make sure to not dash in her E, avoid her W and it'ss GG.
Plated Steelcaps is useless, he'll just burst you for free. Max W, Opportunity and shieldbow is good against him. Swifties can help you dodge his W and kite him. Not impossible but hard to counter.
She have good burst and dps, you only have burst. Play wisely and bait her in order to survive lane, is not impossible to win. Rush Tabis and statikk to counter her broken clear wave. Then full crit and late game you'll just crush her.
Twisted Fate
Nothing he can do against your poke, rush mercs and statikk. Then crit and a QSS.
He's boring to play against but is squishy, play wisely and avoid his trades with your E. When he's low enough, wait for him to spend his E or call for a gank in order to all-in.
He's annoying and will just perma scale for free, he can't bare your poke but if the game passes 30 minutes he'll just take over and it'ss gg.
Swifties and Statikk, then standard build.
Rush mercs with maw, then collector into full crit. Her shield is annoying so bait your teammates in order to punish her engage, since her ult AOE fears everyone around.
Not a big threat, but zero interaction lane with annoying kit. Full poke setup and standard build. You can swap shieldbow for Maw if you feel necessary.
You can't do anything to kill and he'll just perma outscale you, dodge or call your jungler and support to perma camp him or it's GG.
Boring champions to play against but zero escape and squishy. Avoid his E stun with your E and just crush him. Statikk to counter his perma pushing and mercs in case you got stunned. full poke setup with standard build.
Annoying but braindead, so you can bait him down to death. Rush plated and full crit. Play with team and punish his ult. freeze and call for ganks, if he tries to end your freeze, retaliate without hurting the freeze.
more braindead and autoplay compared to yasuo, but no windwall, so go plated and standard build. You can skip collector if you feel necessary and go mortal reminder with infinity edge and shieldbow. bait your teammates and burst him after he spends his cooldowns.
waste his pots with your W and run doran's shield. plated steelcaps will do nothing, you can go berserker's and shieldbow, then full crit. bait your teammates and try to get him without shadow.
There is nothing he can do to avoid your poke, once you get statikk you can counter his pushes, I like to go teleport against him to protect turrets, but that's optional. bt third after a crit a item is good to bare his poke.
His lane is *** but his ultimate is broken against you, so it's a even. full poke setup and standard build.
He burst is annoying, but she can't bare your poke. Merc rush and hexdrinker, then standard build. Swap collector for Shieldbow and you will be alright.
Free lane, when you get statikk you can poke her killing her plants with the electroshock passive everytime, even in the jungle. Full poke setup and standard build.
She takes time to scale, so you can chosse to play with her and guarantee the early game, later just play with her in pick offs and win objectives.
If he is good it's a good mix of AP and AD, but not ideal. His ganks aren't good but his poke is very strong in late game for setup you to burst enemies.
I only played with a Briar once, it was fine. She can play agreessively and start pick offs with her ult, so make sure to play around her side of the map. It's a ok jungler.
Very strong, AP burst champions are good, especially Diana with her Ult, it can help land all of your damage, if you snowball the early game, just go full damage and win.
He can't help you a lot, his ganks are meh. He can carry games but graves can't help or get helped either. Not that good at all but not terrible.
Agreesive playstyle but both are early game burst champions. If you snowball it's good, but if the game turns even it's over.
Weak early level, but after level 6 you have to make sure she's strong later on, her snowball is absurd, play in her side of the map and pay attention to her pick offs.
Fiddlesticks is good after 6, play wisely and help him out, his CC is excellent for you to land your abilities
He is the definition of OK. ok gank, ok setups, ok AP damage. His ult can ruin your combos.
He scales a lot, and you can call him to gank mid and setup with your W so the enemy can get surprised by heca, works a lot and later his ult and E are good setups for you to land abilities.
Not that strong, but ok. He can save you with shields and his bushes are good to create fog. But if you falls behind, there's nothing he can do.
Jarvan IV
at first his ult can ruin your Q but you can easily dash into and land a super fast Q and combo the enemy to death finishing with your R and dashing out easily. Jarvan is great and his early ganks are excelent.
Karthus itself is strong, you can help him out early on and make sure he scales, you are the protagonist in the early game, in the mid both are strong and late game is karthus turn to carry.
Red kayn is good for baiting enemies cooldowns, so you can go full damage and use this as an advantage. Blue Kayn is more useless and will take time to do anything, just bait your team and help him burst out enemies.
Bad ganks, level 6 is ok, zero utility.
Not a lot of synergy but if you help her getting her marks, she can help you carry later on.
Lee Sin
Lee is good to snowball and can setup kills, if he's good it's GG. If not he less one.
Lillia is a beast when it comes to mid/late game. Having her in the team will force enemies to choose with they build armor or MR. Her ult and slows can setup easy kills. Play with her and it's GG.
Maokai is great. Lots of CC and decent magic damage to mix up things. Play with his ult and it's GG.
Master Yi
Useless until 3/4 items. Bronze champion, bait him and try to play with botlane or toplane.
Zero utility, you have to snowball and end the game quickly. Play to get soul fast and force early fights. full lethality is good in this scenario.
decent setups and engages, his ult darkness can help you get flanks and caught enemies off guard.
Nunu & Willump
decent tank, great ganks and can secure objectives easily, play for soul and let him bait enemies cooldowns.
Good tank with lots of CC and magic damage. Decent ganks and annoying to enemies. Play with him early on and let him cook.
Her CC is good, she's a good ganker and can setup pick offs very easily. Not ideal but very strong if played correctly.
Tanks in general are very good. Secure Soul and play with her through objectives. Pay attention to her pick offs.
Early game champion and annoying, enemies will be scared to play aggressively, call for ganks and show that you want to play with him, you can snowball the game very fest with him. Secure soul and end the game fast.
Low Synergy but she's very strong late game with tons of magic damage. If you help her secure soul and get items, it's gg.
Great tank, tons of CC and absurd gank. secure objectives and play around his pickoffs and ult.
He's a decent tank but zero engage, his ganks aren't good but he can statcheck enemies to death. Not useless but not good either.
Good gank and engages. Vi is great to play alongside and can help you snowball midlane. Secure soul with her and end the game quickly.
His ganks are meh, and he don't have engage, but if you help him reset the fight is over.
Great ganks and frontline, snowball the game, commit to dives and secure Soul.
Useless statcheck champion, auto fill KDA securer.
Great engage and gimmicks, can bait a lot cooldowns and setup kills. Play around him and it's gg.
Xin Zhao
Strong early game but not very useful later on, secure soul and try to carry with him.
Good tank, good gank, good engage, good AP damage and annoying to play against. Very good champ to play alongside.
She have weak ganks but can secure objectives very easily. Perma push and help her in the map. Her zoning and ground control can help you setup flanks and kills.
She takes time to scale, so you can chosse to play with her and guarantee the early game, later just play with her in pick offs and win objectives.
If he is good it's a good mix of AP and AD, but not ideal. His ganks aren't good but his poke is very strong in late game for setup you to burst enemies.
I only played with a Briar once, it was fine. She can play agreessively and start pick offs with her ult, so make sure to play around her side of the map. It's a ok jungler.
Very strong, AP burst champions are good, especially Diana with her Ult, it can help land all of your damage, if you snowball the early game, just go full damage and win.
He can't help you a lot, his ganks are meh. He can carry games but graves can't help or get helped either. Not that good at all but not terrible.
Agreesive playstyle but both are early game burst champions. If you snowball it's good, but if the game turns even it's over.
Weak early level, but after level 6 you have to make sure she's strong later on, her snowball is absurd, play in her side of the map and pay attention to her pick offs.
Fiddlesticks is good after 6, play wisely and help him out, his CC is excellent for you to land your abilities
He is the definition of OK. ok gank, ok setups, ok AP damage. His ult can ruin your combos.
He scales a lot, and you can call him to gank mid and setup with your W so the enemy can get surprised by heca, works a lot and later his ult and E are good setups for you to land abilities.
Not that strong, but ok. He can save you with shields and his bushes are good to create fog. But if you falls behind, there's nothing he can do.
Jarvan IV
at first his ult can ruin your Q but you can easily dash into and land a super fast Q and combo the enemy to death finishing with your R and dashing out easily. Jarvan is great and his early ganks are excelent.
Karthus itself is strong, you can help him out early on and make sure he scales, you are the protagonist in the early game, in the mid both are strong and late game is karthus turn to carry.
Red kayn is good for baiting enemies cooldowns, so you can go full damage and use this as an advantage. Blue Kayn is more useless and will take time to do anything, just bait your team and help him burst out enemies.
Bad ganks, level 6 is ok, zero utility.
Not a lot of synergy but if you help her getting her marks, she can help you carry later on.
Lee Sin
Lee is good to snowball and can setup kills, if he's good it's GG. If not he less one.
Lillia is a beast when it comes to mid/late game. Having her in the team will force enemies to choose with they build armor or MR. Her ult and slows can setup easy kills. Play with her and it's GG.
Maokai is great. Lots of CC and decent magic damage to mix up things. Play with his ult and it's GG.
Master Yi
Useless until 3/4 items. Bronze champion, bait him and try to play with botlane or toplane.
Zero utility, you have to snowball and end the game quickly. Play to get soul fast and force early fights. full lethality is good in this scenario.
decent setups and engages, his ult darkness can help you get flanks and caught enemies off guard.
Nunu & Willump
decent tank, great ganks and can secure objectives easily, play for soul and let him bait enemies cooldowns.
Good tank with lots of CC and magic damage. Decent ganks and annoying to enemies. Play with him early on and let him cook.
Her CC is good, she's a good ganker and can setup pick offs very easily. Not ideal but very strong if played correctly.
Tanks in general are very good. Secure Soul and play with her through objectives. Pay attention to her pick offs.
Early game champion and annoying, enemies will be scared to play aggressively, call for ganks and show that you want to play with him, you can snowball the game very fest with him. Secure soul and end the game fast.
Low Synergy but she's very strong late game with tons of magic damage. If you help her secure soul and get items, it's gg.
Great tank, tons of CC and absurd gank. secure objectives and play around his pickoffs and ult.
He's a decent tank but zero engage, his ganks aren't good but he can statcheck enemies to death. Not useless but not good either.
Good gank and engages. Vi is great to play alongside and can help you snowball midlane. Secure soul with her and end the game quickly.
His ganks are meh, and he don't have engage, but if you help him reset the fight is over.
Great ganks and frontline, snowball the game, commit to dives and secure Soul.
Useless statcheck champion, auto fill KDA securer.
Great engage and gimmicks, can bait a lot cooldowns and setup kills. Play around him and it's gg.
Xin Zhao
Strong early game but not very useful later on, secure soul and try to carry with him.
Good tank, good gank, good engage, good AP damage and annoying to play against. Very good champ to play alongside.
She have weak ganks but can secure objectives very easily. Perma push and help her in the map. Her zoning and ground control can help you setup flanks and kills.
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