The only time Aphelios would be a problem for Draven is when game passes 30 mins, since Aphelios outscales Draven hard and has a lot more ways to kill him,
But in lane it shouldn't be a problem at all.
Always look to make little mistakes afterwards so you don't end up in late game vs him.
Ashe matchup shouldn't be a problem for Draven, even though she does outrange him, Draven will always win all in fights at any stage of the game.
The only problem is that Ashe is a utility champion, she can grant global vision for her team and a global 5 second stun.
Two things Draven can't do.
But if you are in a team fight spot before she is there, u will always win that, remember she’s mostly a utility champion, not a damage champion.
The hardest "traditional" ADC matchup for Draven, not only does she have 100 range over Draven since level 1, she can also counter his engages.
To win vs Caitlyn you would need to fake 1 engage, so she uses her E ability. After that you have a 14-16 second window to fully engage on her to kill or get her flash out.
Also watch out for traps in bushes and around turrets.
Ezreal is a major threat for Draven not because of his Damage but because of his poke potential.
Always try to punish him early. If you see him using his E ability in a dumb way, you have a 20 second window to punish him in the early levels. In that case you will end up killing or burning his flash.
Always tend to buy an early Vampiric Scepter for this matchup.
Jhin matchup for Draven varies a lot by elo (below or above GM).
Jhin’s early game damage is really low and he can only attack 4 times before he has to reload.
The only way he could kill you early game is if he hits a full stacked Q on you and W. But even then, if you follow with an all-in you will still win this fight.
Jinx will only become a threat for Draven in late game, but till then you have lots of opportunities to kill her and force to end the game.
If you dodge her W, which is easily dodge able, you can always go for some damage, an all-in to burn her flash or even kill her.
If you’re unlucky and you have to play vs Jinx late game the only way you can kill her then is if you buy a Rapid Fire Cannon. Otherwise, you won't even get in auto attack range before you die.
These are the only traditional ADC matchup where the game can go either way.
For early game, she will win short 1 auto attack trade with you. Because after 1 auto attack she will also do Q damage to you. So to bypass that you should always go for at least 2 or 3 autos to win the trade.
She also has an insane burst damage from her passive and W. Always try to dodge her W in any state of the game.
After she gets her Q evolved, (needs 1 dirk + pickaxe + noon quiver + long sword), don’t try to fight her without minions. Because her Q splits around all targets, and if you eat her whole Q you’re basically dead.
The only ADC that can outtrade and out damage Draven in the early game. Luckily for you, Draven outscales her hard.
If you still want to get ahead early, look for engages when her Q is down and never try to fight her LVL 1.
Other opportunity to engage on her is when her E is down. You can notice this, when she didn't get any mana refunded after she used it on a minion, this is one of the moments when you can fully all in her, and be sure you can kill her.
A video example of Kalista-Draven
(To be made)
Karthus is only problematic level 1, because you don't really have a way to dodge his Q's. So avoid fighting him at that level and wait for your level 2, when you can use W it makes it easier to dodge his Q's.
And late game when he can damage you and your whole team with his ultimate. But most games won’t get that, because Karthus ADC players tend to play hyper aggressive and Draven profits from that.
You can also look to buy an early maw or mercs for extra protection.
A video example of Karthus-Draven
(To be made)
The main problem with Kog'Maw besides the fact that he outscales and outranges you is the fact that he is one of the few ADCs in league that can also buy Armor, like randuins, frozen heart, etc.
But on the bright side his W ability has a relatively long cooldown early game, so use that to your advantage. If he uses it: fall back and re-engage once it runs out. You will have a 10 second window to punish or kill him.
A video example of Kog'Maw-Draven
(To be made)
Alone Lucian is not a threat at all but, he's often paired with Nami (95% of games), one if not the most broken botlane combo there is.
If you’re fighting against NAMI + LUCIAN, do not be in his range if NAMI has her E up, the ability that buffs him. Her E has a 6-7 second cooldown early game so your only chance of killing them is if you managed to make her waste her E and then go for an all-in.
For Lucian alone it's pretty simple, all you have to do is trade with him, he will never end up killing you. And after he is level 6, save your E for his ult (it cancels it if you hit it).
A video example of Lucian-Draven
(To be made)
Miss Fortune
One of the easiest matchups, especially if the Miss Fortune you are playing against goes for a crit build instead of a poke build.
If she goes for a poke build instead (comet rune and lethality) your chances of killing her are going down because of her E slow + poke. But it has a high cooldown early game so after she uses it go for a big trade or an all-in.
After level 6 save your E to cancel her Ultimate.
A video example of Miss Fortune-Draven
(To be made)
Nilah is one of the easiest matchups because of her really really low range, you can easily punish her while she is trying to CS.
Always punish her when she is getting minions, because she and her support will get 150% XP otherwise.
Her only threat ability for Draven is her W which makes her take 0 Damage from Auto Attacks, but remember, even if she uses W, you can still auto attack her to stack your lethal tempo. Then simply proceed to all in her.
A video example of Nilah-Draven
(To be made)
Samira alone is not a threat for Draven but she's often paired with hook and engage champions like Nautilus.
Even then she's not a particularly problem.
Do not rush to auto attack her, because her W deletes your axes, so to counter that always have 2 axes on hand and 1 ready (not on cooldown), and slowly go in on her. If you see her using W, just stop auto attacking for 1 second, she will eat 1 of your axes, so just cast your already up Q again.
Always save your E for her ultimate. Do not rush to use it.
A video example of Samira-Draven
(To be made)
Senna completely outscales Draven. So, you will have to kill her early game and force end the game.
She's always going to win 1 auto trades because of her Q so always go in for 2+ auto trades.
After your first base you should always bring atleast 1 Control Ward with you on lane because if she sees that you are going to engage on her, she will panic use her E ability making her un-targetable. So to counter that always put the control ward down once she uses E so you can auto attack and perhaps kill her.
A video example of Senna-Draven
(To be made)
Seraphine is one of the easiest matchups for Draven because of telegraphed abilities, abilities are easy to dodge and she has low early game damage.
She's a utility champion, she will not play to kill you in lane, so always look to play hyper aggressive to punish this.
If the game goes late game all you have to do is buy a Serpent Fang to counter her full team shield.
A video example of Seraphine-Draven
(To be made)
Sivir's only issue is that it's hard to engage on her since she will just E your E, to counter that just look for engages after level 6 or pre level 3, after level 6 she can E your E but not your ultimate.
And pre level 3 she just doesn't have her E ability, so if you end up getting level 3 before her you can look for an all-in.
A video example of Sivir-Draven
Syndra is not often picked as ADC, but she can be kinda problematic for Draven. specially after Level 6, because of her One-shot potential. So just look for long trades in the early levels, and make sure to dodge her E.
Easiest way dodge her E is by making her panic and waste it. By pressing W and going a bit forward she will use it, so fall back to easily dodge this and then re-engage on her till her E comes back up, this has a relatively high cooldown.
A video example of Syndra-Draven
Tristana is one of the easiest matchups for Draven because her damage is mostly based on her E into W on the enemy.
To counter that all you have to do is not fight her level 2, and wait till you get E level 3, then just simply save your E till she jumps on you so you can cancel it.
A video example of Tristana-Draven
(To be made)
There are 2 ways to play Twitch (AD or AP):
For AD Twitch the matchup is pretty easy for Draven pre 6 and after 6.
For pre 6 just look for short trades so he doesn't get time to stack his passive on you.
After 6 tend to play around bushes more so if he ends up using his ultimate ability you can simply hide in the bush till it runs out. Or if the twitch is greedy, he will walk to the bush and ward it, then you can kill him because you are in range of him.
For AP Twitch early game goes the same, but for late game you will get barely any chance to engage on him because his W slow % gets increased the more AP he has, so to counter AP twitch in late game always look to buy MAW.
A video example of Twitch-Draven
Matchup: (To be made)
Varus wins long trades, and can follow up with 1 of his abilities after short trades, always look to dodge his Q or E after you trade 1-2 autos with him.
The real problem with Varus is after he is level 6, his ultimate is not a stun, it's a root, so you will be able to auto attack him and use abilities, the problem is that Draven has 550 range and varus 575, so even if you try to auto him once he will ult you, you will never be able to because of the range.
After 6 look for fake engages so he waste his R ability and repeat doing short trades till he's dead.
A video example of Varus-Draven
Matchup: (To be made)
Vayne is one of the easiest matchups for Draven because she’s a really late game champion based, and even then, you can still kill her because most of her dmg is health %, and you don't end up building health anyway.
The only problem with Vayne is that when u try to engage on her on lane, she will E you back, making you also miss a Q.
So, to counter that always have 2 Q's on hand and 1 ready in cooldowns. After she E's your first Q and push you away, you have a 15 second window to re-engage and kill her.
A video example of Vayne-Draven
(To be made)
He completely outscales you, no matter how much magic resist you buy, you won't be able to survive his late game burst.
You will have to punish him early, just look for a longer early trade so he uses E on you, if he catches you in it, it's fine just don't panic to stun yourself.
After his E disappears you will have a 15 second window to kill him or burn his flash.
A video example of Veigar-Draven
(To be made)
Xayah is really easy for Draven, no matter the state of the game, she will never be able to win trades autos for autos with you.
If you are going for all ins always avoid her feathers pathing so she can E you, you can do that by walking in 1 direction and never sitting in 1 spot.
A video example of Xayah-Draven
(To be made)
Yasuo is by far the HARDEST matchup for Draven in all of league of legends.
He outscales you, he has no mana problems, a shield, a wind wall that deletes your axes, etc.
The only way to win vs Yasuo is to punish him level 1-2, when he still doesn't have his Wind wall ability.
After that, you should look to freeze your lane because he is a melee champ and he's highly vulnerable vs frozen lanes. So, if he wants to cs, he will have to use his W, and you can simply follow up with an all-in afterwards, you have 22 second window to kill him.
This is a really frustrating matchup, I usually ban Yasuo to avoid it.
A video example of Yasuo-Draven
(To be made)
Zeri is only becomes problematic for Draven in late game when she stacks her Ultimate passive on your team's frontline.
She's easily punishable bot, especially because her autos are dodge able.
Fight between minions so she won't be able to auto attack you, the only way for her to do that is by pressing her E ability, but even then, she only gets 3 piercing Autos. Just continue to trade with her till she is dead.
If you’re fighting with her and she is clos e to a wall always save your E for her E in case she wants to de-engage by using E over the wall.
A video example of Zeri-Draven
(To be made)
Ziggs is the hardest Mage matchup for Draven on bot, besides his insane scaling and pushing capability he's often really annoying and can easily win short trades vs you by using his Q, W and Passive Damage.
He also can use his E to de-engage on you and make you miss axes.
To counter all this always look for a fake engage first so he ends up wasting his E, then follow up with your real engage to kill him.
A video example of Ziggs-Draven
(To be made)
Alistar has low synergies with Draven because of his engage and especially diving abilities are low pre level 6.
Ideal synergy with Draven in all stages of the game because of his abilities to perma stun enemies.
It all depends on the Bard player, if they know when to roam, be on lane and how to engage , still strong engage capability after 6.
Almost an Ideal synergy , he just lacks a peeling ability for Draven, else in most cases 1 hook = 1 flash or kill.
0 Synergy, Draven is not designed to be played with a poke support.
Ideal synergy, Braum has everything a Draven would need, engage, peel.
Galio is an ok synergy, becomes strong when playing against AP botlaners.
Janna is a strong synergy for the enchanter type, her ult can cause enemies to survive sometimes because her Ultimate Radious push is much higher than Draven's Auto attack range.
Karma is still a poke champion but has some peeling abilities.
Leona is an ideal synergy for Draven because of her ability to perma stun enemies making it easy for Draven to kill them.
Lulu is the best support for Draven and most hyper carries in the ADC role because of her high ability to peel and disengage from a fight by polymorphing enemies.
Lux is an ok synergy , a poke champion with some peel.
Morgana is really matchup dependant cannot be picked blindly , but vs champions like nautlius or blitzcrank it easily becomes Ideal.
Nami is the 2nd Best synergy for Draven ,especially with Hail of blades, easily procs her three E autos.
Nautilius is an ideal matchup for Draven because of his insane engage capability and peeling capability ,slowing enemies, rooting them.
Pantheon has a really low synergy with Draven because of the fact that he has 0 peeling capability and also is a raw ad champion like Draven, so the enemy botlaners will quickly buy Plated Steelcaps.
Pyke is a really strong pick with Draven because of his kit , he can use it to engage on somebody or hook them away from Draven.
His ultimate also makes Draven cash-in his passive every time.
Rakan is a really strong pick with Draven , having a good engage, peel etc, his only fault is him being extremely squishy , not being able to tank as much damage for Draven like other supports could.
Rell is a strong synergy with Draven especially after level 6 , since with her ult , Draven's Ult becomes basically undodgeble.
Renata Glasc
Renata is an Ideal pick with Draven ,3rd best support for him.
She can peel him , hook enemies, and poke them. Also having one of the best ultimate ability in the game.
0 Synergy, Draven is not designed to be played with a poke support.
Seraphine is an ok synergy with Draven, she has good peel , but a really bad engage pre 6 , it being easily dodgeble by enemy.
Sett is an ok pick for Draven , him having an insanely good engage especially with Hex-Flash.
But he lacks peeling till level 6 when he can disengage enemies from Draven.
Sona has almost 0 synergy with Draven,her peeling is bad pre 6 and she barely does any poke damage.
Soraka is an ok synergy with Draven especially in Engage lanes when she can just E enemies and stopping them from using abilities.
Also has one of the best peeling abilities in the game.
Swain is an OK pick with Draven, he can "hook" enemies towards him so he can damage them but looks peeling.
Can become a meat shield after level 6 though.
Tahm Kench
Tahm Kench has a REALLY strong synergy with Draven, good poke damage, him dealing % dmg with his Q, self-shield so he can tank more enemy Damage, a good engage, and especially a good ult to save Draven if he's ever in a bad spot.
Taric is an ok pick for Draven, good peeling , lacks proper engage pre 6.
Thresh is a strong pick for Draven ,having a good engage , a disengage for Draven(his W), and he can peel Draven with his E or R.
Twitch has 0 Synergy, Draven is not designed to be played with a poke support.
Vel'koz has 0 Synergy, Draven is not designed to be played with a poke support.
Xerath has 0 Synergy, Draven is not designed to be played with a poke support.
Yuumi is an ok pick for Draven but it's really matchup independant ,cannot be picked vs dual engage lane like samira nautilius , but it's completly fine vs poke matchups.
Zilean is a strong pick for Draven because of his poke damage, stun ,slow , peel , and of course his ressurect ability.
Zyra has 0 Synergy, Draven is not designed to be played with a poke support.
Alistar has low synergies with Draven because of his engage and especially diving abilities are low pre level 6.
Ideal synergy with Draven in all stages of the game because of his abilities to perma stun enemies.
It all depends on the Bard player, if they know when to roam, be on lane and how to engage , still strong engage capability after 6.
Almost an Ideal synergy , he just lacks a peeling ability for Draven, else in most cases 1 hook = 1 flash or kill.
0 Synergy, Draven is not designed to be played with a poke support.
Ideal synergy, Braum has everything a Draven would need, engage, peel.
Galio is an ok synergy, becomes strong when playing against AP botlaners.
Janna is a strong synergy for the enchanter type, her ult can cause enemies to survive sometimes because her Ultimate Radious push is much higher than Draven's Auto attack range.
Karma is still a poke champion but has some peeling abilities.
Leona is an ideal synergy for Draven because of her ability to perma stun enemies making it easy for Draven to kill them.
Lulu is the best support for Draven and most hyper carries in the ADC role because of her high ability to peel and disengage from a fight by polymorphing enemies.
Lux is an ok synergy , a poke champion with some peel.
Morgana is really matchup dependant cannot be picked blindly , but vs champions like nautlius or blitzcrank it easily becomes Ideal.
Nami is the 2nd Best synergy for Draven ,especially with Hail of blades, easily procs her three E autos.
Nautilius is an ideal matchup for Draven because of his insane engage capability and peeling capability ,slowing enemies, rooting them.
Pantheon has a really low synergy with Draven because of the fact that he has 0 peeling capability and also is a raw ad champion like Draven, so the enemy botlaners will quickly buy Plated Steelcaps.
Pyke is a really strong pick with Draven because of his kit , he can use it to engage on somebody or hook them away from Draven.
His ultimate also makes Draven cash-in his passive every time.
Rakan is a really strong pick with Draven , having a good engage, peel etc, his only fault is him being extremely squishy , not being able to tank as much damage for Draven like other supports could.
Rell is a strong synergy with Draven especially after level 6 , since with her ult , Draven's Ult becomes basically undodgeble.
Renata Glasc
Renata is an Ideal pick with Draven ,3rd best support for him.
She can peel him , hook enemies, and poke them. Also having one of the best ultimate ability in the game.
0 Synergy, Draven is not designed to be played with a poke support.
Seraphine is an ok synergy with Draven, she has good peel , but a really bad engage pre 6 , it being easily dodgeble by enemy.
Sett is an ok pick for Draven , him having an insanely good engage especially with Hex-Flash.
But he lacks peeling till level 6 when he can disengage enemies from Draven.
Sona has almost 0 synergy with Draven,her peeling is bad pre 6 and she barely does any poke damage.
Soraka is an ok synergy with Draven especially in Engage lanes when she can just E enemies and stopping them from using abilities.
Also has one of the best peeling abilities in the game.
Swain is an OK pick with Draven, he can "hook" enemies towards him so he can damage them but looks peeling.
Can become a meat shield after level 6 though.
Tahm Kench
Tahm Kench has a REALLY strong synergy with Draven, good poke damage, him dealing % dmg with his Q, self-shield so he can tank more enemy Damage, a good engage, and especially a good ult to save Draven if he's ever in a bad spot.
Taric is an ok pick for Draven, good peeling , lacks proper engage pre 6.
Thresh is a strong pick for Draven ,having a good engage , a disengage for Draven(his W), and he can peel Draven with his E or R.
Twitch has 0 Synergy, Draven is not designed to be played with a poke support.
Vel'koz has 0 Synergy, Draven is not designed to be played with a poke support.
Xerath has 0 Synergy, Draven is not designed to be played with a poke support.
Yuumi is an ok pick for Draven but it's really matchup independant ,cannot be picked vs dual engage lane like samira nautilius , but it's completly fine vs poke matchups.
Zilean is a strong pick for Draven because of his poke damage, stun ,slow , peel , and of course his ressurect ability.
Zyra has 0 Synergy, Draven is not designed to be played with a poke support.
My name is Slendo, I've been Challenger on the EUW server with high winrates as a Draven onetrick since season 11.
When Draven is banned my pocket picks are Kai'sa,Samira,Kog.
I will be live here everyday starting at 11 AM CET.
Why play draven?
Draven has one of the highest skill ceilling kits for the ADC role.
The only ADCs that are harder to master in my opinion are Ezreal and Aphelios.
Draven is a mechanical champion , you will always be the main character of the game.
On Draven u can build most AD items in the game but this is my to go build in 95% of my games.
Something before explaining the build : CRIT WILL ALWAYS BE BETTER than bruiser items such as maw, healing from raw damage is better than having defensive stats..
Always start with these components no matter what situation you are in(if u have the gold and u didnt int ur early game ofc): ->->
The full build goes like this. Ignoring situational stuff like enemy having 3 AP champions where you would for exemple go 4th item maw or 3rd.
Main Runes:
LT is good if enemy has a tanky comp, or as i said a braum , otherwise hob is better in squishy matchups
This rune is better than LT while playing vs squishy supports because u can easily engage on them early on and get a few kills so you can snowball the game.
Secondary runes:
: Will always help you in 2v2 fights,2v3 ,2v4 and even Teamfights because it catches enemies offguard making them think ur out of hp.
: Gives an increase to early dmg/min,also lets you delay boots. .
:Works in good combination with absolute focus as it allows u to hit enemies lvl 1 for huge amounts of dmg.
: Perfect Rune for draven altogether, better in teamfights than cutdown but at the end of the day its all about personal preference.
:Good combination with cut down especially lvl 1 when u can hit the enemy for 120 per auto attack.
:Secures scaling.
Attack speed shard cuz we are playing for all ins and its better same with the 65 base heal instead of scaling health.
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