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About this guide
Hashinshin tends to build very similar items every game. He starts Doran's ring, builds components for Trinity force and finishes boots in whatever order is most efficient for the amount of gold he backs on early, then finishes Trinity Force.
He builds Merc treads vs Magic damage and Ninja Tabis vs physical damage.
He builds Titanic Hydra next.
After Titanic Hydra, he either builds Spirit Visage or Randuin's Omen, then often builds the other afterwards. Obviously the order is depends on whether he is vs physical or magic damage primarily.
Usually, the game ends before he finishes the second of these tank items, but on the occasions where it goes longer, he normally buys a chain vest, and then upgrades it into ZZ'Rot, GA, or Thornmail. He also bought a Maw in one game.
He builds Merc treads vs Magic damage and Ninja Tabis vs physical damage.
He builds Titanic Hydra next.
After Titanic Hydra, he either builds Spirit Visage or Randuin's Omen, then often builds the other afterwards. Obviously the order is depends on whether he is vs physical or magic damage primarily.
Usually, the game ends before he finishes the second of these tank items, but on the occasions where it goes longer, he normally buys a chain vest, and then upgrades it into ZZ'Rot, GA, or Thornmail. He also bought a Maw in one game.
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