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Ability Order
Stone Skin (PASSIVE)
Wukong Passive Ability
MARKS: Greater Mark of Desolation x9 - I choose this because it's helpful from start to finish. Starting you can ignore the armor of tanks to help your team seal in the first kill.
SEALS: x9 - This is chosen for the attack speed of course. The more hits in the more damage. Stacked with the Armor Penetration early damage, you will have lots of champs running from a 2 hit combo.
GLYPHS: x9 - I choose this just to have exactly what it does, shorter cooldowns. The faster you can use your abilities the more dangerous/annoying you can be.
QUINTESSENCES: x3 - Stacking with your Armor Penetration and the increased Attack Speed your not only going to negate armor, hit faster, but you are going to hit harder. That is why I this quint is chosen.
- Oh great, another noob with heal! No the reason I choose this Summoner Spell is for the team use mainly as well as personal use early game. During the initial gank at the start of the game, usually just about everyone gets hit. Flash you heal with it's AOE partner effect and keep you and your team from dying.
- Ghost of course for running down the enemies that bought boots at the beginning as well as WuKong is a slow champion at the beginning without his boots. Great for chasing down that enemy that is just a Nimbus Strike away from death
- I don't personally use Flash, but it is a great tool for closing the gap, escaping and for the almighty backdoor Nexus kill.
Some of the other Summoner Spells that you can use are for trying to lock up that kill and for slowing the enemy down so you can run up and slap them over the head one more time with [Crushing Blow]Crushing Blow.
- Ghost of course for running down the enemies that bought boots at the beginning as well as WuKong is a slow champion at the beginning without his boots. Great for chasing down that enemy that is just a Nimbus Strike away from death
- I don't personally use Flash, but it is a great tool for closing the gap, escaping and for the almighty backdoor Nexus kill.
Some of the other Summoner Spells that you can use are for trying to lock up that kill and for slowing the enemy down so you can run up and slap them over the head one more time with [Crushing Blow]Crushing Blow.
- Your first skill that you choose due to the early harass, initiation of fights, as well as the multiple targets that it hits. The skill also increases your attack speed which is always nice if you are killing anything, from minions to champions. Normally at the starting gank you will initiate with this first, press
Ghost to chase and hopefully have the the ability cooled down and hit them with a final blow.
- The second skill that you choose giving you awesome harass abilities at just level 2 in the game. Most champions around this level you will do 30-50% damage with a Nimbus Strike followed with Crushing Blow.
- Your lifesaver! Makes harassment super easy when you charge in with Nimbus Strike, follow with a Crushing Blow, then Decoy out of there without getting hit. Most the time you will fool your opponent into attacking your Decoy which does a little bit of damage before it fades.
- The closest thing you have to an AOE, but super effective in team fights when your team is chasing the enemy, you can not only close the gap faster due to increased movement speed, you knock the enemy into the air once you hit them allowing your team to catch up. Can also be used as a tool to escape a gank. Note that you can not use any other abilities until the Cyclone is complete, such as you can't Decoy.
- The second skill that you choose giving you awesome harass abilities at just level 2 in the game. Most champions around this level you will do 30-50% damage with a Nimbus Strike followed with Crushing Blow.
- Your lifesaver! Makes harassment super easy when you charge in with Nimbus Strike, follow with a Crushing Blow, then Decoy out of there without getting hit. Most the time you will fool your opponent into attacking your Decoy which does a little bit of damage before it fades.
- The closest thing you have to an AOE, but super effective in team fights when your team is chasing the enemy, you can not only close the gap faster due to increased movement speed, you knock the enemy into the air once you hit them allowing your team to catch up. Can also be used as a tool to escape a gank. Note that you can not use any other abilities until the Cyclone is complete, such as you can't Decoy.
- First item bought for the increase in health, attack damage, as well as a little extra lifesteal for when fighting minions early on in the game.
- Increased attack speed, and of course your ability to run faster. This can be changed out for any boot that you like more. When fighting a team with a lot of stuns, slows, ect. switch out for Mercury's Treads.
- This is where my build differs from almost all other WuKong builds. Everyone picks Trinity Force a good choice for WuKong, but the money you save by getting Phantom Dancer is much more worth it, I believe. Increase in attack and movement speed is great, you'll hit harder buying this and B.F. SwordB.F. Sword than getting Trinity Force for around the same price.
- Of course you want to start off with the Vampiric Scepter, because as soon as you get this, you will not lose health fighting minions, you can clear the jungle, and almost kill the dragon solo already. As soon as you unlock the Bloodthirster you can solo dragon, and enemies will be running from you...which they should already throughout the whole match. Normally, once you get this item, you will start to out-level yours and the other team.
- How about some extra damage to go along with your Bloodthirster? Why not right! Increased critical change and the attack damage you are set. You may or may not unlock this before the other team surrenders or the game is already over.
After you unlock the above, you can buy whatever you want. I normally go for another Phantom Dancer but all of this is depending on how the game is going. If they have armor and you aren't hitting them very much go for Last Whisper. As well if you are losing or need some more health in general, get yourself Warmog's Armor.
- Increased attack speed, and of course your ability to run faster. This can be changed out for any boot that you like more. When fighting a team with a lot of stuns, slows, ect. switch out for Mercury's Treads.
- This is where my build differs from almost all other WuKong builds. Everyone picks Trinity Force a good choice for WuKong, but the money you save by getting Phantom Dancer is much more worth it, I believe. Increase in attack and movement speed is great, you'll hit harder buying this and B.F. SwordB.F. Sword than getting Trinity Force for around the same price.
- Of course you want to start off with the Vampiric Scepter, because as soon as you get this, you will not lose health fighting minions, you can clear the jungle, and almost kill the dragon solo already. As soon as you unlock the Bloodthirster you can solo dragon, and enemies will be running from you...which they should already throughout the whole match. Normally, once you get this item, you will start to out-level yours and the other team.
- How about some extra damage to go along with your Bloodthirster? Why not right! Increased critical change and the attack damage you are set. You may or may not unlock this before the other team surrenders or the game is already over.
After you unlock the above, you can buy whatever you want. I normally go for another Phantom Dancer but all of this is depending on how the game is going. If they have armor and you aren't hitting them very much go for Last Whisper. As well if you are losing or need some more health in general, get yourself Warmog's Armor.
Early Game:
- Use your harassment abilities to your best
- Don't get too greedy even though you hit hard
- Get your boots as soon as you can
- After boots, try not to base until level 6
Mid Game:
- Keep farming minions
- Pay attention to the map, you don't want to be ganked
- Help your team out, initiate ganks yourself
- If in trouble, in a bush works best
Late Game:
- Take dragon and clear jungle "you should have Bloodthirster already"
- Continue to play smart, don't try to take the whole team on
- If you are losing, get Warmog's Armor
- Warmog's Armor once built like your Bloodthirtser will allow you to tank a turret completely and come back
In closing, with all that said, some key information for any champion you play:
- Don't get greedy
- Have fun
- Don't do school
- Stay in drugs
- Always always listen to you grandparents
- Finally:
Stay fly, and stay fresh Check out this YouTube channel.
- Use your harassment abilities to your best
- Don't get too greedy even though you hit hard
- Get your boots as soon as you can
- After boots, try not to base until level 6
Mid Game:
- Keep farming minions
- Pay attention to the map, you don't want to be ganked
- Help your team out, initiate ganks yourself
- If in trouble, in a bush works best
Late Game:
- Take dragon and clear jungle "you should have Bloodthirster already"
- Continue to play smart, don't try to take the whole team on
- If you are losing, get Warmog's Armor
- Warmog's Armor once built like your Bloodthirtser will allow you to tank a turret completely and come back
In closing, with all that said, some key information for any champion you play:
- Don't get greedy
- Have fun
- Don't do school
- Stay in drugs
- Always always listen to you grandparents
- Finally:
Stay fly, and stay fresh Check out this YouTube channel.
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